- Keaton tried to convince me yesterday to not start school until 9. I already knew I wasn't going to walk this morning because I am a fair weather walker. Robby didn't know that I kept hitting my alarm clock, so he woke me up worried that I had slept in. I was just stalling though.
- I did most of my morning things, but I didn't get around to the laundry until much later. We still started pretty much on time with school-the boys have a lot to do in their history class this week so they needed all morning long.
- Whitman picked the easiest things from his list to do on Mondays, so he was finished much earlier than I had expected. After lunch, I worked with him and then I ran to get my hair cut and to firm up the glasses plan for Campbell.
- I came home and read some and crocheted some. Campbell and Keaton both had naps, I think, this afternoon. They were quiet for a good deal of time until they were not. Then they started fighting over a hair brush.
- Even though we had leftovers from Sunday's lunch and Super Bowl food, I even made supper tonight-chicken breast in the crock pot. I had some chicken in the fridge that needed to be cooked so now we have tons of meals to eat.
- This evening was Anderson's basketball game. I thought that this was the last one, but it turns out there are at least one more. His team was close, then they got behind by around 20, but then they caught back up. They had fun though so that was fun for us to watch.
- Only thing about an 8:00 game is that we do get home pretty late. Anderson is just now eating and everyone else is grabbing their snacks before we call that it is bedtime.
February 10, 2025
February 9, 2025
- This morning started out early for Robby-he had to get out of bed at 3 this morning to start the meat. All he did have to do was to take the crock pots out of the fridge and turn them on, so it didn't take him too long.
- I wasn't far behind him because I woke up at 6 so I could start on the mashed potatoes. I knocked those out and put them in another crock pot (my kitchen has been like a crock pot show room today-2 for the meat, 1 for the potatoes, later today 1 for cheese dip, and another for lil smokies).
- After the potatoes, I got a few more things ready and then woke Graham up. Then I climbed back in bed for about 10 minutes before taking my shower and getting ready for church.
- We had to arrive at church early because Robby and I are on now on the offering basket passer list. That is fine because Campbell and Keaton were more than happy to do it for us. This isn't Anderson's week, but he filled in for someone-but he didn't get there early for the meeting.
- Reagan and eight for her friends were at church this morning. They filled up a row so that was fun. After church, they all came to the house while the rest of us went to Sunday school. We hurried home, and within just a little bit, we had supper on the table-salad, bread, green beans, mashed potatoes, and roast.
- I think that all the college kids enjoyed the meal, plus I think that my people enjoyed it as well. This was the first time that Robby and I have ever made a roast, and since it was good, we were pretty pleased.
- The Ouachita-ers headed back, and Robby and I cleaned the kitchen while the big boys went to play basketball. They came home and showered, and then we all left again for our Super Bowl parties.
- Keaton, Robby, Whitman, and I went to the Wilsons' house. Graham and Campbell went to one life group party while Anderson went to the other party. We all stayed out late and had fun at our parties.
- Once we came in, we unloaded and cleaned up before sending the folks to bed!
February 8, 2025
- I stayed in bed a little later than I wanted to this morning, but when I did get up, I started in the kitchen. Pretty much I really stayed in the kitchen for the rest of the day.
- I made our second favorite cinnamon rolls this morning. They are the same ones that I have made before. They are difficult to make because after the dough rises all night, you then have to add in baking soda, salt, and baking powder. It says that you can use your stand mixer-but when your stand mixer is 25 years old-you don't take any chances. You just knead it in by hand-and it was a bit difficult to do. The cinnamon rolls were still very good though.
- Next I made brownies for Keaton's dessert for her Super Bowl party today. I had to eventually wake her up to come and decorate her brownies and turn them into footballs. Meanwhile, I started to make ooey gooey but didn't have enough eggs to double the recipe so I had to wait on Robby to arrive back home from the store.
- Campbell came down and started to work on her dessert for tomorrow night-chocolate dipped pretzels. She also wanted spicy cheese its, so I made those too for one of the boys to take. However, the boys are now going to a different party, so I'm not exactly sure who will take those cheese its...does that mean we have to make something else? Surely not.
- Soon it was time for me to take Keaton and Whitman to their Super Bowl party. I think that they both had a good time. Whitman told me all about it on the drive home, and he was so hot and sweaty from all of the games that they played.
- I didn't pick Keaton up from the Super Bowl party because I just left her at church. I also dropped Campbell off as well because they were working keeping kids there tonight. It is always strange to me that people trust my babies to keep babies.
- There was more work in the kitchen when I came home-Robby made rice krispy treats, and I prepped some things for tomorrow. We still have a little bit more to do tonight to get ready for lunch, but now the Hogs are on and pizza is for supper.
February 7, 2025
- I always have more plans for the day than I actually have time for. Today, I had my normal list of things to do plus I had written out everything that needs to happen to clean this house. I would do 2 things off of one list and then one thing from the other list.
- I was rocking through those lists-until I got to the chores that I don't like to do-the potties and vacuuming. Needless to say, those still haven't been done, but maybe they will be tomorrow.
- Robby and I always find it funny that we usually have nothing to do or we are crazy busy-this weekend is one of those crazy busy times. We have multiple things everyday-plus many of those things involve me making some type of food. We will get it all done though.
- The kids were awake earlier than I thought that they would be this morning after staying up pretty late. Campbell came downstairs when Bentley came down, and everyone else soon followed.
- I went to see Nonna and Pops at the hospital. Nonna was even staying over tonight so Pops wouldn't be as bored. He will even have some of his therapies on Saturday and Sunday so he won't have time to be too bored.
- I came home and soon left to take Campbell to baby sit. I came home and Robby left to take Keaton to a party. I then made a few batches of cookies for Whitman to take to his party tomorrow along with cinnamon roll dough because why not?
- Before my cookies were all out of the oven, I had to leave to pick up Campbell, and since we were out, I also picked up Keaton from her party. Now, it is after 9 and I just feel like I sat down....but I might get me some hot chocolate so that will help end my evening on a high note.
February 6, 2025
- Campbell and Keaton headed to work early this morning, while the boys and I stayed home and worked on school. The day was pretty quiet around here so I did a few things-not any cleaning of the house things though.
- Before too long, it was the lunch time. I ended up making grilled cheese for the big boys. Then Whitman and I worked on our spelling and his extra math. He's such a good sport-no one else has ever worked with me as much as he gets too. He needs the extra spelling work, but he really doesn't need any extra math help but he is so smart it sure doesn't hurt.
- After we finished that, I hurried to pick up the girls. They had a good day and still enjoy it. We went home, and I did a few more things-finished a book I was listening to, finished a book I was reading, and finished a color on my blanket that I am crocheting (3 more rows of colors left).
- The boys went outside to play basketball, and no one took me up on my offer to make supper for them. Campbell made her and Anderson chicken while Graham ate a leftovers sandwich that Robby picked up. I'm not sure about what anyone else ate though!
- Now, I just finished mixing up some bread to make tomorrow plus I might get me some hot chocolate later. I have been on a hot chocolate kick lately.
February 5, 2025
- This morning I wasn't going to walk, but then I decided to, and after getting up a little bit early, I opened the door and walked out and it was raining. It was just sprinkling so at least I was able to brush Bentley for a second before we hurried back into the dry house.
- We did the school thing this morning. Some days are just a bit quieter than others-I was even able to work in the attic straightening some during school. I just did tried to do that for 10 minutes, but I figure something is better than nothing.
- Reagan is having some people over Sunday so I really feel like I need to do a little more cleaning around here. I know no one will be going in the attic, but I need to start doing something in all these other rooms that people will visit...or maybe I can wait until Friday or Saturday.
- After school, I ate my lunch and then worked with Whitman. Campbell and Keaton got ready and left early this afternoon with me. We were gone for the rest of the day. First we stopped at Costco-I'm still working on getting Campbell her glasses.
- Then it was a trip to Walmart and Hobby Lobby. After those places, we went to see Pops for a little bit. This was my first time to go to the rehab place so it took me forever to get to him-we even had a little elevator snafu which almost caused Campbell to have a panic attic.
- When we did get to Pops' room, I could hardly talk because Campbell made us climb the stairs to his room, and I was still out of breath. He was doing much, much better today. This was his first day full of speech, physical, and occupational therapies. He said that speech was definitely the hardest.
- He had just gotten a big bag of goodies to eat, so he had himself a snack while we were there-and when we left. We then went to see Nonna and pick up her crock pot.
- Then it was on to the library before going to church. Church was interesting tonight because kids were getting sick right and left. I guess things were going around-hopefully, we don't catch anything!
February 4, 2025
- Another day of school here. Whitman's jammed thumb didn't cause too much of an issue, but this morning Campbell's ear was bothering her so hopefully that will be better quickly. People are just falling apart around here.
- Yesterday, I mentioned that I had my jacket off and on all day long, but today was just as bad. I didn't need my coat on my first walk, but I did need that jacket on my second walk.
- This afternoon I took Keaton and Whitman to the trampoline park. They enjoyed jumping, but the trampoline mat that Keaton loves to do her flips on was gone, plus the workers were on high alert and told the kids everything they did wrong-it probably didn't help that they were the only ones there!
- When we came home, I read some and then I started on making manicotti for supper-for some reason we have had way too much extra ricotta cheese so finally today, I was able to use it all. I made a pan of manicotti for tonight plus I made another pan of manicotti to add to the other pans of manicotti in the freezer-if you come to our house over the next few weeks, you will eat manicotti.
- Even with making supper, we have had plenty of evening tonight which has been nice after yesterday's shorter night with Anderson's game. I plan to read some more, crochet some more on my blanket, and even have me some hot chocolate.
February 3, 2025
- Another Monday morning school day, but this was the first day in a while that I woke up early and took my walk before school. The weather was so nice, though this morning it was a bit chilly, but then I did get a bit warm.
- That is how I am in the house too-I'm cold and then I'm hot. I am constantly taking off and putting on my jacket depending on where I am sitting or what time of the day it is. We did our morning school things, but my afternoon school things with Whitman I hurried us on through.
- Whitman actually jammed or bruised or something to his thumb today when running through the house. It is swollen and bruised so I even let him skip handwriting this afternoon. However, it will probably hurt him worse tomorrow so I probably shouldn't have let him skip today.
- I went to see Pops at the hospital. He was pretty tired and quiet today, but Nonna was glad to see me for someone to visit with for a bit. Pops might get moved to rehab tomorrow which will be a good thing.
- I came home and took one more walk in this pretty weather. Then I even played a game with Whitman-we had played this game anther time, and we weren't really sure how to play it. Today, though, we figured it out and played correctly.
- Soon it was time for us to leave for Anderson's basketball game. They played some old guys tonight, but they were still big guys. Our boys got behind by only 6 points at one point, but they weren't able to overtake those big old guys.
- The game started at 8 so it was late by the time that we came home. Some of the kids hadn't had supper, so they are just not eating even though it is bedtime.
February 2, 2025
- I slept much better last night than I had the night before. Plus I was awake early enough to do a few things at home before we left for church today. After church we came straight home, since Pops is still in the hospital for a bit longer.
- It was a good thing to eat at home because our fridge was absolutely overflowing-leftover pasta, 4 leftovers pizzas, 3 boxes of leftover Texas Roadhouse, at least 20 Chickfila nuggets, a bowl of tortilla soup, a Slim Chicken sandwich, and Panda express leftovers. We barely made a dent so all of those things will be lunch and supper tomorrow.
- Plus Anderson had to leave early this afternoon to go to Ouachita for the Presidential Leadership Forum. Reagan went last year and said it was a good bit boring. So far, Anderson has reported the same thing, but he knows quite a few guys there so surely that will help.
- Campbell had her D group this afternoon in Benton. So after dropping her off, I went to Walmart just to look at their yarn. I was even about to leave without buying anything, but I did think of something as I was about to walk out so I didn't leave empty handed-but no yarn though.
- Keaton had her D group later in the afternoon in Bryant, but she had a ride to that so that did help quite a bit-that meant that I could come home and set on the couch for a little bit. I did work on my grocery list plus I did a little bit of crocheting.
- Before too long, Graham and Campbell left for Rock Creek. We met back up with them at the Wilson's house for supper. They stayed and ate before heading home. After they left, we were able to do some visiting for a bit...then we came home to start the saddest part of the week....Sunday night.
February 1, 2025
- I left early this morning to go to the hospital to check on Pops. He was sleeping when I got there, but it didn't take long for me to realize that he was much better today. When I left yesterday, he wasn't able to get any meaningful words out at all. However, this morning he could pretty much have a conversation.
- Now, he still has trouble recalling the names of things. For example, he couldn't name animals, but when she asked what animal gives us eggs, he could come up with the word chicken. The brain is so interesting to me. I didn't get a report from my mom at the end of the day, but he was moved to a real room this afternoon so that is good.
- Also in big news-we had our fourth cinnamon roll taste test tonight. The new rankings are as follows: Number 4-Pioneer Woman's, Number 3-Pulaski Techs, Number 2-Soughdough, and Number 1-Tonight's sourdough discard recipe. This was an interesting recipe because it uses the sourdough discard part of the sourdough-basically the leftovers that won't cause it to rise. The recipe uses baking powder and soda so there is no rise time-I had them made in about an hour start to finish.
- Back to the day though, after leaving the hospital, I picked up Campbell and her friend. We went to Texas Roadhouse with Robby, and then eventually ended up at Costco to buy glasses. And dang it, they can't do Campbell's glasses. I then ran into Success Vision, and they also can't do her prescription. Basically, we have to go buy glasses at an optometrist's office which will be double or triple what I would pay some where else. (She does wear them every day, so it will be worth it though.)
- We then came home, and I soon had a nap. As I was making the cinnamon rolls Keaton came home from spending the night-she had eaten chicken pot pie tonight which she loved and bought a sweatshirt to sew some words on. It's going to be cute.
- The Wilsons came over to watch the basketball game and share their cookies. We had our cinnamon rolls to share plus the winning game made it an even better evening.
January 31, 2025
- The morning started like most other Fridays-Robby and I were the only ones awake. I did my morning things and took Bentley on a walk. Then I came in and started to make crackers-they weren't any good at all really.
- Yesterday was the first day that I felt good since last Thursday night. After going to the doctor on Tuesday, I have been taking some meds for a stomach ulcer. Those tremendously helped and yesterday I felt good.
- Feeling good was a good thing today because around 10 or 11 my mom called me. My dad passed out at work and was being taken by ambulance to the hospital. My mom has been sick the last few days, so I picked her up and took her to the hospital.
- It was a long day, but by the end of the day he made it to the nuero icu where he will stay for a bit. Hopefully after a good nights rest, he will feel a bit better in the morning.
- I was about to take Campbell shopping so we have postponed that. The big boys had some school work to do today. Campbell now has a friend spending the night, and Keaton is at a friend's house as well.
- Robby picked up supper while I was on my way home, and I was able to catch a little bit of the movie Whitman and I had planned to watch tonight. Robby and I took a car to Nonna, and now we are back home sitting on the couch texting with Reagan.
January 30, 2025
- It was raining and thundering this morning when I took Bentley out to potty...and that dog didn't ask to go out again until Robby finally took her around 7 tonight. I guess the thunder really bothered her or she didn't like getting wet-either way, it made my day a whole lot easier.
- The boys were the only ones here for school since the girls had already left for Mother's Day Out. It is just a different vibe when they are gone, plus I have a lot less to do. It helps so much once the kids are finished with math (after taking college math) then I don't have to grade any more math which saves so much time during the day.
- I gathered the school work for next week-I know I've talked about this for years, but it is one thing that I just do not enjoy doing. I do like when we start to finish things, and we have done that this year, but we have quite a few days of work before things get any lighter around here.
- I picked up Campbell and Keaton today, and we went to Walmart. I had to get a few things for Reagan's Valentine's care package. The girls enjoyed browsing but were not pleased with me when I would not deviate from the list. I had to spent 15 dollars for a coupon that I had, so when I refused to buy candy and would only buy bread flour from the list, here was almost a mutiny.
- Not too long after we came home, Robby left again to go and pick up supper tonight. We had some panda express coupons, and that is one the kids favorite meals. There aren't many meals that please everyone so when we find one, we keep it.
- It must be snack time because I'm about to get ice cream, Keaton is browsing the panty, and Campbell is making brownies.
January 29, 2025
- It was pretty near noon when I remembered that tomorrow is trash day. I usually put that on one of the kids' chores, but since I forget, I decided to do it myself. After filling the bin with our trash, I realized that we had some extra room.
- I went to the attic and brought down some canvases that the girls used to hang in their room to put in the trash. Well, it didn't take long for one of the kids to decide that they should shoot those canvases with the bb guns.
- Of course this draws everyone outside-except for Whitman. He had just sat down with his lunch, and that was more interesting to him. Everyone else shot those canvases to pieces. They had a good time, but I did feel sorry for the neighbor lady sitting in her office working away while Anderson is shooting some type of semi automatic bb gun and everyone else is cocking and firing their guns. That is what you get when you move to the country I guess.
- Graham, Campbell, Keaton and I left early for church tonight. I had to pick up something from Nonna's house plus Keaton wanted to go to Old Navy. She wanted blue jeans, but unfortunately, they didn't have exactly what she wanted plus the ones that she might want could be bough online in petite which would fit her better.
- Graham did find something though-he found himself a yellow sweatshirt which we split the cost of. He was so excited about it, that he took off his sweatshirt and wore the new one to church. Tonight Keaton, Anderson, Graham, and I all had on yellow. We should have had our pictures made for sure.
- After our shopping, we were crazy early to church. I didn't want to hurry, but instead I had some time to just sit in the car before church. After church, everyone went to ChickFilA but Whitman and me-and we kind of went there. Whitman ordered his nuggets tonight so we did swing by and I ran in to pick them up.
- Once at home, I ate leftovers from last night again-I had them for lunch as well, but I really like them. Tomorrow is an easier day around here since there's a little bit less school happening.
January 28, 2025
- School this morning, but I was in a rush to get as much as I could marked off pretty quickly. At noon when I was finished with most people, I worked on supper prep. One of my New Year's resolutions was to make two new meals a month-today was my third new meal this month so I don't know if this counts for February or if I just get an A+ for January.
- I had a doctor's appointment today-pretty sure I have a stomach ulcer. I have been a bit miserable off and on since Thursday night. She gave me three medicines to start so hopefully those help things improve rather quickly.
- Robby and I picked up my medicine on the way home-I had to wait for it at Sams and of all the days for them to not be passing out samples. We then hurried home so I could take the girls shopping.
- Campbell and Keaton had some things to buy, so we went to Target, Bath and Body, TJ Max, and finally HTeaO. We left he house after 4 and were on the way home by 6 so we really did well, plus lots of money was spent (theirs, not mine) so they would also call the day a success.
- When we came home, I put supper in the oven. While it was in the oven I heated up some green beans and made some biscuits. I believe that about 50 percent of the kids truly enjoyed supper so that was a win.
- Afterwards, I ended upon the couch snoozing for most of the evening which was kind of wonderful, but I really wanted to finish my book today! Oh, well, there will be time tomorrow.
January 27, 2025
- School started well this week-Keaton didn't feel too great this morning, but she was still in a decent mood and finished all of her work. Actually, this morning when she came downstairs, I thought that she was very pale-I was worried for a bit, but she seemed okay. Now, she also doesn't feel bad enough to take my medicine, so she must not feel horrible.
- Whitman had a few easy things today, and he was finished before lunch time, This is something that doesn't happen too often around here. The big boys seem to be working hard on all of their things. Their concurrent history class will prove to be a bit difficult, but maybe they will figure it out-they just need a B.
- Campbell has new math since January, and she is rocking it. She has to watch videos which do take forever, but she is figuring it all out.
- This afternoon went pretty quickly-I did spelling with Whitman, the big boys played outside, Keaton napped, and Campbell laid on the trampoline for a while. I was able to crochet 4 more rows on my blanket-I'm not at all pleased with one of the colors on it, but I think that I might like it more when I'm done or maybe not. It is just the experience.
- Robby and I went to pick up supper for everyone. We both got chicken tortilla soup which I need to make before it gets too warm. I have quite a long list of recipes to make soon.
- When we came home, we turned around and left again for Anderson's basketball game. Tonight's game did not have any referees; however, they were not needed due to the devastating blows by the Scrappers-that was Anderson's report on the game. It was a fun game this evening especially since they did win.
- We picked up a pizza on the way home, and some folks had a snack before it was bedtime for this house.
January 26, 2025
- Sunday morning here, and since Campbell and Keaton both had worship care we tried to leave a little earlier than usual. I don't think that we did, but we were there in plenty of time for them to get where they needed to be. Plus we were there in time to get seats-which was a good thing since seats were saved in the front pushing the young people back towards us.
- After church and Sunday school, we all headed to Grannymom and Grandpa's house. She had potato soup and delicious apple turnovers-they are my favorite, and Graham was raving about them on the way home today.
- We ran to Sams on the way home; then Campbell and I were home for about 10 minutes until we left again. She had her dgroup in Benton-I had told her that I was just going to take a nap in the car. She was embarrassed for me-I told her I would hold a book so it would look like I was reading. However, I got too interested in my book and didn't take that nap.
- I did take that nap for about 45 minutes when I came home before I had to leave again to pick up people for Anderson to take to lifegroup. We filled the car-he dropped 4 people off, including Keaton and Whitman, at one lifegroup. Then he went to his lifegroup with Campbell and Graham.
- Meanwhile, Robby and I heated up leftover lasagna along with some ravioli and biscuits for supper for us, the Wilsons and for the Devines. It was a good ending to the saddest part of the week.
January 25, 2025
- I am on a quest to find the best cinnamon rolls lately. The first time I made them, I made the Pioneer Woman's recipe. They were good, but the next time I used the recipe from Pulaski Tech from when Robby and I went to a cinnamon roll class there. Those were better than my first batch.
- Last night I made the dough for a soudough cinnamon rolls to test. This morning I almost scrapped the whole thing when I saw that my dough didn't rise, and when I was rolling it out, it kept shrinking. I had already warned Robby to not get his hopes up, but when I pulled those things out of the oven, they looked really good.
- In fact, they have been the winners so far. There is some debate over which icing everyone likes here-regular powdered sugar or cream cheese. I guess once I find the cinnamon rolls we will have to taste test that. I have one more recipe of cinnamon rolls to make, but I really wished that I would have taken better notes on what we thought or maybe even made a score card for the kids to fill out on each one.
- Robby and I ran a few errands this morning and early afternoon. We didn't actually buy anything on our outings-we probably should have been more productive and seen if we could have marked something off of my list, but there is always another day.
- We spent the rest of the afternoon on the couch-I have read, listened to my book, and crocheted-over and over again. It has been delightful. I did cook supper for the kids-fancy grilled cheese and mac and cheese.
- Lily came over to spend the night so Sara stayed and visited for a while. Now, I have a bit to read in my book and maybe I will work on my list for this next week.
January 24, 2025
- This was a do nothing day around here. The kids slept pretty late while I did my morning things. Then I moved on to making some sourdough bread. I thought that it wasn't going to turn out, but it did-I think. I really need to buy some sourdough bread from somewhere to make sure that my bread is what real bread should taste like.
- I then moved on to making some chocolate chip cookies. I followed the recipe but I know what I will change when I make them again because they were pretty flat.
- Bentley and I did take a walk today-bless her though-some neighbor had put a child's ride on toy by the edge of their driveway. Bentley was a not going to walk anywhere near that toy at all. I finally drug her to it so she could sniff it and figure out that it wasn't scary.
- Robby and I took Keaton, Whitman, and Anderson to the trampoline place today. We had a good deal, and now we have passes for the three of them for the next month. I guess I will be able to do some reading while we go over the next few weeks or even some crocheting (I've been working on my blanket, but I'm trying not to do it too fast since it will be a while before I buy more yarn.
- They had fun jumping-especially Whitman, but Keaton can still do all of her flips even though we haven't been there in a while. We came home, and Keaton was quick to take a shower because her and Campbell had a babysitting gig tonight.
- I dropped them off and they worked for 3 hours and made bank plus they even scored supper. They had fun, and thankfully it isn't too far away for me to drop them off and pick them up. I did tell them that I better start getting a cut for taxi service.
January 23, 2025
- The girls were already awake getting ready for work this morning when I went upstairs. I had a little more trouble waking the boys up. On Thursday mornings, I just read to Whitman, so he enjoys that more especially since the books are tailored more to him.
- I have been on a kick lately of checking out picture books that are historical-like a picture book about napolean or the pyramids. Today, I was reading a book, and Whitman was quick to tell me that we had already read that same book. I did remember that too, but it has been at least a year ago and possibly longer, but he still remembers.
- The big boys have been working pretty diligently on school this last week. Graham even told me that he wanted an ACT book because he wanted to take it again. I quickly ordered him a book to study with-if someone wants to do more work, I sure won't stop them.
- I spent some of the afternoon working on my crochet blanket-it might take me until next winter to get it done, but I already have my next project in mind. Campbell walked by and asked if it was hard-I told her no because you are just doing the same thing over and over again. That is true, but it still takes me a good while.
- I made lasagna for supper-it was a recipe we had used before. It was good tonight, but I think that it was better the last time that we made it. We did end the evening with peanut butter pie so that was still a winner...though Robby said that it needed some chocolate chips.
- Robby and I are watching tv, and the house is super quiet. I'm not sure where all the kids are.
- I did talk to Reagan last night-well, she text. She said that her week has been super busy, but she still sounded fine. Her pledge week is over at the end of this week, but we aren't sure exactly when the week is over-Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. I think that she is ready for the busy week to be over with.
January 22, 2025
- This Wednesday morning wasn't too bad at all. Whitman has been awake the last two mornings already downstairs before I get out of bed. On Monday, he was so exhausted and could barely stay away when we were reading-I guess he had a big weekend.
- We did the school thing, and then the lunch thing. Graham and Campbell have discovered how easy it is to cook a chicken breast in the air fryer so that is what they have been doing. Robby had to buy more today-we can't even keep enough on hand to have them for all of our dinners.
- Anderson finished his lego set today-he was pleased with it. Now he will have to find something else to work on. Maybe he will go back to his 3d printing.
- This afternoon I had some free time and bagged of two bags of things that left the house. Soon it was time for church, so we all headed that direction.
- After church, Campbell, Graham, and Anderson went to ChickFilA while I drove Whitman home. Then Keaton and I went to Sara's house to celebrate Candice's birthday. It was a fun evening-while I visited, Keaton had Lily do her nails.
- We came home pretty late, and now it is time to start herding everyone to bed.
January 21, 2025
- Since everyone was back home today, school was back in session. It was nice to get back into the swing of things. I did mess up on Campbell's school though-I had forgot that she wouldn't be here yesterday so I wrote her school out for Monday. It isn't a big deal, but it did mean that she had a few extra things to do today.
- Anderson is still steadily working on his new lego. I think that he might finish tonight or tomorrow-it has taken him days and hours so maybe that helps you imagine just how big it really is. I will hate it when he finishes because he has so enjoyed working on it.
- I id convince Campbell and Whitman to play a game with me today. It was a new game that I received for Christmas. It was much more complicated than I thought that it would be, but we kind of figured it our.
- I thought that today was going to be warmer and had even convinced myself that I was going to walk-ha, I'm not getting out in this weather. I think that Bentley would refuse as well. When we take her potty in this weather, I tell her that she has 10 seconds and then I count down-she usually gets everything done in those 10 seconds....she's brilliant or she's cold.
- Tonight Anderson has a basketball game-the game ended in a tie so they went to overtime. It was an odd overtime because it was just the first one to score 6 more points, and the clock didn't run. His team lost by 2, but it was still a good game-plus Anderson made a 3 to start the game.
- Back at home, Campbell cooked a chicken breast for her and one for Anderson for supper. Graham had made one for lunch-they all liked them made in the air fryer so I figure that will be their meals for the next few days when we eat on our own.
January 20, 2025
- Even though it was a double holiday today-MLK and inauguration day, and even though 2 brothers and a sister were not at home for school, it was still a school morning for Keaton and Whitman. I don't think that Keaton was too thrilled about it, but Whitman just rolled with it.
- We moved on through school work pretty quickly-it helped that Whitman's math today was pretty easy. At almost noon, I had to run and pick up Graham, Campbell, and Anderson.
- They had a good few days at the Lodge with the high schoolers from church. I heard all about it on the way home. Once we were back, they quickly found their laundry for me, and that is what I have done for the rest of the day-laundry. I have one load in the dryer and then I'm done-until tonight's load.
- Those three must have been tired because they all headed upstairs to rest. Anderson didn't takea nap, but I think that Campbell and Graham did nap. I did skip a little bit of school work with Whitman this afternoon and watched some of the inauguration...and took a nap.
- Robby ran and picked up supper tonight since the championship football game was on. We watched it some while I worked on my crochet dinosaur. Anderson is back to working on his lego-I think that he has done around 1000 steps out of 1500. I wish he could find some type of lego related job.
January 19, 2025
- Last night as I was turning some lights off in the house, I commented that if we only had two kids we would not have a house this big. It is a lot different with just 2 kids here-that hasn't happened in a long while.
- This morning when I went to wake Keaton and Whitman up, they were both already awake. Poor Whitman's room was freezing, but he was all cuddled in his bed still. Keaton was already working on getting ready so she was wide awake.
- I actually brought Whitman's clothes upstairs for him. Khaki pants and a hoodie-Keaton was not pleased with him wearing a hoodie to church. I reminded her that it wasn't even above freezing today and that church isn't a fashion contest...she still disagreed.
- We had lunch at Nonna and Pops' house. They had chili, and this was a perfect day for chili. The kids and Robby played a game there, and when it was over, we left to pick up some groceries.
- Once at home, Keaton and I both had a short nap while Robby got back out to run a few more errands. Keaton went to Rock Creek tonight and rode home with Shannon.
- Keaton was able to eat supper at Rock Creek which is good because she didn't like out supper-meatloaf. It was decent enough along with potatoes and biscuits. I made some cookies for our dessert so we ate those as we visited for a bit before we ended the weekend.
January 18, 2025
- Today was a new experience for me-bid day at OBU. I was told that moms go (not by Reagan), so I made sure that I was there. Robby and I left a bit before 7:30 this morning and headed to Arkadelphia.
- Reagan had a fun week of rush activities, and last night she was pretty certain that she would become an E this morning. The festivities began at 9 on the lawn of Cone Bottoms, so I walked up about 8:50.
- Robby was just going to hang out in the car, but since we both kept seeing dads walking up, he decided to join me. I'm glad that he did. We soon found Reagan's roommate's mom so we stood with her waiting on the girls to show up.
- The current Es stood on sidewalk singing until the bells rang at 9. Then the new girls came running through the line of girls-there was lots of screaming and squealing. It was fun; we saw Reagan up close for about 90 seconds. Then there were more pictures, and then they led them off.
- Robby and I then ran some errands on the way home. Keaton and Whitman were waiting for us at the door when we drove up hoping that we would have a drink for them-we did. We were home for a little bit, and then Robby and I left again for some more running around. We even went to Sams-but we were both disappointed. The samples were few, and we found nothing fun.
- Back at home, we turned on the hog game eventually, but we both slept during a good bit of it. I did some crocheting-but my wrist is now killing me. I think that my crochet career may have ended tonight before it even began (not really-I just got two boxes of yarn last night so I'm making a blanket even if I have to crochet it with my toes.)
January 17, 2025
- I'm starting this blog pretty early tonight, but that is mainly because I am already sitting on the couch. Robby had his dgroup early this morning. He stayed out working his two jobs most of the day long.
- I was up at a decent time, but soon had to wake up Campbell (who was already awake and texting Reagan) and Anderson. Campbell had a babysitting job (Keaton didn't go because there was just one kid there to watch.)
- I dropped Campbell, and then took Anderson to get his driver's license renewed. When we were there, they asked about the selective service and about registering to vote-two things that we had not yet signed him up for. Robby and I are slacking to have let those two things slip by us. Also, we went to the Bryant revenue office, and we were in and out within 15 minutes. I'm not going back to the Little Rock revenue office again.
- Back at home, I made taco soup and then took my walk. Soon it was time for me to go and pick up Campbell from her job. Then much of the afternoon was spent packing for Campbell, Anderson, and Graham.
- This evening just as the rain began, I took those three to ChickFila on our way to church. Then they left for the Lodge-the winter retreat for the high schoolers at church. They are at Camp Paron until Monday so our house will be a little bit quieter....
- ....though it isn't quieter yet; Keaton has 6 friends over right now. They had soup and baked potatoes for supper this evening. They have played a game and now they are upstairs in Keaton's room. Only one of her friends is going to spend the night so it will be a quiet night.
January 16, 2025
- This morning Keaton and Campbell left for Mother's Day Out. They so enjoy it, plus they enjoy riding there with Robby who usually runs by a gas station for a mystery shop on the way there so they can get a few goodies.
- The rest of us started school here. Whitman steadily worked through his while the big boys figured out their college classes. Anderson is my laid back child-he did his work that is due this week and isn't worried about anything else. Graham is my stressor, and even though he is caught up, he is trying to figure out what all he needs to do tomorrow. Hopefully, they will each take on some of the other one's personality.
- It didn't take too long for me to not have anything to do this morning. I worked on getting school ready for next week, plus I did a few things off of my list. However, I should have gotten a few more thing prepared for tomorrow....I did at least clean the potties today since Keaton is having a few people over tomorrow.
- I picked up Campbell and Keaton. Then even though we didn't have to leave for a good while, the afternoon seemed super short. We went to Anderson's basketball game tonight-they played a team that was equivalent to them. The game went much better than last time, but they ended up losing by 1 point.
- We hurried home so we could eat supper-I had potato soup in the crockpot ready to go. I should have had Whitman turn it off when we were on our way home since it was still super hot. The only bad thing about getting in so late, is that now the evening is so, so short!
January 15, 2025
- This morning started out at the eye doctor with appointments for Anderson, Campbell, and Graham. I originally had Anderson's appointment since I wanted to check that box before he left for school. Then I added Graham since sometimes he isn't too sure if he can see well enough. And finally, I added Campbell, even though she was there in August. This is the insurance year that she can get new glasses and since she really, really wants new glasses, I figured that we might as well have her a super current prescription.
- Anderson has a slight astigmatism which could cause headaches, but since it doesn't and because it is so slight, he was all good. Graham also has a slight astigmatism along with a tiny bit of nearsightedness. However, those two things still were enough to necessitate glasses. Campbell's prescription changed but it didn't really get worse or better. The boys were super relieved!
- We hurried home so we could start on school-today was the first day of SAU classes. Graham has 2, and Anderson has 1. Keaton had done a lot of school already, and Whitman was plugging along on his. It took me a good bit time to finish school, but I was able to go on my afternoon walk.
- Tonight we had church-I think that everyone enjoyed the evening. Campbell, Anderson, and Keaton went to ChickFilA afterwards, so that only left Graham and Whitman coming home with me. Robby had quesadillas for our supper. He even made me a grilled pimento cheese quesadilla which was delicious.
- Anderson spent a good deal of money and ordered himself a huge lego set. He could not stop grinning tonight as he opened it. Later he said he was happier than he ever has been-it we had only known that lego sets could make him that happy!`1
January 14, 2025
- Another school morning today here. This was also Reagan's first day of classes. She has a good schedule of classes; however, her work schedule is kind of crazy with some late and super early times to work.
- Back at home, everyone did their work-this was the big boys last easy day here because tomorrow begins their college classes. I guess this means that it might be my last easy day as well.
- Whitman took all of his breaks today while working, plus he had to wait on me to work together since I was out on my walk (I again didn't go in the morning, but did this afternoon). When I did start to work with Whitman this afternoon, after about 10 minutes Keaton came in to see if Whitman wanted to go and sled.
- Of course, I said go, so he ran out and played with everyone for a little bit in the snow. I'm also sure that he stayed outside longer knowing that he would have to finish with me when he came back in. We were able to finish things at a decent time still even with the snow playing.
- Tonight's activity was a basketball game for Anderson. Some of the seniors from church are playing in a men's basketball league in Benton. Tonight the team that they played were probably in their mid twenties. We won't talk about the score, but we will say that the boys had fun.
- We stopped at Tacos for Life on the way home, and now I'm the only one in the living room watching the Hogs play. Whitman is in here with me but he is watching his ipad. Robby just made peanut butter pies.
- This week is Rush week at OBU, so Reagan is checking out some social clubs. By Saturday, we will know if she decided to be in one and if they wanted her (though they all should want her). Last niht she sent us an update, so maybe tonight she will do the same!
January 13, 2025
- I wasn't expecting a lot from school today since it was a late night last night plus today was a Monday, and when you add in that we are still getting back in the swing of things after the Christmas break. However, school went pretty well-I think that everyone finished at a decent time, and the moods were pretty good.
- I tried to mark a few things off of my list this morning during my breaks, but I wasn't anywhere close to finishing that list though. Reagan left around 11 today. I was working with Keaton, and she came to tell me bye. Robby and she were leaving at the same time (he wanted to make sure she made it to the interstate, but he also had some errands of his own.) so I didn't walk her out to the door.
- An hour or so later I had thought to myself that even though I hadn't finished many things today, I had all afternoon and didn't have to leave the house so I would have plenty of time. Then my phone rang-it was Reagan. She never calls....unless something is wrong. Ugh, I didn't get to my phone in time, so I had to call her. She didn't answer but did call me right back.
- Thankfully, she had only left her backpack at home. She offered to meet me, but I quickly said I would get back to her. I hung up and called Shannon, but Brett had already gone back. I called someone else with no luck. Then I called a 3rd person with no luck. Finally, on my 4th try I found someone who had not yet headed back to Ouachita.
- The mom said that they were planning on leaving soon, so as I was still talking to her I was climbing in the car to deliver the backpack. I dropped off her backpack, and it was soon delivered to her so it all worked out perfectly.
- Later in the day, the girls were looking at my phone and laughed at me because I was calling people and not texting. I told them that I was not going to take a chance on missing anyone. I sure didn't want to drive half way to Arkadelphia today.
- When I came back, I was finally able to take a walk-I hadn't been in a few days because it was too cold. Today I did walk a little bit, but I had no plans of slipping on the ice, but maybe tomorrow I will do my morning walk again. I at least need a few days before it gets super cold again.
- This evening we went to the Wilson's house and ate some leftover wedding food. Then we sat around visiting and dissecting every bit of the wedding-even the next day, we still couldn't think of any way to improve it. At the end of the evening though, I did feel like I should have been taking notes!
January 12, 2025
- Sunday school was cancelled today because of the snow that was left on the ground, so Campbell and Keaton decided to come early and help get ready for Layne and Ben's wedding early this morning. The others opted to skip church as well so we just had ourselves a big old skip day which is certainly fine sometimes.
- Campbell, Keaton, Robby, and I arrived at the Grandeur House a bit after 8 this morning. Our first task was putting tablecloths on all of the tables, and with all of us and Kristi and her daughter as well it didn't take anytime at all.
- Then it was on to all of the other tasks on our two page list. Layne had a perfect list that we followed and double checked. Robby went to Harps to pick up the grooms cake, plus he also had to get water since for the first few hours that we were there, there was no water. Eventually, they did open the men's bathroom, but it was almost 1 for the 3:00 wedding that the water did come back on.
- The water was used to fill the floating candles, and we went through every gallon of water that he had bought. After we finished that task, we ran home to get ready. When we came back, we briefly got stuck in the front with the family before we were able to sneak back in the reception area and get to work.
- Campbell had a task during the ceremony-she had to tell the keyboard girl when we stop playing when Layne walked in. And I also had a job-I had to tell the grandparents when we walk in. It was just a small part, but all I could think of was Debbie Dillon in charge during our wedding.
- After the grandparents, we were able to sneak in and get a seat for the ceremony. Once we moved some chairs before the reception, we weren't able to find seats. It was a good thing we had been there all day knew where they were so we just added them to a table and squeezed in with them.
- The food was good, and before too long it was time for Layne and Ben to leave. We passed out sparklers and off they went. Then the fun part-cleaning up. However, it didn't take too long at all since there was lots of help.
- The kids stayed around to help clean up plus there were lots of other helpers. It took about 3 car or possibly more car loads to get everything back to Tony and Shannon's house. We unloaded our car over there, and then headed home to put our feet up for a bit.
- I know that if I stop moving I will fall asleep! So I might get up and find something to eat!
January 11, 2025
- There was a lot less happening this snow day. Robby requested monkey bread this morning so I made that first and then stuck chocolate chip scones in the oven. We have at least eaten well during this snow event.
- Robby left this morning to run some errands so he was gone most of the morning. Graham was awake when the scones were warm. He went outside for a while, and even took Bentley on a littl walk around the yard.
- Other than that, I didn't see anyone for a very long while. It was quite around this house, and it was super bright with the sun shining on the snow. I decided that I would take a little nap, and just about as soon as I did people started waking up and coming downstairs.
- Eventually, Robby returned home, and then we both left to pick up the minivan-it had spent some time in the shop. While we were out, we went to eat and brought some leftovers home for some of the kids and others made pizza.
- Campbell and Reagan are watching The Rookie and are trying to finish as much as they can before Reagan goes back so they have been doing a lot of binge watching.
January 10, 2025
- Snow days are just wonderful. I still woke up at 9 to get started on the day, and when every kid came down the stairs this morning, they commented on how bright it was in the house because of the snow.
- I had to wake most people up. First, I woke up Whitman to help me make cinnamon rolls. He was around long enough to make the dough, but then Campbell was up so they headed outside.
- I figured that Graham would probably want to join them so I woke him up, and he soon came outside to help. They made a really huge snowman, though Campbell and I almost could not get the second ball up on to where it belonged.
- They were out there for a while, and I begin to think that maybe I should get Keaton up since she was outside for a long time last night. She does not like snow-she vividly remembers when she was a little girl, and her boot came off. We had been sledding on the other road, and we were walking back to the house so I had to carry her bootless back to the house.
- However, after I woke her up, she headed outside and stayed out there for a bit. Whitman and she worked on a chair-at one time I heard it was an igloo, at another time it was a fort, but it ended up being a chair.
- I think that everyone spent some time outside-some people even spent some time outside barefoot (Anderson). Keaton actually ran barefoot to the trampoline at least once this evening.
- I was busy throughout the day-I finished the cinnamon rolls with Whitman. Last weekend we also had cinnamon rolls, but this recipe was better. I have one more recipe to try out, and then I will know the correct cinnamon roll recipe to use.
- After the rolls, I made a few loaves of sourdough sandwich bread. Anderson had wanted homemade hot chocolate so I found a recipe for just a mug of it. The mug I made for me was rich and delicious, but he compared his to water even though I made it out of milk so I'm not sure what I did differently.
- Then for supper I made grilled cheese with the sandwich bread from earlier. Anderson asked if we had any tomato soup, and since he rarely asks for anything I found a recipe using what we had to make him some. All of this cooking has just about worn me out though!
- I did have time to finish my little crochet penguin that I have been working on. He is cute, and now I am anxious to get myself to hobby lobby to buy some yarn.
January 9, 2025
- Keaton and Campbell normally leave on Thursday mornings for Mother's Day Out, but since school was only half a day they didn't have to go. This also meant that they didn't have anything to do so they slept in along with Reagan.
- The boys didn't have this luxury. I woke Whitman up first to start working with me, and then the boys had to get up. Whitman had a good bit of school work today which he drug out all day long-it was even snowing by the time that he finished so of course he even had to take a few breaks to play outside.
- Pretty much someone was standing at the window all day today waiting on the snow to start falling. And as soon as it did the kids headed outside. People have been in and out of this house at least 100 times. There are shoes and coats everywhere, and people are making snow slushies out of every liquid they can find in this house.
- And poor Bentley-she is completely worn out because every little bit, some one would take her outside. She would come inside, and someone else would walk down the stairs and ask her if she wanted to go outside.
- I made apple pork loin roast for supper. I think that it was good, but I also think that we don't eat much non processed meat around here so we don't know what things should taste like so pretty much Reagan and I were the only ones who liked the supper.
- After supper, I worked on my crochet creation for a little bit. I plan to be over 75 percent finished by tomorrow evening. I have one more crochet kit to finish, and then I want to make a blanket which I am super excited about.
- This evening, Keaton who hates the snow spent about 45 minutes outside with Graham and Whitman. Campbell didn't last as long as the rest of them, but their goal was to create a sled track for tomorrow. This sled track creating involved pouring water on the track-this water was from the laundry room shower which they then carted outside to their track. They will sleep well tonight.
- Campbell has made brownies, and now I am going to empty the dishwasher and make some bread for tomorrow.
January 8, 2025
- Another pretty perfect day around here. Whitman must have stayed up super late last night, because he was a bit drowsy while we were reading this morning. Anderson was also in his bed most of the morning-I tried to wake him up so many times that I eventually gave up. He did get up and get his work done which is really all that matters.
- We did most of school but Whitman and I had to leave around 1. He has had reflux for a while now, so today we went to a specialist. Basically, we are trying a new medicine, but since his reflux is brief and improving, there isn't too much alarm.
- The rest of the afternoon was fairly short-I helped Campbell in her closet a little bit. I don't know what happens in the girls closet, but their clothes fall of the hangers and collect on the floor. And when I say collect, I really mean that there are piles of clothes-like foot high pile of clothes. It's better now, but I really give it a week.
- Then we headed to church tonight-everyone was anxious to be gone for a little bit before we are stuck at home for a while. After church Campbell and Anderson went to ChickFilA while the rest of us came home to find supper. Whitman and Keaton had pizza, Graham had waffles, and I had leftovers.
- Reagan is currently in the bonus room-since she has come home, if she is not in the bonus room watching The Rookie, Anderson is in the bonus room watching Designated Survivor. They switch off almost hourly-it is a very interesting.
- I'm currently sitting on the couch with a huge blanket. The heater is on as well as basketball so it will be a pretty perfect short evening.
January 7, 2025
- Last night I said that I thought that maybe I could have walked early in the morning-well, I decided this morning that nah, I would just walk later today. I'm sure you won't be surprised that I didn't get around to that afternoon walk today.
- We did our school work early this morning. I had to leave for lunch so there was a bit of scrambling to get as much done as we could before I left. I only had to work with Campbell and Whitman, of course, when I came home.
- School was a bit crazy today because of the weather too. Yes, there may be snow Thursday, but my people were already on the look out for it today. They even did see a few snow flurries which caused a huge commotion.
- Reagan was gone for a bit of the morning because she was at a job interview for this summer. When she came home, we had to hear all of the details, and then I hurried off for lunch. During lunch, Layne explained all of our wedding duties, and afterwards I met Robby to get gas.
- When I drove into the driveway on this day (high of 29), the big boys were playing basketball. One was dressed appropriately, and one didn't even have a shirt on. Sometimes I think that we are doing a good job with our parenting, and other times I am not so sure.
- After we finished school this afternoon, Robby took a few kids to eat supper. While they were gone, I spent the entire time learning how to crochet. I received a little animal to crochet for Christmas, and I think that I might have the hang of it. However, I kind of messed up, so I want to start over, but I stopped today when the dinner goers walked back in. That is when I realized that I hadn't moved off of the couch.
- Robby and I then took one car to drop off-it is making a sound so hopefully, it is a quick and inexpensive fix. Then we picked up the real supper for today-indian food. We bought butter chicken, chicken tikki masala, and paneer tiki masala. Robby got the spice level as medium-each time he looked at me as if to ask if that was ok. I assumed he was thinking of getting it spicier-no, he was worried that it would be too spicy.
- And he was right! It was incredibly spicy-I'll probably take a bottle of tums tonight! I'm not sure how Graham ate any of it since he is so sensitive to anything spicy. It was still good, but it was certainly spicy.
- I just finished one book, and now I'm going to get myself some hot chocolate!
January 6, 2025-Happy Birthday Tara!
- This morning since I knew that I wasn't going to take Bentley on a walk, I slept in a little bit. I did have to wake Graham up so he could go on a run before school-he was pretty bundled up, but he did come back into the house for better gloves.
- After taking Bentley potty really quickly, I decided that maybe I could have gone on a walk. However, this afternoon when I went on a walk with her, the weather was decent except when the wind started to blow-that made it crazy cold. Bentley was probably glad that Campbell put her jacket on her before our walk in that wind.
- We did school this morning, and things went really well. They have gone well all school year long, but after a wonderful long holiday break you just never know what all will happen. Campbell has new math-different curriculum-so that took her longer today, but she did fine.
- The kids (most of them) had made me cards today. They even had a few little gifts-candy and my bundt cake that went missing yesterday was even laid out as a gift.
- Campbell and Whitman made chocolate chip cookie dough this afternoon, and then after I ran with Robby to Crumble for my free cookie and to HteaO for my free gallon of tea, I went to work on supper with Campbell.
- We made chicken strips, a potato casserole, biscuits, roasted green beans and carrots. Everything was really good, but it is a lot of work cooking a full, real meal. After we ate, I played Catan with all of the kids but Reagan, and Campbell even baked their cookies during this so it was a pretty perfect end to this birthday.
January 5, 2025
- Last night Robby said that we would leave at 8:40, but he didn't give the call to leave until 8:50. Graham was a little anxious since he had to do the offering this morning, but Anderson was fine being a bit late since he was working on his Sunday school homework.
- We did the church thing this morning, and afterwards we went to Nonna and Pops' house for lunch and to celebrate my birthday. They had pork tenderloin and a huge birthday cake. Plus I had birthday presents to open-a card from Nonna filled with cash, plus a few things from Jason-a few things that are just perfect...maybe because I helped him pick out a few things.
- Robby left to run some errands, and then the rest of us headed to the house. The kids were loud once we got home, but I hushed everyone and told them that I was about to take an 18 minute nap. I did take my nap before driving Campbell to Benton for her Dgroup.
- While she was there, I ran a few errands and marked a few things off my list. Afterwards, I picked Campbell up, and we ended up at HteaO to spend some of her gift card. Meanwhile, Robby returned home from his errands and took Keaton to her Dgroup in Bryant.
- Everyone made it home, and we had a little bit of time before leaving for the Wilson's house. Tony made breakfast for supper which was a hit. The kids stayed and visited a little bit before coming back home. Robby and I stayed even longer to visit, and we had to brave the crazy cold weather to get home.
- I had big plans of taking Bentley on a walk tomorrow-I already had her coat and my gloves and hat laid out. However, I can just tell you now that since the temperature is going to be crazy cold.
January 4, 2025
- I think that we have done quite a bit today, but I have also spent quite a bit of time on the couch, and it has been perfect. I did get up to put my loaf of bread in the oven fairly early this morning.
- I was excited about this loaf because before I baked it, it looked like all of the bread that I see everyone else making. My other loaves have never looked like that. Also, when this came out of the even it looked better than any I have ever made before.
- However, it tasted the same-maybe I have been doing it right all along...or maybe any type of craftiness is just not for me. I was able to take up the straps on Reagan's dress-it sure is not done well, but it at least will get the job done.
- My next try at craftiness tonight was my crochet kit that I got for Christmas. I did pretty good at started, but the kit didn't come with the prestarted part, so I have to figure that out. The goal is to crochet a blanket by the end of the year, so I guess I have some time to figure it out.
- This morning Robby and I ran a few errands-I was also able to pick up a few birthday freebies: a sephora sample, a tropical smoothie smoothie, and a bundt cake. That was a good start to my birthday week.
- We came home so Robby could watch some of the basketball game. Before too long, Keaton and Reagan left to do some shopping at the Promanade. They ended up with a necklace for Reagan. Robby and I left again soon with Campbell to drop her off at a friend's house. When we returned home, Anderson soon left for a birthday party.
- Reagan and Whitman are upstairs watching tv, Keaton just finished making cookies, and Graham is on his xbox. Meanwhile, I'm back on the couch in the living room trying to decide between spiced tea or hot chocolate.
January 3, 2025
- Today I decided that maybe Fridays are my favorite day of the week. I was up decently early, but one of the girls let Bentley out of their room while I was in the kitchen. Even though it wasn't that early, Bentley was ready to go out, so I had to stop my chores to take her on a walk.
- After our walk, I came back and worked on my sourdough loaf-I'm trying a new recipe since the last time I tried sourdough it was a flop-or should I say a brick. This recipe takes around 48 hours so I hope that it will be worth it.
- The big boys were getting up as I was walking up the stairs to wake everyone up. Anderson and Graham went to basketball at 1 and were there for a long time. Whitman, Campbell, Keaton, and I went to Nonna and Pops' house. Keaton wanted to borrow a jean jacket so we ran over there to pick that up.
- Once we made it home, Reagan left to go walk and eat with some friends. Whitman and I then started to work on some cinnamon rolls. I haven't made homemade cinnamon rolls in a long while, and Whitman said that he was never going to make them again. He was just going to use canned cinnamon rolls.
- They were worth the work though-unfortunately, I didn't get them baked before the big boys had to leave for Rock Creek tonight. They did enjoy them when they came home though. They were winners of the nerf gun battle so that made them happy.
- Keaton went to a birthday party-it was a murder mystery party, and her character was Miss Teen New York so she had black dress, tiara, sash, and even a gun since she was also involved in the mafia. Keaton also won because she correctly guessed the murderer.
- The Wilsons came over to sample a few cinnamon rolls this evening. So we visited for a while, and Shannon even rode with me to pick up Keaton from her party. I've made my list for tomorrow so hopefully I can get a few more things marked off before school starts on Monday.
January 2, 2025
- This was the first day in a while that I had a list to work through. I moved through it pretty quickly and around 11 I had to wake the girls up. We had a few stops this morning.
- First, the girls and I went to someone's house to go through their clothes-they had things sorted and priced, and everyone left with something. Reagan found a few things plus a black dress which Keaton is already planning on wearing tomorrow. Campbell found a few sweaters, and Keaton only came away with shoes.
- After our shopping trip, we had some time to spare so we ran by Sonic. Then Reagan and I dropped Campbell and Keaton off to babysit. They so enjoyed it-and the price per hour for babysitters these days is enough that I might consider marketing myself as a babysitter.
- They worked for 3 hours, and while they were there I took Bentley for another walk. She usually only gets to walk for 1 mile during the day, but today was 2 miles-and she really has slept since we came back. The poor girl is exhausted-I can't even imagine how she will act when she is old.
- After a football game this evening, Robby, Campbell, and I went to eat. It was good, and we came home with plenty of leftovers. Before we left, Reagan made herself pasta and bread, and she also made enough for Graham. I think that everyone else had leftover pizza though I still have so many leftovers in the fridge.
- Now, everyone is settled in, and it is pretty quiet in the house. Football is on in the living room. Reagan is watching tv in the bonus room-she and Anderson switch off about who is in the bonus room. She will watch a show, and then he will go and watch a show-they act like the bonus room tv is the only tv in the house.
January 1, 2025
- We enjoyed this last official day of the break for sure. (Now, tomorrow and Friday are still break days for the rest of us, but not for Robby.) Everyone slept in a good long time this morning.
- Our lunch was at Grannymom and Grandpa's house where we ate lots of black eyed peas and hog jowl for good luck and wealth. I'm not sure which one of those is supposed to be for wealth, but maybe we needed to have another helping of both.
- I had forgotten to start the dishwasher last night-nothing makes me madder. But by the time that we came home from Grannymom's house, it was finished and ready to unload.
- We didn't do a whole lot this afternoon-it was fairly quiet around here. Campbell did watch some news and eventually asked, "why do they keep talking about the same thing?" I just encouraged her to turn it off.
- Around 4, we were about to leave for the Wilson's house, but a football game was in overtime so we stayed to watch that. Then we drove down the road for more football watching, more visiting, and more eating. We had enough food there for a crowd, so there were plenty of leftovers…again.
- We stayed through the football game, and then came home. I started on a few things around the house-organizing my recipes and making a bit of a food plan....and I really didn't come up with anything!
December 31, 2024-New Year's Eve!
- We started the morning with a colonoscopy for Robby. That was a new treat for both of us. Thankfully, his prep yesterday wasn't too bad, and today went perfectly smoothly. Plus, he got a good report so that makes it all worth it.
- Now, I did get a little bit bored having to sit in the waiting room for so long. I read my book some, played on my phone some, and listened to some youtube a bit; but it was still a long time.
- When his test was over, he felt fine so we headed out for some errands. First stop was Sams for some pizza and other things. Then on to Walgreens to pick up pictures followed by ChickFIla to pick up nuggets, and then finally home.
- This afternoon we didn't really do a whole lot, but this evening was full of fun. Reagan opted to stay home, but everyone else joined us at the Crafts.
- The big boys only stayed through supper, but the rest of us stuck it out past midnight. Whitman enjoyed hanging out with everyone, and he is actually still going strong upstairs. Campbell and Keaton are in their element with a house full of girls and little kids.
- Robby and I sat at the table most of the evening long chatting with everyone who came and sat for a little bit. There was so much food, and we brought quite a bit home as well. Once we made it home, we straightened, and now, Robby and I are going to go to bed..but I think that Graham and Whitman just started a soccer game upstairs.
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