Dennie Kids: September 21, 2008

Highlights from today: (click here for the pictures)
  • Graham waking up at 3 this morning
  • Everyone getting up and ready or church early this morning-Reagan wore her favorite purple dress
  • Fun at Sunday School for Reagan, Anderson and Graham
  • Lunch and then celebrating Dad's birthday at Nonna and Pops house-Beebee and Papaw were even there
  • Anderson fussing when we turned on our street (he usually does this)
  • An afternoon nap by all (except Dad who ran on the treadmill)
  • Getting all ready for church tonight and Reagan having a meltdown. She did not want to wear her new dress (She finally calmed down after a spanking, going to her room and some coke!)
  • Baby dedication for Graham at church tonight. Dr. Chesser said that this was the Dennie baby of the year! Graham had 2 bottles to prepare and managed to stay awake most of the evening. Reagan smiled and even spoke and Anderson put on a show!
  • Going to McDonalds to celebrate everyones good behavior. Anderson fell apart at McDonalds but was pleased to play in the play area. Reagan climbed but then briefly got lost in the slides (she still remembers getting stuck before there). Once Mom showed her how to do it-she helped Anderson and they did slid down the slide many times
  • Coming home and going straight to bed after staying up so late

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