October 21, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • The morning started out as a regular school day-I did my chores, walked Bentley, and woke everyone up. I was able to read with Whitman and Keaton before Campbell and I headed to church.
  • We both worked keeping kids for the convention for most of the day. We were in the same classroom with just about 6 kids. They had lots of snacks and crafts for the kids and lots of snacks for us so I sure can't complain at all.
  • I was a bit afraid that it was going to bit a long day, but it wasn't bad at all. I hope that it all runs smoothly for Campbell who is doing it again tomorrow. I will be at home tomorrow running my regularly scheduled routine.
  • The rest of the gang here had school work to do. Whitman and Keaton only had to do the things that I would not have to check. This made them happy, but it also made my evening much more enjoyable.
  • Graham and Anderson pretty much had the same amount of things since they don't really need me to check anything. I'm sure they were less than thrilled about this, but Graham is trying to work on the ACT as well, so he needs a few less things to deal with. 
  • Graham should have had work today, but it was cancelled so that did free up some of his time. Anderson had his last football game this evening which the rest of us all went to. Keaton went early to help Anderson while Robby took Whitman since he had concession stand duty. Campbell and I arrived came from church and arrived after kickoff.
  • We all came home after the game-there have been showers, some school work, device time, and probably evening snacks will come next. I do enjoy evenings when you are home early like this!

October 20, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

 I was pretty cozy this morning in the camper bed, but I did get out near the time that my alarm rang. I left a little bit before 9 which gave me plenty of time. On my way home, I did have to stop and pick up 100 strawberries for a baby shower. 

I built in some extra time just in case the first store that I stopped at didn't have strawberries. When I walked towards the strawberry case, I could see the big "sale" sign which usually means they will be out of strawberries, but imagine my relief when they had plenty of boxes of the prettiest strawberries.

I then went home and unloaded a few things from my car. I washed the strawberries and kept the laundry washing, drying, and folding routine happening. After taking my shower, I loaded up and headed to church only to get a note saying that we didn't have to be there as early. So I turned around (I hadn't gone far) and came home for a few more minutes. By this time, there wasn't much else I could do in the house so I did a few school things for next week.

I was trying to mark things off of my Monday list since it is a little bit crazy. Thankfully, I was able to mark off a few things. Then I hurried to start setting up for the baby shower I was helping to throw. 

Meanwhile, the kids all woke up and went to church this morning. After church they had an Operation Christmas Shoebox packing party. They all stayed and helped pack the boxes. When that was over, the boys went home, but Campbell and Keaton joined me at the baby shower. 

Robby packed up the rest of the camper things this morning and headed home. He ran a few errands on his way home, but soon was home and unloaded. He even had time to make a peanut butter pie for our Sunday school fellowship tonight.

When the shower was over, Campbell and Keaton helped everyone clean up. Then we hurried home-Graham, Keaton, and Whitman went to Rock Creek for their Sunday night stuff. Campbell went with Robby and I to our Sunday school class fellowship, and Anderson went to his senior life group tonight.

We were about to leave our fellowship when we got the call-Graham-he hit a deer on the way home. The car is kind of alright-the light and bumper are cracked so I'm not sure what Robby has planned for that since no repairs are cheap. Thankfully, though they were all okay since it could have been worse. Whitman said that it was scary-he saw the eyes coming at him. I'm sure it shook Graham up a little bit. 

He hit it on Lawson, and he must not have been going to quickly since he said there was a line of 5 cars behind him so he had to drive a bit before he could pull over and check on the car. 

Anderson is still gone, but the rest of us are in the house now-Robby and I are trying to warm up from our fellowship since it was outside. I've already had quite a few snacks today or I would make me some hot chocolate to warm up!

October 19, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

This was a fun camping day again. We were up a little bit earlier than yesterday. We had time to walk Bentley for a little bit and visit with everyone, but soon we were leaving Keaton and Whitman to head back to Little Rock.

They opted to stay here-actually, Keaton's words were that she was going to go where ever Bentley went. I think she had a big time here alone-she made Whitman go on a walk, sat outside some, spent some time in the hammock, and played a card game with Lily. Whitman also had a bit time but he was content to stay in the camper.

We zoomed on to Bryant and picked up Campbell at Raymar. Anderson was about to take place in the coaches flag football game so Campbell wasn't too keen on leaving. While her team warmed up, Robby went to get Graham and a tomato for supper. 

We watched her game-the lost 4-3. They were better than the other team, but maybe because they were pushier than the other team. Campbell's teammates like to see just how much they can get away with when it comes to pushing-and today it was a lot. Now, Campbell may be just as pushy as the rest of them, but she usually plays so far away from us that we can barely see when she does have the ball.

Anderson finished up his game, went home and showered before heading down to Lake Catherine. We were not too far behind him. Whitman was quick to get on his costume this evening, and Robby and I took a short walk to see everyone prepping their sites for the evening. 

We had hamburgers and hot dogs for supper. Then it was time to Trick or Treat. I walked with Whitman and Keaton around the campground. This campground is half the size of Maumelle and was pretty much half as festive. However, it was like a small town celebration so it was still perfect.

We started out with the Kamps, but we soon left them-last year we trick or treated at Fort Wilderness where they have 21 loops with some loops having over 80 sites-so Keaton and Whitman know how to get around pretty quickly. This campground probably had about 50 or less campsites giving out candy (Robby just said that last year it was over 800 sites that we went to). 

Keaton also was ready to get back to the camper because she wanted to pass out candy. I though that Whitman would go inside, but he stayed out there with her to help pass out candy. I'm glad that they enjoy doing that. We are on an upper loop so we probably didn't get nearly as many kids as the other spots. 

Robby, Shannon, and I took a walk around the campground when Whitman and Keaton were finished collecting candy. It was fun to see the costumes and decorations-watching all of that was more fun than watching the Razorback game.

Once the Hog game was going very poorly, Anderson decided that it was time to leave. All of the kids went home with him. We thought that he might his construction traffic on the way home, and they did. I think that it slowed them down about 30 minutes, but they still made it home safely.

After they left, we turned the Hogs game over to the Ouachita game. We were able to see them win their game plus we spotted Reagan on the field celebrating the victory. That was fun-and we probably should have been watching that game instead of the Hogs.

When the game was over, we cleaned up, and there was a lot of cleaning up to do. Robby pretty much just has a tent and a table left out. Other than that, it shouldn't take him too long in the morning. When we came inside, we had a lot of work to do putting things away, but everything is done, and it is time for my shower!

October 18, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

If we could just have days like this every day...Robby and I slept until around 9, and then we just stayed in bed until 10. He worked, and I read. When we did wake up, Keaton requested pancakes, so we pulled out the griddle and made her and Whitman some.

We then met up with Shannon, and we walked to the visitor's center where Shannon and I both bought stickers for our campers. Whitman and Keaton were with us and convinced me to buy them a piece of candy as well. 

We then walked by all of the cabins which are just on the best spots on the lake. Some of them have a screened in back porch which makes me want to stay in them. We walked through all of the campground again looking at all of the sites before heading back to our campers.

The afternoon was absolutely beautiful. We sat outside-I even laid in the hammock some. I was able to completely finish one book that I read today, plus read a good bit of another one. We enjoyed the afternoon so much since tomorrow we will not be around as much.

Around supper time though we did start moving around a bit more and pulling things out. Shannon had chicken and beef tacos while we did cheese dip and some smores and the Kamps made rice. Reagan brought 6 of her friends up here from Arkadelphia. 

I think that those girls had a good time-I know that we enjoyed seeing Reagan and her friends. The rest of us had a good time this evening. We all stayed outside chatting until after 10. Then we had to do the crazy cleaning up which is why I'm just getting to the blog after midnight. Campbell has already asked where the blog is. She also mentioned that I should compliment her for cleaning her room and drawers today and remind all of my readers that she is my favorite!

October 17, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

This morning was a little bit busy: Graham had to go to class early for a test. He didn't do spectacular since math isn't his strongest subject, at all, but that is fine. When he came home, he looked at the problems that he missed, and really, quite a few were not ones that he was prepared for, so we aren't going to lose any sleep about it at all. 

Keaton and Campbell had to go to church to work for mother's day out. Campbell is in the same room every time, but Keaton is a floater to just where they need her. Today, she was in the babies with another sub-Keaton has never fed a baby a bottle or spoon fed baby food to a baby-but I guess she learned on the spot today. 

While those three were all off doing their thing, Anderson and Whitman were at the house working on school. I did make Whitman work the entire time that I was gone while taking Campbell and Keaton. So when I did get back, he had his break. This worked out well because I used that time to get school ready for next week. 

Soon Whitman was finished with school so I worked with him on our spelling. It is always strange to me that when I don't really have a lot of time at home (like today) I can think of so many random things that I really want to do-like today, I wanted to print out Whitman's extra math and put it in a notebook. I did decide that could wait until another day, but I can manage to do all the things except some important things like cleaning.

I stopped by Nonna and Pops' house on my way to pick up Campbell and Keaton. Then I hurried from here to get them. When we made it home, we were just there for a little bit before Keaton, Whitman, and I left for Lake Catherine State Park to meet Robby.

This evening Anderson went to work while Nonna and Pops' took Campbell to soccer practice. When Anderson finished with football, he went to pick up his sister-he did have to wait like 45 minutes since he was there early, but maybe he was able to play on his phone for a bit-I'm sure he was.

When we arrived at camp, we were surprised at how decent the temperature felt. Now, it was a little chilly this evening, but not absolutely unbearable-now, I was standing in front of a heater then entire time! 

Keaton and Whitman helped us set up our Halloween decorations-we have done well again this year with our decorations. Nothing truly grand, but we made it look festive. Tony cooked breakfast for supper, oh, but before that we took ourselves on a walk.

We walked to the waterfall, and then ended up doing the Falls Branch Trail. It was 2 miles, and oh, Whitman does not love trails, and he never has-but he did fairly well. Since he was a little toddler, I have had to pull him down many of trails. He lagged behind today as well, but he made it! Now, tomorrow, if we do the 5 mile trail-he may stay in the camper!

Tony made a cobbler for dessert, so we ate that this evening. Then we made a long walk around the loop before coming inside around 10. Keaton and Whitman were already cozied in their beds-it is going to be a chilly night here, but a cozy one in this camper. 

October 16, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

I'm not too sure if I can title this blog as part of the month of camping, but I guess since Robby is gone, then I can call it that. I'm headed there soon, but we have one more day of school to finish since next week is going to be hit or miss.

We started the morning with school work which seemed to last a long while, but I had fairly long breaks where I walked around not knowing exactly what to do. I always think that if I start a project or something from my list, then I would probably be interrupted so instead of trying to be productive, I would just walk around looking at what all needed to be done.

Eventually, all of the school work did get finished. Keaton and Campbell had to do two days of work today because they will be gone tomorrow. That creates lots of extra grading work for me, but we muddled through it all. 

Graham went to work this afternoon while Keaton, Campbell, and I went to Target. The girls absolutely panicked when we spent over 50 dollars at Target. We bought a blanket for one of Campbell's parties, and 2 birthday presents-I thought we had done good, but they were beside themselves. Campbell and Keaton both had a birthday gift to buy, and those girls can shop. On the way, they discussed making a box of goodies for their friends, but then it was decided that might be too expensive and over their budget. However, they made it work, and both ended up with cute gifts for their friends and under budget. They knew exactly how much every single thing cost.

We then ran to the library before we met up with the boys at church. Church is always fun on Wednesday nights-I help with the kids, but I mainly just chat which I certainly enjoy. The girls went with Anderson while Graham, Whitman, and I came home. 

After we ate and Keaton came home, I read a little bit with Whitman and Keaton. Now, I'm going to send these people to bed-it will be an early morning and a busy day!

October 15, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Last night, I ended the blog fairly early-I did have my hot chocolate and was even surprised at how much time I had left in the evening. However, at about 9:50 these children asked me to play a game. First, I said it was too late, but I eventually caved so we played Billionaire until after 11. 
  • People were still up fairly early this morning-I did have to wake up Graham so he could head to school, but Whitman was already up, and I had to yell at Anderson to wake up very little. I'm working on trying my best right now to get through all of my library books that I read to Keaton and Whitman before Christmas so I'm concentrating on them. (And I know it is a while until Christmas, but that is how many I have in my pile.)
  • We did the school thing this morning, but gracious, I'm not sure again what happened to Whitman. I thought he was on track, but I was finishing spelling at 5 this afternoon. We did leave for a good bit in the afternoon to get our flu shots. Since Reagan is a school, there was one less, but I know there are still a lot of us traipsing through Kroger. Robby did buy candy for the ride home, so no one complained too much about their shots.
  • When we made it home, the kids all played football for a little bit. That is another reason that Whitman was finishing school so late-his mother is a softee. I figure it is better to play outside with your brothers and sisters than to do a page a math. We still got the math done, it was just later.
  • Robby and I took Campbell to soccer tonight and ran some errands while she was there. Graham came in from running and made chicken pasta for supper for everyone (frozen meal). 
  • Tonight when we came home from soccer, Graham then made brownies so he was quite the chef today. Right now is it the calm before the storm-the house is super quiet, but I'm about to tell everyone that it is bedtime, and things will get crazy.

October 14, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • School went incredibly well again today. Graham is getting ready for his college algebra midterm later this week-so start sending up the prayers now! We are going to do some major reviewing over the next two days as well, but we will be crossing our fingers for a B on that test.
  • I was working fairly late again today. I'm not really sure what Whitman did for a good bit of the morning. He did have one chapter of a book to read that was very long, but I lost track of him for way too long. Thankfully though, he already finished his math so he had not a ton of school.
  • Graham had work this afternoon, and Anderson had a full afternoon since it was senior skip day at a local school-there were lots of people online playing games. He had so much fun that he didn't even finish his school work! Oh, well there is always tomorrow.
  • I took Keaton and Whitman to the trampoline park for a little bit. They enjoyed jumping, but I believe that Whitman got on Keaton's nerves so she was ready to go. I was trying desperately to finish my book-I had two pages left, so on the way home, I even asked Whitman to read it to me. He didn't get very far in his reading though, but I did finish at home.
  • I ran some errands with Robby this evening while Graham went to his Bible study. He drove there-he hasn't driven a ton of different places, but he made it home safe and sound. When we came home, we all had some leftovers for supper, and now hot chocolate is next on my agenda.

October 13, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 2

(click for today's pictures)

After I quickly got ready this morning, I woke up Graham so he could get his shower. Then I had Whitman get out of bed and finally Keaton. None of this took too long, and Graham urged me a few times on the drive to church to slow down.

He wanted to go to Sunday school, but he said that he didn't have to go to big church. However, it was a good thing that he was there, because he and Anderson had to pass the offering plate, and the three boys had to move chairs on the stage during the service. Anderson said that someone asked if they could help, and they said yes. Then they said that they would need to move the chairs during the service. I was able to get a screen shot of Anderson doing his chair moving.

Anderson brought everyone home from church. Meanwhile, I had been at home working on unloading the minivan and working on all of the laundry in this house. I even had a pile of things to reload in the camper, plus I had some lunch ready for the church goers.

The kids were all home for a bit, and then they left again for Raymar. The youth all met out there and hung out for a few hours playing football and volleyball. Robby came home around that time from Degray. I helped unload a few more things and clean the camper some more before we left again.

Robby and I ran an errand to Sams, and then we stopped by Grannymom's house for a few minutes. We came home, and almost immediately all of the kids left again for life groups tonight. Anderson delivered Keaton and Whitman to the house that their group was at, and then he, Campbell, and Graham went to their house. 

They all had fun at their groups, and came home as the Wilsons and we were eating our supper. We had leftovers along with ice cream for supper. I had thought about having hot chocolate tonight, but I guess it will be cooler the next few nights!

October 12, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 2

(click for today's pictures)

We had to wake up a little bit early this morning so we could get breakfast made. Robby cooked quite a bit of bacon plus egg in the holes and chocolate chip pancakes. It was all delicious, and the kids certainly enjoyed it. We don't cook a lot of camping breakfasts, but it is one of our favorite things. 

One thing that is not my favorite thing is allergies. My eyes have itched most of the day today. They will bother me for a few days and then quit despite taking daily allergy medicine. We actually have some good eye drops in the camper which I had forgotten about until tonight, so maybe they will help me.

Anyway, after breakfast, we didn't have a whole lot of time at the campground because it was time to go to the football game. Robby dropped me off. and I bought tickets. Then we found Shannon and found our seats. We were able to get seats in the shade so that made most of the game pleasant.

Reagan came up and saw us for a little bit which was fun. It was right before half time, and then she left to go back to her dorm. I bet that these kids are so tired! The sun did start moving towards the end of the ball game, so we kept moving up a row at a time until we eventually just moved to the car. Ouachita was pretty far ahead of the other team, so it was fine to leave early.

We then came back to the campground for a little bit. Robby and Graham watched football, and I tried to read, but soon I was napping in my lawn chair. Robby and I eventually did get out and run some errands-mystery shops-around Arkadelphia. They were even having their Festival of the Arts so we walked through that. We are all cultural like that-not really, but it was something to do, and it was surprisingly small.

We came back with pizza for the crew. While they ate, we packed up all of the outside things. It didn't take long, and Whitman even offered to help so we put him to work. Once we were all in the camper, we played the game of Billionaire. It is a fun little game which didn't take too long-Keaton dominated. 

After the game, I made s'mores for everyone. Now they have all had their showers, and Robby and I are about to walk Bentley before we climb into the bed. 

Campbell and Anderson went to Raymar early this morning. Anderson had to work, and Campbell did put in one hour at the concession stand, but she just loves it out there. I'm pretty sure that after Raymar they had a slow day, but I bet that they enjoyed a quiet house. 

October 11, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 2

(click for today's pictures)

This was certainly a fun day. It started this morning with us staying in bed for a good while-Robby worked while I read. Then we took Bentley for a walk around the other loop. We went over a mile, and it was warmer on our walk than it was for the rest of the day. 

We came back and started stirring the kiddos. We really didn't have much time until it was time to leave to see Reagan. We know that we have all been missing Reagan, but we also know that Reagan has been missing Bentley. 

The campus was pretty crazy this afternoon with a band, the marching band, cheerleaders, all kinds of booths plus the cafeteria food was all outside as well. There were people everywhere, but when Reagan got Bentley's attention, that dog has never wagged her tail so much. She was definitely happy to see Reagan, but she was also overwhelmed with all that there was to see.

Keaton, Campbell, and Reagan stayed outside while Reagan finished her lunch, while Robby, Whitman, and I went to the bookstore. I snatched up a sweatshirt on clearance, but we could not find Robby anything at all. I'm not sure who does their buying, but they needed some more men shirts for sure.

We then visited with Reagan a little bit more, before walking her to work. Afterwards, we ran to Sonic for drinks for the crew, and then to Walmart. There Robby did find a shirt, plus we also picked up some garlic powder-we hadn't been able to find it at home. 

Then it was back to the campsite for us. We had some downtime-Robby worked, I read, and the kids put up a hammock. Soon Grannymom, Grandpa, Graham, and Anderson arrived and not too far behind them was Jason, Pops, and Nonna. 

We all had time to visit, and then Robby started on supper. We had our chicken tacos plus quesadillas. I think that everyone enjoyed the meal. I opened some salsa which was delicious so I could have eaten just that on some tortillas. I pulled out all of the stops with my desert too-packaged cookies.

After a bit, it was time to head to Ouachita for our first Tiger Tunes in a few decades. This year was difference since Reagan was in it-she was apart of the Student Life organization. Tiger Tunes is so popular, and I can remember going as a student. Reagan's group were cars, and it was cute. Reagan said that theirs wasn't the best one there, but I can definitely say that it was not the worst one by far. There were some really cute shows which made the evening go by fairly quickly.

When it was over, we were able to find Reagan out front-it was kind of wild out there. We took some pictures with Reagan, and then released her to her friends. Robby and I retrieved the cars and picked up most of the people. Then Anderson and Campbell took Grannymom and Grandpa home. They just pulled into the driveway at 11:53. 

We made it back to the camper before the rest of them made it home. Robby and I took a walk around the loop with Bentley, and we all had some ice cream to celebrate the day. 

October 10, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 2

(click for today's pictures)

Graham left first to go to church for his math class. Usually, his class is at Wildwood on Thursdays, but not today. So his was the first trip to the church house of the day.

Robby was pretty close behind him with Campbell and Keaton for Mother's Day Out. Those two girls never got to go to MDO like the older three, so I guess they are getting their turn now-and they are loving it. They are earning just pennies an hour for their summer camps (so really they are getting nothing in return since they aren't getting anything), but they so enjoy it and would do it for free. That was the second trip to the church today.

I did school with the boys. Today I had a bit more time since the girls were gone, but it still wasn't really enough to matter. I really had envisioned me having a super slow day on Thursdays with them gone, but that hasn't happened just yet. 

Soon Robby and Whitman were heading to Lake Degray. They zoomed down here and set up camp. Whitman had to finish his school work quickly and leaving to go camping was a super motivator for him-so I guess we need more camping trips.

I then made trip 3 to the church house to pick up Campbell and Keaton. Then it was back home for a little bit. Anderson left to go to Raymar to work practice tonight. I made grilled cheese for everyone's supper that was at home-the number was dwindling.

Then Campbell, Keaton, and I left. I dropped Keaton off at the church house (trip 4). She was keeping kids tonight. Campbell would have loved to have helped as well, but she had soccer practice so I then drove her to the field. We were a bit early, but she didn't seem to mind.

When she did get out of the car, I did as well and walked around the fields twice-it was over a mile. Then I went back to the church (trip 5) to pick up Keaton. I was about an hour early-I knew that, but figured that I might be able to read better in the church parking lot-I could since the lights really light that place up. I did have to position my car just right so the light would shine through the windows and onto my pages.

Keaton was a little late so we had to hurry to pick up Campbell. We were there in time to go to the bathroom. Then Campbell joined us for our drive to Arkadelphia. Campbell sat in the way back with Keaton sitting in the middle. That just left me up front by myself which was fine since I just listened to my book and had a good time. 

Robby was waiting on us when we arrived, and now the girls are sitting outside with Whitman already bedded down in the camper. 

October 9, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Today was finally Wednesday-the day that I thought it was yesterday. Campbell and Keaton were able to finish up their school work for today and tomorrow while Whitman barely finished his today-actually, he finished math so late that I have yet to check it so I guess we will add that to his pile tomorrow.
  • Anderson did some intricate painting on his helmet-I guess I need to take a picture of it. Graham worked all afternoon long. 
  • Robby did take Whitman, Anderson, and Keaton went to Defy this afternoon for a little bit with Robby. Those 3 really all enjoy it so much so I am glad they are able to do it for a few more weeks.
  • Tonight was Fields of Faith-a worship service at Bryant's football field. Anderson went there, but after Campbell saw how few people were at church tonight she managed a ride with her friends. Graham said that church was definitely empty since everyone was at the other thing.
  • We came home and had our supper-and now I'm not sure if I want hot chocolate or ice cream!

October 8, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • All day long today I have been thinking that today was Wednesday. Once, I even mentioned going to church tonight before someone reminded me what day it was. We zoomed through school-not really, I actually finished around 2, but then spelling with Whitman didn't end until 4-so today's school day was fairly long.
  • Graham skipped school today since he is ahead in his math. I never skipped school-ever! So I can't believe that I let them not go to class.
  • Anderson spent most of the afternoon again working on his helmet, while Campbell iced her brownies super cute. Late this afternoon everyone but Campbell played a game outside-I believe that it was some form of ultimate frisbee golf. I'm not sure exactly what they were doing.
  • Campbell didn't play because she had just taken a shower because she had a party to go to tonight. At 20 til her party, I text her to ask when she was planning on leaving. I got no response so I went up there and found her sound asleep. Her alarms didn't go off so she was a bit frantic, but we got her to the party just a few minute late so all was well.
  • She had a cute dessert to take plus they swapped fall scented candles, and she came home with a good one. While she was there, Robby and I ran some errands the entire time that she was at her party.
  • Once we came home, the kids devoured some of our leftovers, and I had to check some of Keaton's school. Now, it is bedtime for this crew!

October 7, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Mondays are usually a little bit long and today was no exception. Everyone did wake up and get moving this morning except for Anderson. He was in no hurry to get downstairs and start on his school work. He doesn't have a ton to do these days so it was kind of fine.
  • By the time that I actually did start working with Anderson, he had already spent a good deal of the morning working on his helmet-he has to 3D print it, then clean it up, solder it together, sand it, prime it, sand it, tape it, paint it and there are probably some steps that I have left off.
  • For some reason I was able to do spelling with Whitman early today, but we still had some things to do this afternoon. Since we had finished spelling though, it did make things easier this afternoon. 
  • And speaking of spelling, For Keaton's spelling this year, she has to write 3 sentences that I dictate to her each day. We stay on the same sentence until she spells everything correctly. There are hundreds of sentences, but gracious we are stuck on the same 3 sentences. I am going to make her write the words over and over tomorrow.
  • I took Keaton, Anderson, and Whitman to Defy today. They all wanted to go. While they were there, I left to pick up an order that Keaton had made at Bath and Body. When I came back, I was excited about reading some, but soon they were ready to go.
  • Campbell has a party tomorrow so she worked on her dessert for the party while I was in the kitchen making a chicken pot pie. It was pretty good, but could have been better if it had a bit more liquid in it Overall, I was impressed with it-now, I didn't make the kids eat it so Campbell and Robby were my only takers.
  • I think that Graham might have tried some but after working all day at the studio and at Raymar for pictures, he stopped by ChickFilA on the way home to claim his free nuggets. He had ordered new shoes so he went running in those after his supper.
  • Now, people are pretty quiet this evening with football on the tv. I'm going to settle into my chair and read a little bit before bedtime. 

October 6, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 1

(click for today's pictures)

Robby and I slept well again last night and woke up as the kids were getting ready for church. Graham had even text me while I was still in bed getting all of the plans for the day. They left for church while Robby and I picked up the last few things at our campsite and headed home.

At home, we unloaded the camper and straightened the house. Then I picked up the kids from church and met Robby at the warehouse. Anderson stayed at church for his Sunday school class and joined us later.

Campbell and Keaton packed the food with Feed My Starving Children with some of their buddies while Anderson, Whitman, and Graham worked with us. We were with a sweet little family, so it was an easy and fun time packing the food. The two hours just flew by. 

After it was over, the boys all headed home in one car, Robby and Keaton ran a few errands on their way home, and Campbell and I went to her soccer game. We thought that it was off of Cantrell, but after about 100 messages we made it to the field in Maumelle. We were one of the first ones there, and despite the heat, it wasn't totally horrible. I did find a spot in the shade from a light pole. 

Campbell's team was pretty evenly matched with the other team despite losing 1-2.5. Yes, they lost by one and a half points. I say half because the other team legitimately scored but the 95 year old ref didn't see it. And bless him, he sure didn't see Campbell's team pushing the mess out of the other team. And really bless the other team, it took them a whole half before they started pushing back. It was a good game to watch with lots of excitement with all of the pushing though!

Robby brought Keaton home from her Dgroup this afternoon. They made it home just after Campbell and I did. Anderson has worked on his helmet most of the evening, and then we all had supper at the Wilsons. We had lots of leftovers from the camping trip. 

The kids left after supper while Robby and I stayed and visited. We came home too late, and now we are trying to clean up a bit and motivate these kids to go to bed!

October 5, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 1

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Robby and I weren't able to sleep in today. We woke up and quickly scurried around and headed to Raymar. Anderson was already there with Campbell, Keaton, and Whitman. Campbell and Keaton were already setting up the concession stand when we drove up.

It was hot today, but the games went pretty quickly. Robby ran some errands during the last game and arrived back just as it was over. I think that Anderson only had to ref one game while Whitman worked hard in the concession stand.

The kids went by ChickFila on their way home, and picked up the last 90 of our free nuggets. Never fear though, we all earned some more nuggets tonight after the Hogs football game. Graham reported that they ate most of them but still have a few left.

When we came back to the campground, it was pretty hot out. We hung out outside though-I finished my book and even had a short nap in the sun. Of course, Bentley loves being outside, except for when she is ready to go in-then she would walk to the door of the camper and bark. 

Robby and I made little brownie trifles for dessert tonight-that was fun. They had friend rice and all of the fixings for tonight's supper. Then everyone sat around and watched the Hogs win their football game. It isn't often that the Hogs win a close game so it was fun to watch all of the people celebrate. 

We did a quick walk and a quick pack up tonight before coming in the camper, and now I'm going to take a quick shower before I lay my head down. 

October 4, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 1

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Camping mornings are always the best mornings. Robby, Bentley, and I stayed in the bed until almost 10. Robby was busy doing his work most of the time while I did some reading and phone surfing. Bentley just slept. She continued to sleep until we forced her out of bed so I could make the bed before we left.

Tony had made some breakfast so we ate a bite there, and then I went walking with some ladies. We walked all of the loops here so that was a trek, and Bentley was tired when we came home.

The weather was a bit warm this afternoon, but it was pleasant in the shade and eventually it cooled off. Robby and I ran to Kroger and to Sonic this afternoon. The ice cream that I had been wanting was on sale so we bought some to eat on the way back to the campground. It was good, and we still have another tiny container of it for tomorrow.

There were quite a few more walks today, and then supper tonight included bbq and cobbler. I had to bring potato salad and was busy chatting so I forgot that I should have put it in a container so it looked like I made it myself. 

Meanwhile, the kids had a slow day-Keaton sold a purse and made peanut butter cups while Whitman made cotton candy. Graham went to work so he was busy most of the afternoon, and Anderson painted some on his helmet that he is working on. I never heard anything about what Campbell did today, but I will update you tomorrow on her activities!

October 3, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 1

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Maybe I should have started my camping blog titles a few days ago when Robby left for Maumelle, but I'll start it today since I have not joined him. Even though we all were up later last night playing out game, everyone got up when asked today.

Of course, the girls were already awake and roaming around the house as I was walking through with my laundry basket. I hurried on my walk so I would have about 20 minutes to read with Whitman before taking Campbell and Keaton to church. Whitman still enjoys me reading to him-I even started reading another book to just him. 

I took the girls and hoped that the big boys would go to work on their school work while I was gone-I was afraid they would be tempted to stay in their beds. Actually, I said that I took the girls, but Campbell drove us to church today, and when I did come home, all the boys were working hard (well, Whitman was already having a break.)

I did school with Whitman and then Graham. Once again, I thought that having the girls gone during the day would free up some of my time, but maybe since I made bread and muffins this morning that is where my extra time went. I was still running around trying to get everything marked off my list by this afternoon.

I had a super quick walk before picking up the girls and while the muffins were in the oven. If the girls had been at home, I wouldn't have thought a thing about asking them to take the pans out of the oven. However, the boys-not so much. Whitman is a bit scared of the oven so he is out. Anderson probably would be distracted and wouldn't hear the timer, and Graham would second guess himself on if they were done or not. That is all fine though because I probably need motivation to pick up the pace on my walks a little bit.

Campbell and Keaton once again had a great time helping at Mother's Day Out. Keaton talked the whole way home about her little class. I'm glad that they have found something to do that they really enjoy. It does make for a little bit crazier school week, but I'm good with some crazy.

Anderson had to paint the fields at Raymar, and Graham tagged along because afterwards they went to play basketball at a friend's house. They were able to play for a an hour, and then met up with the others at Nonna and Pops' house. Today is Jason's birthday so they celebrated him with hamburgers. 

Meanwhile I went my class meeting, and then Robby picked me up to join him camping. We found the Wilsons and took the dogs on a walk. Now, I'm in the bed all cozied up with Bentley about to read my book!

October 2, 2024

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  • I was the first one awake today, and it was a little bit differing since Bentley wasn't with me on my walk. Actually, my walk went a little bit quicker this morning because I didn't have to wait around for her, but also I was moving fairly quickly since it was cold out!
  • Even though school did go smoothly today, it seemed to last forever. At 1, Keaton and Whitman convinced me to take them to Defy. Since we have a few friend passes Anderson came along too. They were all set on only staying less than an hour, but after a bit over an hour I had to call them to leave. 
  • Anderson spent most of the rest of the day working on his 3D printing things. He is printing a new helmet and painting another one. Keaton had a bit of extra school work today since she was preparing to be gone tomorrow all day. Campbell has already finished all of her school work for tomorrow so she didn't have as much to do today.
  • We all had church tonight plus a stop to the library on the way. I took Keaton by ChickFIlA on the way home to pick up her free 30 nuggets. Anderson and Graham both bought theirs as well, but Campbell decided that she didn't want to have to share her nuggets with her friends.
  • There was a wreck or something on the way home, so it took us a while to get home. When we did get home, I made some bread while Keaton finished her school work. Now, the 5 of us are in the living room playing a game from the 1970s.

October 1, 2024

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  • This morning as I was getting ready, I heard Graham walking up to the bonus room. Then I heard him talking to someone. Later, I found out that Anderson and Whitman were already up. I'm not sure why everyone was awake some early this morning.
  • I have been told (by Campbell) that I do not talk enough about Campbell in this little blog-so let me just tell you, she gets out of bed every morning without me asking her multiple times. Then she starts on her school work and works diligently on it. I've been so impressed with how she has handled her extra work this year in high school.
  • School went fairly quickly today-Graham even came home from math and had finished his work for the day. His midterm is coming up, but the big boys art is also getting a little crazy. They have so many quizzes that they have to do each week, and they are due soon.
  • Robby was soon home from his errands, and then he was gone again for a bit of camping. I took him a car, and then he brought me home. I will join him camping later this week, but he went early to get our prime spot-plus I think he likes a little bit of quiet time!
  • I took Campbell to practice tonight. While she was practicing, I walked around the fields and then sat in the car for the next hour until she was done. I was able to read some of my book and even listen to some of my book so that made my super happy. 
  • When we came home, I read to Keaton and Whitman to make up for the reading that Keaton will miss on Thursday. Then there was some ice cream, and now I'm about to herd people to bed. Since Bentley is not here, the kids are out of their routine-usually Campbell takes her out at night, and then everyone has to come to our bedroom to tell her goodnight. I think that the dog is the reason that bedtime takes so long. We will see if there is a difference tonight-starting now! 

September 30, 2024

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  • Today's school went smoothly for everyone-at least I think that it did. I can safely say that we are in the school groove. As soon as school is over every day, I pile up all of the books that we read each morning, and then I lay out everyone's piles of books to check everyone's stuff.
  • I had a fairly long list today, but I zoomed through it-nothing was major, and I never put anything on my list that takes more than 10 minutes. I like to work in small chunks of time. Now, I write out my list each day on a piece of notebook paper, but on the side I also have my monthly to do list which also gets written out each day. This does help me remember what I all I have to do each month-not that all of it gets done!
  • Graham went to work while Anderson went to work later in the afternoon. Keaton wanted to go to Defy so I took her and Whitman, They stayed for over an hour jumping, and Whitman's face was as red as a beat when we finally did leave. 
  • On the way home, Shannon wrote and told us about ChickFilA's deal of the day-so we scrapped supper plans picked up the kids' supper from there. Robby had a mystery shop at another restaurant so we ate there on our way to ChickFIlA. 
  • Back at home tonight, I threw a few things in the laundry basket to take camping and tried to pick up the kitchen, but now I am in my chair with my blanket trying to decide if I want to take a nap before bed or if I want to read some.

September 29, 2024

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  • This morning was church morning which is the earliest we all ever have to leave during the week. Most everyone wakes up without any problems-except for Anderson. He is just a heavy sleeper, and his alarm clock does not do the trick. Basically, he will need all afternoon classes in college.  I guess we will need to start working on him waking up some how!
  • I was able to share some of my sour dough starter with a friend. She was super excited about getting it so that was fun. Maybe she will inspire me to bake a few things with mine because I am about ready to throw mine away. It has been almost a year, and we have had fun, but it is just one more thing to take care of.
  • It just seems like a few days ago that we were in Reagan's senior Sunday school class meeting, but today was the day that we went to Anderson's meeting. They basically introduce the teachers and tell what they are going to do. Their class is so good-so good that we wish that we could go to it. They don't mess around in there-those kids get years worth of knowledge in just a few weeks.
  • We picked up McDonalds on the way home this afternoon since we didn't go to Nonna and Pops'-we had been there last night. We all ate, and then Robby and I ran a few errands and picked up some groceries that we needed. 
  • When we came home, I had a nap while Robby worked in the yard. Then I took Campbell and Keaton to work at church while the big boys went to Rock Creek. Robby and I then started on supper-dorito casserole which Campbell has been asking for and snicker doodle cobbler which was pretty good. 
  • Not it is super late-I have chatted with most of the kids this evening-so now I'm late for my blog and for my shower.

September 28, 2024

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  • This morning started off early at Raymar for Anderson, Campbell, Keaton, and me. I was cozy in the car but decided that since it was a bit chilly out, then I would need to make some coffee and have the hot chocolate ready so I jumped out of the car and went to work.
  • People love them some coffee-we stayed busy during the first half of the game working plus we even sold out of most of the ChickFilA before the game was over. I sure needed my worker people. 
  • After the rush calmed down, it was a much more pleasant morning. Robby, Whitman, and Bentley showed up for the rest of the games. Usually in the mornings, Bentley does not jump out of bed, but Robby said that this morning she did fly out of the bed when he asked if she wanted to go in the car.
  • When the games were over, we all came home. Robby and I did go to Kroger on the way. We also picked up 3 free crumble cookies along with a gallon on free lemonade so we were pleased with that.
  • The football game was on all afternoon-and there were good times, but mostly bad times during it. At one point, Campbell said that the hogs were doing better when she was upstairs, and I told her that they were also doing better when I was asleep! I guess that she should have gone upstairs, and I should have continued my nap.
  • After the game, we hurried over to Nonna and Pops' house to celebrate Keaton, Robby, and Jason's birthdays. (We celebrated Jason's birthday a little early.) Nonna and Pops had pizza and a beautiful cake. We visited and then opened presents after cake.
  • Back at home, the kids all cycled through the showers while I worked on next month's plans.

September 27, 2024-Happy 13th Birthday Keaton!

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  • This was kind of a low key birthday for Keaton today. I did made her chocolate chip scones for breakfast. I also made a few loafs of sourdough sandwich bread. It actually wasn't my best, but they are mostly all gone, and I am saving one last loaf for grilled cheese tomorrow.
  • I started on my walk this morning with Bentley, but she could hear a chainsaw somewhere nearby. She was having none of that and would freeze whenever she heard it. I tried walking one way and then the other-but nope, she wasn't moving. I eventually did get her back to the house and continued my walk. A neighbor stopped me though and asked about my dog. I guess he was worried, but I had to explain that she is just chicken!
  • The morning went by quickly-I did do some work with Whitman that we didn't get to yesterday Plus I read with Keaton and Whitman. We didn't read much, but we did finish one book so that is good. Some day I should take a pictures of the books that we read from each morning during our reading-it is at least 2 feet high.
  • Soon Graham was leaving for work, and I had myself a nap. We then ran to the trampoline park for a little bit with Campbell, Keaton, and Whitman. They enjoyed themselves especially since Robby let them get a treat there and pick up a drink on the way home. Keaton made sure to use her free birthday starbucks drink.
  • We weren't home for long, when Robby and I left again for a few grocery stores. Then I left him at Kroger while I went into the Costco to pick up supper-pizzas, chicken bakes, and of course cookies. I do think that made everyone happy, so they ate-and now they have all disappeared! 

September 26, 2024

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  • I thought that this morning might be a little slow for me since Robby took Campbell and Keaton to work. Yep, we decided that the 12 year old and 14 year old needed to work a day a week. Actually, they were asked to help in Mother's Day Out at church so they volunteered to do that. They are earning a little bit of money for camps on the days that they do this which is a win for us. 
  • Since they would be gone most of the day, that meant that they had to have their school work finished today or at least some of it done and finish the rest tomorrow. Motivation is an amazing thing, and both of those girls finished without any problem. Of course, this makes me wonder if they need more work since they finished 5 days of work in 3 days. 
  • Actually, today when I was pulling out their school work, I wondered if I was going to need to come up with more for Campbell to do next semester. Her language arts comes in 10 little books for her to finish this year-she starts book 4 next week so she is way ahead of where I was hoping. 
  • Graham went to his math class at school today. When he came home, I offered to help him do tomrorrow's math today. It was just 30 problems but each problem had 8 steps so it took forever. Once he knew what he was doing, I was able to wander off and do other things, but gracious me!
  • Soon Anderson was having to leave for his class-this was the last time that I will make him go to class. Sometimes I think going to class is a good thing, but really when it is just wasting time there is no reason. 
  • Robby brought the girls home, and they had a good day. I think that they both really enjoyed it. I know that they can be hard workers, and I assume that they are because they do keep getting callbacks to help keep preschool kids-they are actually keeping kids on Sunday night as well.
  • The afternoon flew by and soon Robby and I were taking Campbell to practice tonight. We ran a few little errands, but mostly we just wandered around Walmart. Then when she did finish practice, we hurried home to eat. I think that we were all starving!

September 25, 2024

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  • We did our school work this morning-I wasn't finished as early today as yesterday, but I still was able to get everything accomplished on my list....though, honestly, I'm making my lists shorter these days. 
  • I am slowly working through my attic upstairs. This is the attic that I just throw things into when we are done with them. That actually makes it sound like I have mounds of trash in that attic-it isn't that bad at all. The attic is a mess, but I do continue to make it better-I just need some large boxes to put my goodwill piles into. For some reason we never have the right size boxes that I need.
  • Graham went to work this afternoon and was gone for a long time. He did hurry home so he could get to church on time. I went first with the girls so we could go to the library-I even had to go inside which Campbell and Keaton acted like was horrible, but it didn't take me long at all to come out with plenty of new books.
  • Then at church tonight, I was comparing book notes and added lots more of book to my list to read. When church was over, and my reading list was full, Graham, Campbell, and Anderson went to ChickFila on the way home, while Keaton and Whitman just ate a quesadilla., 
  • Robby and I ran to the Wilsons for a few minutes this evening. We visited for a little bit before coming home. Now, it is bedtime which is the time of the day that the kids seem to get a little crazy!

September 24, 2024

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  • I heard that someone was awake and moving around before I climbed out of bed. I did my morning things, and then decided that I should go and just make sure that it was Graham already upstairs taking a shower. It wasn't Graham, but instead it was Whitman getting a little ipad time before it was time for school to start.
  • Graham soon went to school-he doesn't mind it too much, and his teacher does actually teach the next lesson. (And he probably likes to drive which is another reason that he doesn't mind driving there and back.)
  • However, Anderson comes home frustrated each school day. Last year, I think that teacher tried to help them, but this year it is like he is in a study hall. They have watched the teachers videos a few times-which he could do at home. Today, he said that no one was really working-this really only bothers me because I wasted money on signing him up for class. 
  • I have slowly learned what concurrent classes we need to take at the co-op. I am down to just math and history, but I just might be convinced to not take either one the next time we need them. Or really, maybe I should just get me a job there!
  • Anyway, the rest of our school day went fine-though Whitman is still dragging. Today, I was cleaning the attic by 11:30 so I am not really sure what happened. I still had to work with Whitman but we got that done early as well.
  • Keaton wanted a new pair of jeans, but the only ones she could find were online where she would have to pay 10 dollars to return. She suggested that we go to Platos to look around. Campbell, Keaton, and I went today. 
  • Keaton found her some jeans, but Campbell didn't find anything. I looked so hard for Campbell something that I found myself something-of course mine was 70% off so I just spent 3 dollars. After Platos, Keaton ran into Baskin Robbins where she got a birthday scoop of ice cream. And if you remember, she doesn't like ice cream-but Campbell and I do!
  • Then we went to Nothing Bundt Cake and picked up Keaton and Robby's free little cakes. Then we ran to Walmart to but a candle for a party Campbell is going to along with some avacados for her to make guacomole.
  • Finally our last stop was Sephora for more birthday freebies for Keaton. We then came home for just a few minutes before I had to leave again with Campbell for her soccer practice. I could have come home, but why and I could have gone to a store, but again why. So I just sat in the car and read and listened to my book. It was pretty pleasant out so I enjoyed it.

September 23, 2024

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  • For a school day it went fairly smoothly. I actually thought that I was finished early when I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 1:30. Though I did grab Whitman then to work with me before I went on my afternoon walk. The days are long right now, but overall school is going fairly smoothly-though Keaton and Campbell are about throw a kink in some of our school days.
  • Graham did his school pretty quickly today so he would have time for his run and shower before he had to go to work. Anderson and I worked on a scholarship this afternoon for a little bit, but I honestly feel like I could counsel people on having a senior and all of the things that there are to do. I don't have it all figured out, obviously, but I have an incredible list happening!
  • Whitman did not want to work together this afternoon. We usually do 3 extra math pages each day so I was going to be generous and skip one. After I put one over to the side to skip, he took his pencil and started writing down answers to some of the problems. This makes me a little bit crazy, but we have been working on percents on this extra math-and he does them in his head. I have to write out the problem and then solve it to even know if he is correct. For example, 10% of what number is 7? I don't know! But Whitman does. Or 35 is 7% of what number? I don't know! But Whitman does. 
  • Soon it was time for everyone to leave-Anderson had to be at Raymar early for football so Keaton, Campbell, and Whitman went early with him. Robby and I actually left a few minutes before they did for a few mystery shops. 
  • Then we all pitched in and worked the concession stand during the two football games. My kiddos so love being at Raymar-well, I am not really sure if Graham loves it though! The rest of them do.
  • When we came home, most everyone had already eaten, but Robby had some chicken to grill up. He did that even though it was dark outside. We chopped it up and got it ready for another day's supper. Now, I am trying to finish this blog and maybe read for a little bit before bed.

September 22, 2024-Happy 50th Birthday Robby!

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  • This morning when Robby woke up the bar was full of cards and even a cake. (Actually, the cards and cake made their appearance a bit after Robby was up, but it was still before we left for church.) Anderson and Whitman had made Robby a cake last night, and Keaton iced the cake. Keaton and Whitman made a giant card while the others all made him cards as well. 
  • We took a few birthday pictures, and then hurried to get doughnuts Graham had been craving doughnuts, so Robby used his birthday as an excuse to make Graham happy. They were pretty good, and since the doughnut shop is so close to church, the kids were scarffing them down on our way.
  • I had worship care so Robby was on his own during church, but Graham and Whitman did sit with him. Reagan went to Third again today for church-this was her first time to repeat a church since she has been at school. 
  • Robby and I met back up in Sunday school, and afterwards we waited on the kids to show up from their classes. Then we headed to Grannymom's house for Sunday lunch. She had some yummy food plus oreo delight which is a favorite of all of us-well, except for my two non ice cream eaters (who would have thought that Robby and I would have children who do not like ice cream.)
  • We then came home for the afternoon. Robby ended up doing some mystery shopping with Tony while I had myself a nap. Then I left with Keaton and took her to her Dgroup at Starbucks before taking her and her friends to their life group at a house nearby. 
  • I sat in the car and read my book some-but apparently I can't read for an hour without getting distracted by sleep and by my phone. Anderson took Whitman to his lifegroup, and then went to his own group with Graham and Campbell. 
  • When I came home from taking Keaton, I had a list of things to do-and gracious, I forgot to make a dessert for Robby tonight. He had his cake that the kids made, but I had been saving this dessert for a while to make tonight. I didn't have vanilla ice cream so I didn't really plan ahead, but it is on my list to accomplish sometime soon. 
  • Shannon came over and met up with Tony. Then for supper, we had all of their fast food mystery shop food-it was a true smorgasbord with lots of choices. It was all fine, and then we ate the kids cake. It was pretty good as well.
  • Now it is the saddest part of the week-Sunday night! I have school all out for the week and have lots of plans for tomorrow so we shall see what all gets done!

September 21, 2024

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  • Anderson had to be at Raymar earlier today than last week, and since it was just 15 minutes earlier than the week before, I figured that I would still go with him. Of course Campbell and Keaton love being at Raymar and love going early. They don't mind getting up to go, and as soon as we pull up, they hop out of the car.
  • Meanwhile, I sit in the car until the last possibly minute. I did have my book to read, and it was kind of pleasant until it started getting too warm in the car. It was a hot day, and even though Raymar usually has crazy wind, we don't get any of that in the concession stand so it did get a little warm today. I figure (and hope) that this is the last hot day of the football season though.
  • Campbell and Keaton worked the concession stand, but Whitman also worked-and man, it is so good for him. Having to talk to people, deal with the cash register, and making change-and he is doing so well. We have practiced some at home, but I really think that he also enjoys it. 
  • When the games were over, Robby and I headed to Hot Springs to go and have a tamale at McClards. We thought about just getting a half, but we ended up getting the whole thing. This was a good thing because we ate pretty much all of it.We then did a few mystery shops to pay for our tamale before heading home. 
  • We did stop to get a peanut butter shake on the way home-and we were disappointed. They kind of lost of our order, so we had to wait a while, but then our shake was more like chocolate milk instead of ice cream. I mean, we still drank every bit of it, but it just wasn't what we had been envisioning.
  • We made it home in  time to watch the rest of the Razorback game. I had listened to some in the car, so I read my book until I could keep my eyes open no longer. Then I did get back up to hear the last few minutes of the game. 
  • Now, people are showering, Graham just finished a run, and I'm trying to figure out what I should do for the rest of the evening-be productive or no?

September 20, 2024

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  • I had little on my list today, but I was busy the entire day long. This morning I worked on the normal things, and then I pulled out school for the next week. I hate this job, and I love this job all at the same time. 
  • I have become so much more efficient at this plus I love seeing how far we have come and how much more we have to do during the year. I also really love how things look when the school areas have been straightened. However, even though it is easier the older the kids get, it still takes me a good little while to do this.
  • Graham had a bit of math to do today, and Whitman sweet talked me into letting him skip spelling-I'm a softee! We did do spelling every day this summer so a few breaks during the year won't actually kill us.
  • Graham went to work around one which was about the same time that we started our new to us game-Risk. Campbell, Keaton, Anderson, Whitman, and I played and apparently total domination of the world takes a little bit of time-we stopped at the 3 hour mark! Anderson or Whitman would have probably won the game. Campbell and I had already lost when they did quit, and Keaton had a slight chance of winning.
  • After the game, I worked on a few things, and then Robby came in with supper. We had a snack before running to Sams to pick up some chicken. We stopped at Walmart on the way home. Then after a quick bite to eat, we ran over to see Annie for a little bit.
  • Now I'm cuddled up in my chair finishing this blog and about to read my book some-or take a nap-or have some hot chocolate.

September 19, 2024

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  • I hit snooze one too many times this morning so I was scrambling around. I was just about to head upstairs to make sure that Graham was up when he walked through the living room. He was off to his class before I came back from my walk. 
  • I read to Whitman and Keaton for a little bit this morning, and then everyone started on their school work. I knew that we didn't have much time this morning so I marked quite a few things off of their lists because I wanted to be mostly done.
  • Graham, Campbell, Keaton, and Whitman all decided to come with me to visit Reagan today. Anderson opted to stay home-in hindsight, that was a good thing. We couldn't have gotten him back in time for work at Raymar, and he would have had to miss his class (which probably would have been fine.)
  • We left the house around 11 and picked up Grannymom and Grandpa and Nonna and Pops. We pretty much filled the big van up. We zoomed on down to Arkadelphia without any problem. We found a great parking spot at Reagan's dorm.
  • When Reagan walked out the door to meet us, a girl walked by and said "hey, Reagan." I guess a few people know her name. We all walked up to her room-it was fairly tight with 10 of us in her room, but we were all able to look around. It was neat, and it was pretty much just like we left it on move in day. 
  • We then drove around campus, and Reagan pointed out all the buildings. Then we went to Walking Taco to eat. It was kind of like an authentic Tacos for Life. I think that everyone enjoyed their food. Whitman ordered street corn, which he didn't know what it was and didn't like, but we all liked it. The food was good, and Reagan told us all about her classes.
  • We then drove back to campus, and she walked around with Graham, Campbell, and Keaton for a little bit. While she did that, the rest of us drove through down town Arkadelphia. We found us a little bakery and stopped. Virginia bought us some cookies which we devoured after dropping Reagan off.
  • It was a good thing that we had those cookies, because our one hour car ride took us about 3 hours to make it home. The interstate pretty much stopped, and we creeped to an exit which we took. We criscrossed through all kinds of back roads and I even turned around twice in the middle of the streets. 
  • Graham had to be at Raymar at 4:30 which wouldn't have been a problem at all, but we managed to get him there almost at 5. (He was fine with this though.) When we did eventually pull back on the interstate, we met right up with a big bus that we had been right beside when the traffic had stopped-so all of our backroadding didn't get us ahead any, but at least we were moving. 
  • The company was good, and the conversation was good, and the air mostly worked so we still had a good time on the way home. The only catch to our late afternoon was that Keaton's birthday party was tonight at 6. 
  • For a little bit, I was sweating it wondering if we would get home before her people started arriving or if we would just turn it into a surprise party for her! Thankfully, we made it home about 5:15 which gave us plenty of time to get things done in the house 
  • Keaton's people started arriving a little bit before 6, and Robby had already come home with supper for everyone-panda express-he had a lot of food for everyone so much so that the when the boys did come home they had lots of options left for them.
  • The girls played games, opened present, had cake, jumped on the trampoline-I think that they all had a really good time. It was quite noisy for sure, but I think that Keaton had a blast. I'm so glad that we did make it home for her birthday party! So it was pretty perfect day all around!

September 18, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Wednesday's are kind of nice since I don't have to think about making sure that Graham is awake to leave for Comm Central. He usually wakes up on his own, but I still double check which throws my already tight morning schedule off by a few minutes.
  • We zoomed through our pile of books that we are reading. Keaton could care less, but Whitman does remember pretty much everything that we read about-especially if it interests him. 
  • After that, we all started on our morning work. The kids all seemed to be ready to work with me earlier than usual-for example, the other day I was just getting around to working with Anderson at 1, but today it was before noon. That just means that I have probably forgotten something major.
  • This afternoon Keaton and Campbell worked hard on Keaton's balloon arch for her party tomorrow. Keaton has prepped the bonus room, and I have been trying to prep the rest of the house. I'm pretty sure that a bunch of 12 and 13 year old girls will not care about how clean my potties are, but those are the things I have been doing,
  • Campbell and Robby went to eat a late lunch this afternoon before church. They made it back in time for Campbell to drive me to the library on the way to church. I don't know when I will let her drive to church on a Wednesday night at 5:00. I would prefer not to drive to church then so she sure won't be doing anytime soon.
  • After church tonight, Anderson, Graham, and Campbell went to ChickFilA while I ran by there with Keaton and Whitman. We all free nuggets so that was our suppers. I have just had my hot chocolate, and now I'm going to make my plans for tomorrow.

September 17, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  •  Graham went to his class first this morning and came home frustrated since his teacher didn't show for the first half and then told them to just work on their study guide when she did arrive. This would even be fine, but Graham has done the study guide and even the test so it was a waste of his time.
  • I believe that Anderson's class today wasn't much better. He said they just sat there working on their assignments which he has already completed. Apparently, I am paying for study halls which doesn't thrill me at all. 
  • School went well this morning, but since I had to leave at 11 things were fairly wild. Campbell and I did a little bit of her work last night to help lighten the load today, but everyone except Anderson still needed to work with me this afternoon.
  • I met a friend this afternoon, and we went to see another friend who had just had a baby. It has been a long time since we have had buddies having babies, but we both enjoyed holding that tiny baby.
  • While we were gone, Campbell and Keaton went shopping with Nonna. They hit up some boutiques in Bryant, and then moved on to Little Rock. I do believe that their only purchases were some make up, necklaces, and some gummy worms! This girls had lots of fun and so enjoyed shopping.
  • When they came home, I was able to finish school with them. I finished school with Keaton just as it was time to take Campbell to soccer practice. While she was there, Keaton made baked potatoes for our supper. Since we were eating a 9, we pretty much devoured those potatoes!

September 16, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • It was a rainy Monday morning here which threw me for a loop when I went to walk Bentley. I had stared at the window and thought that it was just wet outside. I got her all ready but did take her out of the garage door so we would have less grass to walk over. 
  • When I got to the edge of the garage, I could hear the rain beating down on the shed so I just brushed Bentley and bit and we came in. This happened to me again this afternoon-I was about to take a walk again, but the rain was so fine that I couldn't see it so I opted not to go. Also, I didn't want to return wet and smelling like a wet dog.
  • Graham actually smelt worse than a wet dog this evening when he returned from a 10 mile run. I'm not sure why he chose to run 10 miles, but he has now had at least 2 suppers tonight which I am sure that he has needed.
  • We did school first thing this morning, but gracious Whitman isn't moving fast at all. He is getting done eventually, and he's doing math and most everything else by himself so I can't really complain at all. 
  • Graham had work this afternoon, and he was supposed to go to Raymar for football pictures along with Anderson who also was to go out there for practice. Those things were both cancelled, so there was a little more time this evening for them.
  • Robby and I ran a few errands this afternoon and evening. We picked up a few items for Keaton's birthday party which is happening Thursday night. Then we picked up some Sonic burgers for some people's supper. 
  • Now, I'm making a school plan for tomorrow since it will be a hectic afternoon, and I hope that I have a little bit of time to read my book tonight.

September 15, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • It was another good Sunday-and a busy day. I am kind of glad that this day is over for sure. We did the church thing this morning. Then on the way to Nonna and Pops' house for Sunday lunch, Graham asked what I thought they would have for lunch.
  • I told him that since we had eaten BBQ last night and since I had BBQ to take to Nonna in the car with me, then we were probably going to have BBQ for lunch-and sure enough, that is what we had. It was delicious though, and we all enjoyed it. Actually, my favorite was Nonna's baked beans-she can make the best baked beans. Keaton and I enjoyed dipping them up with our chips.
  • After Nonna's house, the boys all went home while the rest of us went to see Campbell's first soccer game. My Campbell played hard, but the score did not reflect her effort alone-it was 2-6 or maybe the other score was even higher-either way, it wasn't great.
  • The weather wasn't great either-I guess it wasn't super hot so that was good. Instead it was super overcast and spitting rain off and on. Now, at half time the sun did come out, and Pops and I walked to the cars to get our sunglasses-and of course, by the time that we made it back to the field, it was raining again.
  • After the game, we hurried home so the girls could ride to Rock Creek with Graham. Anderson soon left for his senior lifegroup. Then we had about 20 minutes at home before Robby and I left for our Sunday school class fellowship. This was our first adult thing like this in a very long time, and we had a good time.
  • The power was off at home when we came home so all the kids were in the living room. I have lit a few candles, and really, I do love power out days. Anderson is on his way home, and I do think that the power will be on around midnight or so-at least that is what they say. However, that does mean that I may not have my clean dishes and clean laundry ready when I wake up in the morning which isn't the best way to start a Monday!

September 14, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Today was the first football game back at Raymar. Campbell and Keaton really enjoy going early with Anderson, and since I needed to be there early as well, though not quite as early as him, we all rode together.
  • This morning was pretty crazy in the concession stand getting everything ready for the day. I think we were struggling since everything was new, and we had to open everything up. Once we had things a bit organized, everything went much smoother. I'm not sure how things went on the football fields-Anderson said he thought everything went well.
  • Keaton and I had a baby shower to go to in the middle of Raymar. We were only gone for about an hour, but we were able to visit some and even had some delicious food before returning.
  • I had scheduled Keaton and Campbell in the concession stand for a good bit, but they enjoy visiting more than actually helping. However, I also had Whitman in there for a few hours, and that boy did so well. He certainly needs practice talking to people so it was good for him.
  • Robby smoked some meat all day so he left Raymar first to go and check on that. When the rest of us left, we had to run to Old Navy and the library on the way home. We were home in plenty of time to watch the football game this afternoon - or snooze through most of the football game.
  • I did get up to help Keaton make chocolate chip cookies. She is a pro, but I did try to help as much as I could. Then Robby's meat was ready so some folks had a sandwich then, and the rest waited for us to run and get gas and pick up more buns.
  • I made it home just a few minutes before Robby did, and for some reason I decided that I needed to run the garbage disposal. Well, you can probably guess-it didn't work. So Robby spent the next 2 or 3 hours on it. He did eventually get it running again, but we noticed a drip. Then we felt my dishtowels underneath-they were wet which meant that the drip had been happening.
  • We watched a few youtube videos and were able to take the disposal off. Apparently, once it was opened we could look for cracks and seal them. Without first cleaning off the layers of gunk, we couldn't see any cracks. Robby eventually just decided to order a new one-a new one exactly like the one that we have so hopefully we can reinstall it fairly easily. We are down to half a kitchen sink now for most of the week, but that should be manageable. 
  • It is now almost bedtime-tomorrow is a busy day with church, Campbell's first soccer game, a Sunday school fellowship for Robby and me, and Rock Creek for the kids. 

September 13, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Robby and I were able to talk to Reagan very late last night-this was really our first time to chat with her. It sounded like she had had a wonderful birthday. And the pictures show that she has found a few friends which makes us happy.
  • Graham was the only one that had any school to do today-he did get his math finished, but he had one other things which I'm not sure if it happened. He did go to work this afternoon plus he went to a Baptist Prep football game tonight which is where he currently is-or more correctly, he is at the 5th quarter after party at a nearby church.
  • Anderson did have school as well today, but he opted out of it and said that he would catch up on Monday. We went to church for a few hours to work this morning, but he opted to not go to the ball game with Graham tonight.
  • Campbell, Keaton, and Whitman slept most of the morning away today. Nothing makes Whitman happier than a slow and restful day, but nothing makes Campbell and Keaton crazier than a slow and restful day. They did both get to work at church tonight so that did help a little bit, but they walked around all day telling me that they were bored and that there was no food in this house. They would tell me me we had no lunch food-and I would suggest a sandwich, but I was told that wasn't the right lunch food. They would tell me we don't have any fruit, and I would suggest an apple, but I was told that wasn't the right fruit. 
  • This evening Robby and I went to eat at Marketplace Grill in Conway. It was good-and Robby did like his pasts, but it just wasn't as magnificent as we remember. Now, the chocolate mess was still  good, but a bowl of Blue Bell is just really good too.

September 12, 2024-Happy 19th Birthday Reagan

(click for today's pictures)

  • It seems that every day has been busy lately-today was no exception, and I didn't even finish my list today. Most things can wait until tomorrow though; the main thing that we have to do each day is school and that happened.
  • Well, it kind of happened-I did let the big boys skip their Comm Central classes today. They say that they aren't really doing much in those classes at school. I think that they enjoyed the break from school, and today was a day that it was nice to stay at home and not have to drive in this messy rain.
  • I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon which I went to, and when I came home, I had to finish Whitman's school work and then pull out school for next week.
  • Campbell's soccer was cancelled, so she ended up working at church with Keaton for childcare. They both worked tonight, and then they will tomorrow night as well. While they were working, Robby and I went to get a baked potato at McAlisters, but those silly people were out of potatoes so we ended up eating Mexican.
  • I think that Reagan had a good day-she had a package from us and one filled with cookies from Nonna plus some cards in the mail. We even saw a video with her going to eat with a huge group of friends-they had party hats and even a cake. I'm so glad she has found some sweet friends.

September 11, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Another day where the hammocks were put to good use. Between Whitman, Keaton, Campbell, and even myself for a few minutes, we all spent some time in the hammocks. I did pull them down before church tonight since we might get some rain. 
  • I'm glad that they are spending a little bit of time outside. I even saw Whitman jumping on the trampoline-he will do anything right now to put off school work, but he does eventually get it done. 
  • They repaved our roads yesterday and today-just with the sticky tar and then the little rocks on it. On my walk this morning, I just walked Bentley where they had not done the work yet because I didn't want her to get her feet sticky. I'm not exactly sure what I will do tomorrow-maybe it will be raining and I can sleep in.
  • School is going so well this year-at least for the little 3. Things are going fine for Anderson and Graham but their college classes are a bit more challenging and time consuming. And I sure hope that school is going well for Reagan. We don't hear from her too often, but some of the kids did call her today while we were at Nonna and Pops' house. 
  • This afternoon I did some work on the girls' room-I think that we have one or two more days to work in there. I am in no hurry to finish this-I could have just worked for a day or two, but instead I have drug it out to being a 3 week task. 
  • Tonight I took everyone but Anderson and we went stopped at Nonna and Pops' house before church. Anderson had to be at church early for a meeting so he beat us there. After church, the big 4 left for Chickfila leaving just Whitman to ride home with me. That was fine though because I was able to get some info from Whitman: Moving up to the youth group is hard for a 6th grade boy-and it sure has been for Whitman!

September 10, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I think that I might have had an epiphany today-actually, I'm not even sure if I used that correctly. Let me google it...yes, epiphany is used close enough to correct. Anyway, Whitman has been doing 5 school things and then taking a 10 minute break. 
  • He has a ton of things on his list each day to do-some take time like math but some are super short like review a poem. During one of his breaks today he was in the hammock that the girls set up yesterday. Graham thought that he had been out there too long, but I realized to just let him be. He will eventually get his work done.
  • And it is true-he does get his work done. Today though he still had two things to do at 3, and one of those was reading. For reading, he was reading a book about coding so he took my computer and read and coded for another hour. 
  • So my realization is that since him dragging his school work out most of the day doesn't bother him at all; then I really shouldn't let it bother me. I need to keep him moving, but I'm not going to stress about it....just as long as I am done with the helping part by early afternoon. 
  • I think that most everyone spent some time in the hammocks today-maybe not Anderson though. I went outside at one point and thought that Bentley was sharing a hammock with Campbell. But no, Bentley had her own hammock and just was relaxing in the sun.
  • Graham had school this morning, and Anderson later in the day. Graham is a bit ahead in his math class while Anderson is right on target for his english class. And maybe since they were gone some today, or maybe because people just had their act together, but for some reason this was the very first day in a while that I had a break this afternoon. The school days lately have been long, but today was a nice break.
  • Robby, Keaton, and I took Campbell to her soccer practice, and then we ran some errands before picking her up again. Soccer is 2 hours which means that we get home fairly late, and now there are just a few minutes before bed. around here.

September 9, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Monday morning school is usually a bit more difficult, and even though the day wasn't difficult; it just lasted forever. I read this morning with Keaton and Whitman. Then I worked with Whitman, Campbell, and then Keaton. It was almost lunch but I worked with Graham which took forever, and then finally, Anderson had a few things. 
  • I finished with him and went to take my walk. Keaton and Campbell spent most of the day outside in hammocks. Whitman even joined them as well. It was a beautiful day. When I came back from my walk, Whitman and I made banana bread before we worked together for spelling. 
  • After that, I loaded up with everyone but Anderson who was off painting the fields at Raymar. Graham drove us to the library and then to Nonna and Pops' house. I didn't plan my time very well because we couldn't stay long though.
  • I hurried home so I could put together a meal to take to the neighbors. And don't be impressed-the only thing home made was the banana bread. Then I sat down for a little bit before Robby and I left with Anderson to go eat. 
  • We picked up a book and magnets for Whitman from someone's house on the way to eat. I usually am the one giving things away on the giving site, so today was just the third time I have picked something up. Whitman will love his magnets-which I should really keep for Christmas. And I am excited about the book-I told Robby that I wanted to have a spare book just in case the library closes. He told me that if the libraries close, we are going to have more trouble than not having a book to read. 
  • Back at home tonight, I have received at least 100 text-probably close to 200 today-which I know is nothing for these kids, but it is kind of overwhelming for me! I have about an hour now before bed, so hopefully I can read a few pages of my book and de-screen.