- Waking up in my princess bed at Nonna's house-I went to sleep in Nonna's bed though
- Seeing Beebee and Papaw this morning
- Eating a "cheese man" for lunch-he was yummy
- Taking a very short rest this afternoon and then playing more
- Going home and we had a big bird (stork) in the yard
- Helping Mom with baby Graham-I had to sing to him, burp him, pat him and hold him. It is tough being a big sister
- Eating supper and then going to bed early-I was tired!
This is How You Hold a Baby!
Welcome Home Me...and Graham!
- Waking up at Nonna's house
- Seeing Beebee and Papaw for a few minutes
- Eating a "cheese man" for lunch and taking a short nap
- Finally coming home-and we had a big duck (stork) in the yard
- Finding baby Graham and playing in his swing and car seat (he was in the bouncy so I couldn't play there)
- Tickling the baby and "loving" on him (which means pushing, poking and grabbing him!)
- Being to concerned about where the baby was to eat supper
- Going to bed early since I was very, very sleepy
Baby Graham Arrives Home!
(Click here for today's pictures)
6:50 p.m. - The Brocks brought Reagan and Anderson home and they were
delighted to see the stork (duck) in the front yard. They quickly began to search the house for Graham. Reagan was ready to play Mom-she tickled, patted, held, burped and rubbed Graham. She was quite upset when Mom said she couldn't feed him. Anderson was also interested in him-he pulled, poked and grabbed (all in a loving way). After the Brocks left, we had supper and all the kids headed to bed. Graham has been quite the napper today-hopefully, he will be tonight too. He has also been quite the eater as well-just like everyone else around here.
4:15 p.m. - Everyone slept great last night! Graham spent the night in the nursery and Mom & Dad slept comfortably in the hospital room (or as comfortable as you can be in a hospital bed and couch.) Dr. Phillips was by around 8:30 a.m. to see Tara and said she could home. The peditrician was by around 9:15 a.m. and also said everyone was set to go home. And then we waited! At first we thought it was the paperwork, but by 11:30 Tara decided she mig
ht need to order lunch. The lady at the desk asked if she was waiting on her doctor or the baby's doctor? When she said neither, the lady asked Tara's nurse. She soon was in the room and apologized and didn't realize the discharge papers had already been completed. So we had a couple extra hours at the hospital. The nurse's aide escorted us downstairs and we were on our way home by 12:15. We arrived home to find a giant stork in the front yard (compliments of the Brocks.) We snapped a few pictures, unpacked, got settled in and Graham continued his napping. The Dennies came by and held him for awhile before Reagan and Anderson got home from Nonna and Pops. Robby ran to pick up some prescriptions and lunch. Mom and Graham took another short nap and now we are waiting for Reagan and Anderson to get home. It's fixing to get a little busier around here.
6:50 p.m. - The Brocks brought Reagan and Anderson home and they were
4:15 p.m. - Everyone slept great last night! Graham spent the night in the nursery and Mom & Dad slept comfortably in the hospital room (or as comfortable as you can be in a hospital bed and couch.) Dr. Phillips was by around 8:30 a.m. to see Tara and said she could home. The peditrician was by around 9:15 a.m. and also said everyone was set to go home. And then we waited! At first we thought it was the paperwork, but by 11:30 Tara decided she mig
Baby Graham Arrives Home!
(Click here for today's pictures)
6:50 p.m. - The Brocks brought Reagan and Anderson home and they were
delighted to see the stork (duck) in the front yard. They quickly began to search the house for Graham. Reagan was ready to play Mom-she tickled, patted, held, burped and rubbed Graham. She was quite upset when Mom said she couldn't feed him. Anderson was also interested in him-he pulled, poked and grabbed (all in a loving way). After the Brocks left, we had supper and all the kids headed to bed. Graham has been quite the napper today-hopefully, he will be tonight too. He has also been quite the eater as well-just like everyone else around here.
4:15 p.m. - Everyone slept great last night! Graham spent the night in the nursery and Mom & Dad slept comfortably in the hospital room (or as comfortable as you can be in a hospital bed and couch.) Dr. Phillips was by around 8:30 a.m. to see Tara and said she could home. The peditrician was by around 9:15 a.m. and also said everyone was set to go home. And then we waited! At first we thought it was the paperwork, but by 11:30 Tara decided she mig
ht need to order lunch. The lady at the desk asked if she was waiting on her doctor or the baby's doctor? When she said neither, the lady asked Tara's nurse. She soon was in the room and apologized and didn't realize the discharge papers had already been completed. So we had a couple extra hours at the hospital. The nurse's aide escorted us downstairs and we were on our way home by 12:15. We arrived home to find a giant stork in the front yard (compliments of the Brocks.) We snapped a few pictures, unpacked, got settled in and Graham continued his napping. The Dennies came by and held him for awhile before Reagan and Anderson got home from Nonna and Pops. Robby ran to pick up some prescriptions and lunch. Mom and Graham took another short nap and now we are waiting for Reagan and Anderson to get home. It's fixing to get a little busier around here.
6:50 p.m. - The Brocks brought Reagan and Anderson home and they were
4:15 p.m. - Everyone slept great last night! Graham spent the night in the nursery and Mom & Dad slept comfortably in the hospital room (or as comfortable as you can be in a hospital bed and couch.) Dr. Phillips was by around 8:30 a.m. to see Tara and said she could home. The peditrician was by around 9:15 a.m. and also said everyone was set to go home. And then we waited! At first we thought it was the paperwork, but by 11:30 Tara decided she mig
I Wanted a Girl!...but a boy will do!
- Waking up at Grannymom's house-we tried to stay up and see the baby but he came too late last night
- Playing all morning long
- Getting to go to the hospital to see our new baby. Mom said it was a boy and I was not too happy
- I didn't really want to hold him but Dad offered me a candy bar...so I couldn't resist!
- Giving Graham his present and getting one from him-just like Christmas
- Going to Nonna's house and playing outside with the water hose
- Playing with Pops and Jason until bedtime
Meeting Baby Graham!
- Waking up at Grannymom's house and playing all morning long
- Taking my present to the hospital for our new baby
- Meeting baby Graham and getting to hold him
- Playing with my new truck-Graham got it for me!
- Heading to Nonna's house for the evening
- Playing with Pops until bedtime
Graham's Second Day
Click here for a video taken by Uncle Jason soon after Graham's birth.
Click here for another Uncle Jason video of Robby announcing Graham's birth.
2:55 p.m. (Click Here for More Pictures) After lunch, Randy Pate stopped by to have prayer with us and then Pawpaw and Beeb
12:05 p.m. - (Click Here for More Pictures) It's been a busy morning. Dana
8:15 a.m. - Wow, what a day yesterday! It was a bit of a long day (especially for Tara) but it was all worth it at 9:43 p.m. Tara was able to deliver Graham naturally and did not have to have a C-section. She started pushing around 9:15 and with the help of Nurse Denise, Dr. Phillips and several others the delivery was smooth.
The Brocks, Jason and Stephanie came back to meet Graham and hold him for a little while. After they left, we stayed in the delivery room until around 1:45 a.m. We were all worn out including the baby. We moved to Room 212, got settled in and then let Mr. Graham head to the nursery for the night.
Tara and I woke up around 6:30 this morning. I ran home real quick for a shower and feed Belle. Dr. Phillips came by around 7:30. He is performing the circumcision this morning so it will be a little bit before we get the baby back. Reagan and Anderson are expected to come visit around 9:00. Tara is getting a shower and is feel really good.
The Brocks, Jason and Stephanie came back to meet Graham and hold him for a little while. After they left, we stayed in the delivery room until around 1:45 a.m. We were all worn out including the baby. We moved to Room 212, got settled in and then let Mr. Graham head to the nursery for the night.
Tara and I woke up around 6:30 this morning. I ran home real quick for a shower and feed Belle. Dr. Phillips came by around 7:30. He is performing the circumcision this morning so it will be a little bit before we get the baby back. Reagan and Anderson are expected to come visit around 9:00. Tara is getting a shower and is feel really good.
Graham's Second Day
Click here for a video taken by Uncle Jason soon after Graham's birth.
Click here for another Uncle Jason video of Robby announcing Graham's birth.
2:55 p.m. (Click Here for More Pictures) After lunch, Randy Pate stopped by to have prayer with us and then Pawpaw and Beeb
12:05 p.m. - (Click Here for More Pictures) It's been a busy morning. Dana
8:15 a.m. - Wow, what a day yesterday! It was a bit of a long day (especially for Tara) but it was all worth it at 9:43 p.m. Tara was able to deliver Graham naturally and did not have to have a C-section. She started pushing around 9:15 and with the help of Nurse Denise, Dr. Phillips and several others the delivery was smooth.
The Brocks, Jason and Stephanie came back to meet Graham and hold him for a little while. After they left, we stayed in the delivery room until around 1:45 a.m. We were all worn out including the baby. We moved to Room 212, got settled in and then let Mr. Graham head to the nursery for the night.
Tara and I woke up around 6:30 this morning. I ran home real quick for a shower and feed Belle. Dr. Phillips came by around 7:30. He is performing the circumcision this morning so it will be a little bit before we get the baby back. Reagan and Anderson are expected to come visit around 9:00. Tara is getting a shower and is feel really good.
The Brocks, Jason and Stephanie came back to meet Graham and hold him for a little while. After they left, we stayed in the delivery room until around 1:45 a.m. We were all worn out including the baby. We moved to Room 212, got settled in and then let Mr. Graham head to the nursery for the night.
Tara and I woke up around 6:30 this morning. I ran home real quick for a shower and feed Belle. Dr. Phillips came by around 7:30. He is performing the circumcision this morning so it will be a little bit before we get the baby back. Reagan and Anderson are expected to come visit around 9:00. Tara is getting a shower and is feel really good.
Graham Brewer Dennie is Born!

7 pounds, 15 ounces
21.75 inches
Mom and baby are doing great!
9:08 p.m. - The nurse is back and just checked Tara again. She said it was time to start pushing. She was going to get set up, call Dr. Phillips and we are going to see if we can have a baby tonight!
8:30 p.m. - The nurse was back in for a check. She says Tara is at a "9" and is going to make it. Tara said, "Today?" And the nurse said she thought so. So now we are hoping before 10:00 p.m. she can at least start pushing. She did have the anesthesiologist came back for another dose of the epidural and is pain free again.
7:43 p.m. - Dr. Phillips is back. He still thinks the baby is moving down. He says 8 to 9. So the first time for him to mention a 9. He told Tara to hang in there. She's doing really good. I even managed to sneak away for a few minutes to grab some supper in the cafeteria with the Brocks and Stephanie.
7:05 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back again for another check. Still at an 8 bu
t the heart rate is good and baby continues to move back down. It is a Dennie pregnancy because we've made the shift change. Nicole is leaving us and Denise is joing us for the night shift. The nursing students also left disappointed they didn't get to assist with the delivery.
6:20 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back for another check. He confirmed the baby had moved some but the head is turned up so he tried to adjust. He said let's wait a little longer to see what happens. Tara is feeling okay.
5:47 p.m. - We've slowed down a bit. It appears the baby is not quite ready to join us. He/she had actually moved back in and over to the side a bit. They mentioned the possibility of a c-section but in the last 15 minutes the baby has moved back over again. So we'll give the little one a little more time to do its thing.
5:04 p.m. - The nurse has returned and this time she brought friends - two nursing students. Our nurse said she had a favor - I'm guessing they are going to help with the delivery.
4:30 p.m. - Dr. Phillips just stopped by and confirmed Tara was at an "8." But he thought the baby's head had gone backwards a bit. They had turned off the pitossin earlier, when Tara's blood pressure dropped and the baby's heartbeat showed some vulnerability, which slowed the contractions. Dr. Phillips said to start the pitossin back (they do that gradually). I think he was going to get some supper and asked the nurse to page him.
4:08 p.m. - She's now at an "8."
3:48 p.m. - Tara is still at a "7" but the nurse said the baby has dropped a bit more.
3:18 p.m. - Tara's blood pressure dropped a bit after the
epidural. They hooked her up to some oxygen and got the blood pressure stablized. The nurse also checked and said Tara was at "7." She said when the baby comes, it will probably come pretty quick. Tara is taking a little nap before all the excitement.
2:21 p.m. - Good news! The epidural is working and Tara is much happier. They have set her with a epidural pump which will deliver the good medicine as she needs it.
2:11 p.m. - The anesthesiologist started the epidural procedure around 1:13. At around 1:41, Tara had decided it didn't take since she was still feeling the pain. They decided to do another epidural so they had to start over. Right now we are waiting to see if this one takes - Tara hopes so!
1:00 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back to check on Tara. He said she was at a "5" and we might have a baby before supper. Tara said she was ready for the epidural so they have called the anesthesiologist.
12:00 p.m. - Tom came by and took Robby and Tommye to lunch down at McBryde's. Viriginia stayed with Tara. And Dana came back to check in.
11:20 a.m. - The nurse was back into to check on Tara. She said she was at a "4" to "5".
11:10 a.m. - Bro. Paul stopped in and had prayer wit
h us.
10:20 a.m. - The Mom's have arrived. Virginia got here around
10:10 and Tommye was in here just a few minutes later.
9:40 a.m. - How does this work? Tara's contraction monitor shows she is having contractions every few minutes and what is she doing? Sleeping! She said was going to take a quick nap and get rested up.
9:00 a.m. - The anesthesiologist stopped by to complete the paper work. She said most people aren't interested in answering questions when they are ready for the epidural. She went through the process with Tara and said to call when ready.
8:17 a.m. - Dr. Phillips stopped by to check on Tara and break her water. He said she was at a "2". After breaking her water, he said she could have an epidural anytime she wanted.
8:00 a.m. - Dana stopped in to say hello.
7:41 a.m. - Dr. Bruce stopped by for a quick prayer and check in on us. Soon
after, the nurse offically started the potossin drip. (click here for a quick video)
7: 26 a.m. - We made it to the hospital around 6:45 a.m. Doyle Moore was waiting on us in the waiting room. He had prayer with us and then we in at labor & delivery. Our nurse, Nicole, took us to room 5. Tara changed into her gown and filled out all the paperwork. She was soon hooked up to a contraction monitor, baby heart beat monitor and blood pressure monitor. She said Tara was already having some contractations (although undetectable to Tara at this point). She's inserting her IV now and will soon start her own pitossin.
5:30 a.m. - I am up (barely) and Robby is running. The kids are sleeping and will go to school later today. We are planning on heading to the hospital around 6:30. My guess is we will have a baby around 5 (hopefully, much, much earlier). We plan on keeping the blog updated if possible.
8:30 p.m. - The nurse was back in for a check. She says Tara is at a "9" and is going to make it. Tara said, "Today?" And the nurse said she thought so. So now we are hoping before 10:00 p.m. she can at least start pushing. She did have the anesthesiologist came back for another dose of the epidural and is pain free again.
7:43 p.m. - Dr. Phillips is back. He still thinks the baby is moving down. He says 8 to 9. So the first time for him to mention a 9. He told Tara to hang in there. She's doing really good. I even managed to sneak away for a few minutes to grab some supper in the cafeteria with the Brocks and Stephanie.
7:05 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back again for another check. Still at an 8 bu
6:20 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back for another check. He confirmed the baby had moved some but the head is turned up so he tried to adjust. He said let's wait a little longer to see what happens. Tara is feeling okay.
5:47 p.m. - We've slowed down a bit. It appears the baby is not quite ready to join us. He/she had actually moved back in and over to the side a bit. They mentioned the possibility of a c-section but in the last 15 minutes the baby has moved back over again. So we'll give the little one a little more time to do its thing.
5:04 p.m. - The nurse has returned and this time she brought friends - two nursing students. Our nurse said she had a favor - I'm guessing they are going to help with the delivery.
4:30 p.m. - Dr. Phillips just stopped by and confirmed Tara was at an "8." But he thought the baby's head had gone backwards a bit. They had turned off the pitossin earlier, when Tara's blood pressure dropped and the baby's heartbeat showed some vulnerability, which slowed the contractions. Dr. Phillips said to start the pitossin back (they do that gradually). I think he was going to get some supper and asked the nurse to page him.
4:08 p.m. - She's now at an "8."
3:48 p.m. - Tara is still at a "7" but the nurse said the baby has dropped a bit more.
3:18 p.m. - Tara's blood pressure dropped a bit after the
2:21 p.m. - Good news! The epidural is working and Tara is much happier. They have set her with a epidural pump which will deliver the good medicine as she needs it.
2:11 p.m. - The anesthesiologist started the epidural procedure around 1:13. At around 1:41, Tara had decided it didn't take since she was still feeling the pain. They decided to do another epidural so they had to start over. Right now we are waiting to see if this one takes - Tara hopes so!
1:00 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back to check on Tara. He said she was at a "5" and we might have a baby before supper. Tara said she was ready for the epidural so they have called the anesthesiologist.
12:00 p.m. - Tom came by and took Robby and Tommye to lunch down at McBryde's. Viriginia stayed with Tara. And Dana came back to check in.
11:20 a.m. - The nurse was back into to check on Tara. She said she was at a "4" to "5".
11:10 a.m. - Bro. Paul stopped in and had prayer wit
10:20 a.m. - The Mom's have arrived. Virginia got here around
10:10 and Tommye was in here just a few minutes later.
9:40 a.m. - How does this work? Tara's contraction monitor shows she is having contractions every few minutes and what is she doing? Sleeping! She said was going to take a quick nap and get rested up.
9:00 a.m. - The anesthesiologist stopped by to complete the paper work. She said most people aren't interested in answering questions when they are ready for the epidural. She went through the process with Tara and said to call when ready.
8:17 a.m. - Dr. Phillips stopped by to check on Tara and break her water. He said she was at a "2". After breaking her water, he said she could have an epidural anytime she wanted.
8:00 a.m. - Dana stopped in to say hello.
7:41 a.m. - Dr. Bruce stopped by for a quick prayer and check in on us. Soon
7: 26 a.m. - We made it to the hospital around 6:45 a.m. Doyle Moore was waiting on us in the waiting room. He had prayer with us and then we in at labor & delivery. Our nurse, Nicole, took us to room 5. Tara changed into her gown and filled out all the paperwork. She was soon hooked up to a contraction monitor, baby heart beat monitor and blood pressure monitor. She said Tara was already having some contractations (although undetectable to Tara at this point). She's inserting her IV now and will soon start her own pitossin.
5:30 a.m. - I am up (barely) and Robby is running. The kids are sleeping and will go to school later today. We are planning on heading to the hospital around 6:30. My guess is we will have a baby around 5 (hopefully, much, much earlier). We plan on keeping the blog updated if possible.
Graham Brewer Dennie is Born!

7 pounds, 15 ounces
21.75 inches
Mom and baby are doing great!
9:08 p.m. - The nurse is back and just checked Tara again. She said it was time to start pushing. She was going to get set up, call Dr. Phillips and we are going to see if we can have a baby tonight!
8:30 p.m. - The nurse was back in for a check. She says Tara is at a "9" and is going to make it. Tara said, "Today?" And the nurse said she thought so. So now we are hoping before 10:00 p.m. she can at least start pushing. She did have the anesthesiologist came back for another dose of the epidural and is pain free again.
7:43 p.m. - Dr. Phillips is back. He still thinks the baby is moving down. He says 8 to 9. So the first time for him to mention a 9. He told Tara to hang in there. She's doing really good. I even managed to sneak away for a few minutes to grab some supper in the cafeteria with the Brocks and Stephanie.
7:05 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back again for another check. Still at an 8 bu
t the heart rate is good and baby continues to move back down. It is a Dennie pregnancy because we've made the shift change. Nicole is leaving us and Denise is joing us for the night shift. The nursing students also left disappointed they didn't get to assist with the delivery.
6:20 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back for another check. He confirmed the baby had moved some but the head is turned up so he tried to adjust. He said let's wait a little longer to see what happens. Tara is feeling okay.
5:47 p.m. - We've slowed down a bit. It appears the baby is not quite ready to join us. He/she had actually moved back in and over to the side a bit. They mentioned the possibility of a c-section but in the last 15 minutes the baby has moved back over again. So we'll give the little one a little more time to do its thing.
5:04 p.m. - The nurse has returned and this time she brought friends - two nursing students. Our nurse said she had a favor - I'm guessing they are going to help with the delivery.
4:30 p.m. - Dr. Phillips just stopped by and confirmed Tara was at an "8." But he thought the baby's head had gone backwards a bit. They had turned off the pitossin earlier, when Tara's blood pressure dropped and the baby's heartbeat showed some vulnerability, which slowed the contractions. Dr. Phillips said to start the pitossin back (they do that gradually). I think he was going to get some supper and asked the nurse to page him.
4:08 p.m. - She's now at an "8."
3:48 p.m. - Tara is still at a "7" but the nurse said the baby has dropped a bit more.
3:18 p.m. - Tara's blood pressure dropped a bit after the
epidural. They hooked her up to some oxygen and got the blood pressure stablized. The nurse also checked and said Tara was at "7." She said when the baby comes, it will probably come pretty quick. Tara is taking a little nap before all the excitement.
2:21 p.m. - Good news! The epidural is working and Tara is much happier. They have set her with a epidural pump which will deliver the good medicine as she needs it.
2:11 p.m. - The anesthesiologist started the epidural procedure around 1:13. At around 1:41, Tara had decided it didn't take since she was still feeling the pain. They decided to do another epidural so they had to start over. Right now we are waiting to see if this one takes - Tara hopes so!
1:00 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back to check on Tara. He said she was at a "5" and we might have a baby before supper. Tara said she was ready for the epidural so they have called the anesthesiologist.
12:00 p.m. - Tom came by and took Robby and Tommye to lunch down at McBryde's. Viriginia stayed with Tara. And Dana came back to check in.
11:20 a.m. - The nurse was back into to check on Tara. She said she was at a "4" to "5".
11:10 a.m. - Bro. Paul stopped in and had prayer wit
h us.
10:20 a.m. - The Mom's have arrived. Virginia got here around
10:10 and Tommye was in here just a few minutes later.
9:40 a.m. - How does this work? Tara's contraction monitor shows she is having contractions every few minutes and what is she doing? Sleeping! She said was going to take a quick nap and get rested up.
9:00 a.m. - The anesthesiologist stopped by to complete the paper work. She said most people aren't interested in answering questions when they are ready for the epidural. She went through the process with Tara and said to call when ready.
8:17 a.m. - Dr. Phillips stopped by to check on Tara and break her water. He said she was at a "2". After breaking her water, he said she could have an epidural anytime she wanted.
8:00 a.m. - Dana stopped in to say hello.
7:41 a.m. - Dr. Bruce stopped by for a quick prayer and check in on us. Soon
after, the nurse offically started the potossin drip. (click here for a quick video)
7: 26 a.m. - We made it to the hospital around 6:45 a.m. Doyle Moore was waiting on us in the waiting room. He had prayer with us and then we in at labor & delivery. Our nurse, Nicole, took us to room 5. Tara changed into her gown and filled out all the paperwork. She was soon hooked up to a contraction monitor, baby heart beat monitor and blood pressure monitor. She said Tara was already having some contractations (although undetectable to Tara at this point). She's inserting her IV now and will soon start her own pitossin.
5:30 a.m. - I am up (barely) and Robby is running. The kids are sleeping and will go to school later today. We are planning on heading to the hospital around 6:30. My guess is we will have a baby around 5 (hopefully, much, much earlier). We plan on keeping the blog updated if possible.
8:30 p.m. - The nurse was back in for a check. She says Tara is at a "9" and is going to make it. Tara said, "Today?" And the nurse said she thought so. So now we are hoping before 10:00 p.m. she can at least start pushing. She did have the anesthesiologist came back for another dose of the epidural and is pain free again.
7:43 p.m. - Dr. Phillips is back. He still thinks the baby is moving down. He says 8 to 9. So the first time for him to mention a 9. He told Tara to hang in there. She's doing really good. I even managed to sneak away for a few minutes to grab some supper in the cafeteria with the Brocks and Stephanie.
7:05 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back again for another check. Still at an 8 bu
6:20 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back for another check. He confirmed the baby had moved some but the head is turned up so he tried to adjust. He said let's wait a little longer to see what happens. Tara is feeling okay.
5:47 p.m. - We've slowed down a bit. It appears the baby is not quite ready to join us. He/she had actually moved back in and over to the side a bit. They mentioned the possibility of a c-section but in the last 15 minutes the baby has moved back over again. So we'll give the little one a little more time to do its thing.
5:04 p.m. - The nurse has returned and this time she brought friends - two nursing students. Our nurse said she had a favor - I'm guessing they are going to help with the delivery.
4:30 p.m. - Dr. Phillips just stopped by and confirmed Tara was at an "8." But he thought the baby's head had gone backwards a bit. They had turned off the pitossin earlier, when Tara's blood pressure dropped and the baby's heartbeat showed some vulnerability, which slowed the contractions. Dr. Phillips said to start the pitossin back (they do that gradually). I think he was going to get some supper and asked the nurse to page him.
4:08 p.m. - She's now at an "8."
3:48 p.m. - Tara is still at a "7" but the nurse said the baby has dropped a bit more.
3:18 p.m. - Tara's blood pressure dropped a bit after the
2:21 p.m. - Good news! The epidural is working and Tara is much happier. They have set her with a epidural pump which will deliver the good medicine as she needs it.
2:11 p.m. - The anesthesiologist started the epidural procedure around 1:13. At around 1:41, Tara had decided it didn't take since she was still feeling the pain. They decided to do another epidural so they had to start over. Right now we are waiting to see if this one takes - Tara hopes so!
1:00 p.m. - Dr. Phillips was back to check on Tara. He said she was at a "5" and we might have a baby before supper. Tara said she was ready for the epidural so they have called the anesthesiologist.
12:00 p.m. - Tom came by and took Robby and Tommye to lunch down at McBryde's. Viriginia stayed with Tara. And Dana came back to check in.
11:20 a.m. - The nurse was back into to check on Tara. She said she was at a "4" to "5".
11:10 a.m. - Bro. Paul stopped in and had prayer wit
10:20 a.m. - The Mom's have arrived. Virginia got here around
10:10 and Tommye was in here just a few minutes later.
9:40 a.m. - How does this work? Tara's contraction monitor shows she is having contractions every few minutes and what is she doing? Sleeping! She said was going to take a quick nap and get rested up.
9:00 a.m. - The anesthesiologist stopped by to complete the paper work. She said most people aren't interested in answering questions when they are ready for the epidural. She went through the process with Tara and said to call when ready.
8:17 a.m. - Dr. Phillips stopped by to check on Tara and break her water. He said she was at a "2". After breaking her water, he said she could have an epidural anytime she wanted.
8:00 a.m. - Dana stopped in to say hello.
7:41 a.m. - Dr. Bruce stopped by for a quick prayer and check in on us. Soon
7: 26 a.m. - We made it to the hospital around 6:45 a.m. Doyle Moore was waiting on us in the waiting room. He had prayer with us and then we in at labor & delivery. Our nurse, Nicole, took us to room 5. Tara changed into her gown and filled out all the paperwork. She was soon hooked up to a contraction monitor, baby heart beat monitor and blood pressure monitor. She said Tara was already having some contractations (although undetectable to Tara at this point). She's inserting her IV now and will soon start her own pitossin.
5:30 a.m. - I am up (barely) and Robby is running. The kids are sleeping and will go to school later today. We are planning on heading to the hospital around 6:30. My guess is we will have a baby around 5 (hopefully, much, much earlier). We plan on keeping the blog updated if possible.
Tomorrow's the Big Day!
Tomorrow's the Big Day!
A Real Baby Tomorrow!
- Playing at Grannymom's house this morning
- Coming home to help Mom with the laundry and dishes
- Eating a big sandwich and lots of cookies for lunch
- An afternoon nap and then ironing (watching) and playing Boggle with Mom
- Helping Mom pull the weeds and checking the mail
- Eating supper with Anderson
- Diapering my baby doll until bedtime
Wash This, Mom!
- Waking up this morning ready to play at Grandpa's house
- Pulling out lots and lots of toys at Grannymom's
- Helping Mom clean up our house
- Eating lots of dip and a little bit of chips and sandwich for lunch
- A very long afternoon nap
- Eating supper-0nce with Reagan and once with Dad
- Playing farm until bedtime
Wild Water Fun!
- Having a baby shower in my Sunday School class for Mr. Ryan and Ms. Amanda. We had cupcakes and I gave them a taggie just like Anderson's taggie
- Eating lunch and playing at Nonna and Pop's house
- A short afternoon nap-Mom came in my room to wake me up and I sat up and said "I wasn't awake yet"
- Grocery shopping (Mom saved 75%) We rode in the cars and Dad even bought us juice boxes
- Eating supper at Wild River Country-a hot dog and chips
- Swimming in the wave pool and kiddie area-I loved to put my head (very briefly) under the water and hiding behind the waterfall
- Coming home and going straight to bed
Water Blast!
- Sunday School this morning
- Playing at Nonna and Pops after lunch
- A short afternoon nap-Dad woke me up
- Shopping at Krogers (Mom saved 75%-she was very proud of herself) I rode in the fast car but didn't want Reagan sitting next to me. I tried to push her out!
- Eating a hot dog at Wild River Country
- Swimming in the kiddie area and the wave pool-I have no fear of the water. Next year I will have to wear floaties or a life jacket-I enjoyed sticking my head in the water like Reagan (but I didn't know to close my mouth)
More, Please!
- Waking up ready to play and eat!
- Playing with Cash during Lilly's birthday party-my favorite part was eating the cake and ice cream
- Shopping with Target-Dad even let me get down to walk! (Mom never lets me do that)
- Taking a short afternoon nap
- Playing with Grannymom and Grandpa for a few minutes this afternoon
- Shouting "no" at a man who tried to sit down on the bench by Mom while waiting for a table at Chili's
- Eating lots and lots of beans and cheese tonight
- Coming home for a bath (with Reagan) and then bed
Birthday Bracelet Fun!
- Playing with Anderson early this morning
- Making a bracelet, eating lots of food, watching Lilly open presents and singing Happy Birthday to Lilly at her 4th birthday party
- Shopping at Target-we only bought one thing but we were there for a long time!
- Talking all during my afternoon nap-must have been all of the sugar from Lilly's party
- Playing legos with Grannymom while Grandpa and Dad worked on the computers
- Eating chips, salsa, beans, chicken and french fries at Chili's tonight
- And getting kissed by Ethan as his family was leaving (I just grinned and blushed!)
- Racing to get my pajamas on before Anderson
- Talking about my day before bed
- Getting ready early this morning to go to the park
- Playing in the tunnels and sliding down the slide-and even playing in the water fountains. Josh and Zach played with us since they are in town this week
- Eating a picnic lunch (we even had juice boxes) and then having another snack in the car
- Coming home to cool off and have an afternoon nap
- Helping Mom with the laundry-I help fold the washcloths
- Waiting on Dad outside and then hurrying inside to get ready to go out to eat
- Eating supper at Playtime Pizza-I didn't even want dessert after Dad said we would play more when we were finished. We played on the video games, rode the cars, played with the blocks and even went bowling! I would jump up and down when my ball finally rolled to the end
- Picking up a few things at Walmart before bedtime
Where'd the Water Go?
- Waking up ready to go to the park
- Playing in the tunnels and sliding down the big slide (once with Mom and once by myself) at the Peabody Park-and my favorite-playing in the water fountain. Josh and Zach played with us-I even gave them a hug when we left
- Eating a picnic and then another snack in the car
- Coming home to cool off and take an afternoon nap
- Helping Mom with the laundry
- Waiting on Dad outside and then hurrying inside to get ready to go eat
- Eating supper at Playtime Pizza-I had 2 pieces of pizza, 2 helping of macaroni, ice cream and a cookie. We played on the cars, with the blocks and even got to go bowling!
- Picking up a few things from Walmart before bedtime
Ice Cream Treat!
- Going to school today-I even pottied in the potty (only since Dad said we could go and get ice cream tonight if I did)
- Coloring a dog at school and playing in the gym
- Swimming for a little bit this afternoon-Mom was hot (we didn't get her wet enough)
- Not taking an afternoon nap-I talked to my baby doll, tried to get Mom's attention since Anderson was crying and sang (mostly the Hokey Pokey)
- Eating supper and waiting on Dad to come home
- Enjoying my big scoop of pink ice cream! It was my favorite part of the day
Little Blue Man!
- At school this morning, I saw that Ms. Clarice wasn't there and laid in the floor and cried when Dad dropped me off (I was fine when he walked back by though)
- Swimming for a few minutes this afternoon
- Not taking an afternoon nap-I cried for Mom until she finally gave up and rescued me (Reagan was trying to sleep in her room and kept saying "he's fussing, why is he fussing?")
- Eating supper and anxiously waiting for Dad to come home
- Making a huge mess with my blue ice cream tonight-HUGE MESSS!
Big Day...Coming Up Soon!
We had our final appointment today. Everything was going great so Phillips set the big day for Tuesday the 29th. I will be induced at Baptist at 7 (much better than with Reagan at 5 and Anderson at 6 in the morning). The kids will be in school and hopefully the day will go smoothly! We will update the blog often on Tuesday...if not before.
Big Day...Coming Up Soon!
We had our final appointment today. Everything was going great so Phillips set the big day for Tuesday the 29th. I will be induced at Baptist at 7 (much better than with Reagan at 5 and Anderson at 6 in the morning). The kids will be in school and hopefully the day will go smoothly! We will update the blog often on Tuesday...if not before.
34 Months Old plus a few days
- Waking up asking about making my butterfly cookies
- Eating toast for breakfast-we didn't have any bread yesterday so we missed our toast
- Making my butterfly cookies-just like Sandra Lee did on Semi Homemade. We stirred the dough, licked the spoons, rolled the dough, used cookie cutters and decorated the cookies with candy
- Baking the cookies and then eating one-they were good but our tummys were full of dough, flour (I liked to eat it too) and M&Ms
- Eating turkey and mashed potatoes for lunch-Mom is a good cook! (when it comes in a box)
- An afternoon nap and then laying down with Mom for a while
- Playing with Anderson-and letting Mom sit down
- Holding my umbrella (in the garage), listening to the thunder and hoping for rain
- Taking pictures with Dad since I am 34 months old this month (Dad took 100 pictures today and Mom took 70-don't worry, you won't have to look at them all)
- Eating a whole ear of corn for supper (Mom was going to send the other half to school-maybe she will make her carrots again)
- Playing, bath and bed tonight
Yummy Corn!
- Beginning my day by peepeeing and poopooing on the potty-I was just as surprised as Mom was!
- Eating toast for breakfast-we were out of bread yesterday so we missed it
- Making a mess-I mean, cookies. We stirred, rolled out the dough, used the cookie cutters and decorated the cookies
- Cleaning after the cookies
- Eating lunch-turkey and dressing
- A long afternoon nap and then playing with Reagan
- Sitting outside and listening to the thunder
- Taking my 19 month pictures (Dad took 100 pics today and Mom took 70-don't worry, you don't have to look at all of them)
- Eating lots of corn for supper
- More playing, a bath and bed
You Bet I Love Ice Cream!
- Sleeping late - Dad had to wake us up to get ready for school
- Dad driving us to school - a fun day at school and we went to the Gym. (I still didn't potty at school. I'm going to Thursday, I promise.
- Mom picking us up from school
- Making Mom promise we were going to make butterfly cookies tomorrow (like Sandra Lee)
- Over to Pops and Nonna for supper and a quick stay while Mom went to Bunko and Dad ran errands
- Dad picking us up and then home to bed
Hip, Hip Horray for Nonna! (and Pops!)
- Sleeping late - Dad had to wake us up to get ready for school
- Dad driving us to school - I carried my backpack straight to Ms. Clarice
- Mom picking us up from school
- An afternoon nap - I was tired
- Over to Pops and Nonna for supper and a quick stay while Mom went to Bunko and Dad ran errands
- Dad picking us up and then home to bed
Itsy Bitsy (Yummy) Spider!
- Watching Firehouse Dog with Zach, Josh, Grannymom and Grandpa-I liked seeing the dogs and firetrucks. I did fall asleep towards the end!
- Shopping at Target
- Making a spider for lunch-yummy! I did it all by myself!
- Helping Mom with laundry and getting into trouble-I jumped on Mom's bed
- A long afternoon nap
- Seeing Pops-he brought us some corn to eat!
- Supper and shopping at the Dollar Store-I didn't get anything this time (but I really didn't notice)
My Spider!
- Watching Firehouse Dog with Zach, Josh, Grannymom and Grandpa-I was a little bit scared but still had fun
- Buying Lilly's birthday present at Target-I wanted it!
- Making a spider at lunch! I even added a mouth to mine
- Helping Mom with laundry and getting into trouble-I didn't get off of Mom's bed when she asked me to
- A nap and watching my cooking show-again
- Seeing Pops-he brought me alot of corn (I even helped shuck one)
- Eating supper out and then shopping at the dollar store-I was good so I bought a pretty comb and mirror (it had flowers on it)
Dad, This is a Pretzel!
- Being a big girl at Sunday School today-until I saw Mom and Dad in the hall and became very upset!
- Lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house and playing Barbie's with Lilly
- An afternoon nap and then eating popsicles
- Watching my cooking show until suppertime-I ate all of my hot dog and cheese
- Back to church-we even saw Nonna and Pops in the hallway
- Drinking all of my milk before bed-I was thirsty tonight
- Church this morning-I had a new big boy Sunday School class (I missed my old teachers but I did fine)
- Lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house-we had ice cream and I made a huge mess
- An afternoon nap and then eating some of Dad's icee
- Playing for a few minutes and then supper
- Exploring all of the toys in my room tonight at church
- Guzzling my milk before bed
The Junction Bridge & More!
- Playing at Peabody Park this morning-there was a big slide, a long tunnel and then we played in the water-and I got all wet (good thing we had my bathing suit)
- Having a picnic before walking across the downtown Junction Bridge. We saw boats and the trolleys too-but it was hot!
- An afternoon nap then watching my cooking show with Mom and eating some of Dad's ice
- Spending the evening at Nonna and Pops house-I was so excited when Dad said that we could go to Nonnas
Shooting Water!
- Playing at Peabody Park this morning-we went down the slide, in the tunnel and played in the water
- Having a picnic outside before walking across the bridge downtown-I liked seeing the boats and the trolley
- Getting hot and sweaty and taking a long nap when I came home
- Spending the evening at Nonna and Pops house
Just Swingin'
- Sleeping in late this morning
- Eating breakfast and begging to go swimming
- Finally getting to go swimming but it was cold so we emptied the pool to clean it. I helped empty it by sitting on the side and letting all of the water gush past me.
- Playing with the water hose for a very, very long time (don't tell Dad)
- BBQ and beans for lunch-my favorite meal
- An afternoon nap and then watching the cooking lady a few times on tv
- Watching Dad run on the treadmill and then playing on it
- Eating supper at Loca Luna-I like cheese dip!-we had cake and candy since I was such a good girl
- Playing on the swings and slides before going home to take a bath
Woe Nellie!
- Sleeping in late this morning
- Eating breakfast and then playing until we begged to go swimming
- Only swimming a little bit since it was very cold-we did empty out the pool to clean it and spent most of our time playing with the water hose
- Lunch and then a very long afternoon nap-Dad was even home when I woke up
- Watching Dad run-I love to watch him and play on the treadmill when he is finished
- Eating at Loca Luna (we even had dessert) and playing on the slides on the way home-I am not really a big fan of the slides
- A quick bath to wash the sand off
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