- Graham waking up at 5:30 this morning and he was ready to play. He did finally go back to sleep, probably about the time everyone else woke up
- Reagan waking up asking if this was the day for trick or treating. She said "oh, it is like Halloween!"
- Pancakes for breakfast and playing for a few minutes at McDonalds
- Mom going to a shower while Graham had a nap and Reagan and Anderson feasted on candy and movies
- Lunch and then everyone helping Dad carve pumpkins. Anderson hid under the table for some of it and had no desire to get anything on his hands. Reagan finally came around and touched some of the pumpkin and Graham would have eaten the pumpkin goo if Mom would have let him
- Afternoon naps for everyone-even Mom and Dad
- Waking up for baths and suiting up for Halloween
- Stopping by Grannymom's house, Nonna and Beebee's houses, a few houses on Nonna's street and then meeting up with Lilly and Cash to stop by a few more houses. Graham understood exactly what was happening and would put his candy in his bucket. Reagan was in heaven and Anderson couldn't wait to open everything up
- A stop by Taco Bell for supper and looking at all of our goodies before going to bed
Dennie Kids: October 31, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pumpkin carving pictures) & (click here for trick or treating pictures)
Dennie Kids: October 30, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- A lazy morning around the house-Mom was the only one not in her pajamas this morning
- Reagan, Anderson and Graham playing together happily all morning long-except for a few fights but that quickly ended when Mom mentioned that fussy boys and girls didn't get to go ride the rides tonight
- A nap for Graham while Reagan and Anderson watched a movie and while Mom worked on her 3 page list (it was 4 so she is doing good)
- Chocolate milk and cheese sticks for lunch (thanks Nutrition Center)
- Graham saying lots of new words today-he will soon be talking up a storm (when he can get an word in)
- Early afternoon naps while Dad came home and Mom ran to Target
- Waking up to get dressed for GSFest-and we had a blast
- Reagan was so proud that she had prayed for no rain and that God sent no rain!
- We rode the motorcycles, cars, train, bouncy slide, bumpy slide and the pony ride. We also saw 2 firetrucks and a police car, played basketball and played on the playground and more bouncys. Anderson's favorite was the motorcycles and Reagan's favorite was the slides. Graham's favorite was probably Mom's funnel cake.
- Dad staying to work while Mom brought home 1 tired child (Graham-never woke up even though Mom had to change his clothes), 1 hungry child (Anderson-wanted to eat all of his candy) and 1 wide awake child (Reagan-who is now sleeping soundly even though Anderson is singing away)
Dennie Kids: October 29, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- What a long night last night was for Anderson (and Mom and Dad). He started coughing when he laid down and coughed until he threw up. Mom wasn't going to give him a bath since he wasn't that messy but he climbed in the tub before she could protest
- Anderson laying back down in Graham's room but Mom and Dad moved him to their room so his coughing wouldn't wake Graham up. Next Mom tried to give him some cough syrup-but he didn't like it so he threw that up. Dad headed to Anderson's bed and Anderson and Mom finally slept for a little bit last night. A little cough during the day but it is much worse at night!
- Mom drives everyone to school and just one time has she missed the turn to get on 430 instead of staying on 630 so now the whole back seat screams "turn, turn, turn" until she turns onto 430-that is just what she needs on a nasty rainy day!
- A big day at school-people came and talked to Reagan and Anderson's classes about the Toltec Mounds and even gave them arrowheads and pencils. Reagan said they talked about Indians and animals. Anderson knew they talked about bears.
- Anderson's teacher calling Mom because he was coughing alot during nap so Mom picked up everyone early which worked out well since she had to pack up once we got home to go again
- Everyone putting on their Halloween costumes for Dad's work party-balloons, candy, popcorn, candy, tattoos, games and lots more candy. The kids had a blast but enjoyed pushing the elevator buttons just as much
- Next stop was the party at the Nutrition Center-they colored, danced, made a skeleton and played on the slides. Not so much candy here-carrots, cheerios, celery with peanut butter, apples, cheese and milk-hey, it was the nutrition center! Oh, they did get one piece of candy there!
- Following Dad to McDonalds for a quick bite to eat and then shopping at Krogers during their Halloween party-cupcakes, apples, games and lots more candy
- A few minutes to play while Mom and Dad unloaded the car before heading to bed-2 are sleeping and Anderson is going strong!
- Last night while watching baseball, he saw they had on helmets so he grabbed his pumpkin bucket for his helmet and started pitching (complete with throwing his leg in the air to pitch the ball) to Dad. The ball was a sock but by the end of the game, Dad was wearing a Halloween bucket helmet too.
Dennie Kids; October 28, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Everyone staying in bed with Mom until after 8-not much sleeping was going on but it was still nice!
- Getting dressed and heading downstairs for breakfast. We ate 4 bananas: it was more fun because Mom let us use toothpicks to eat them
- Anderson and Reagan practicing "trick or treating" and Mom was told that we had to go to the "neighbor's houses and stranger's houses"
- Nonna coming over to play with us-we played hide and seek, I spy, monster, cooking and lots of other games too
- Naps for everyone and then heading to Awanas-Reagan prayed that it wouldn't rain on Friday after seeing all of the rides at church. And she said that she had "never seen a church like that"
- Cubbies for Reagan and the boys coming home early to hang out with Dad and watch "Mr. Todd's friend" play baseball. Anderson thought he was looking for Mr. Todd and could never find him on the tv.
Dennie Kids: October 27, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- It was a school day...so that means everyone wanted to sleep in - including Mom & Dad
- Quickly getting dressed and a bite of breakfast before heading to school in the rain
- A good day for everyone at school - even Graham is getting the hang of it
- Mom picking us up and then coming home and doing a little painting (on an old cardboard box)
- Waiting for Dad to get home to eat supper
- Say bye to Mom who headed out the door for Bunko soon after Dad got home
- Playing with Dad - we played races with his iPod cords; we wrestled in the blankets; and played ghosts with the blankets
- Graham going to bed first and then a couple of movie for Reagan & Anderson
Dennie Kids: October 26, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Dad posted pictures from our school pictures-Mom was frustrated having to find us winter clothes while it was still hot outside so she thought about not even having our pictures made. But she was sure glad she did-aren't they good?
- Yesterday, Reagan said that she never wanted to grow up and always wanted to be a kid and play with toys and not have to go to work (Dad said, "Amen.")
- This morning we were dressed and ready to head to Grannymom's house when the bug man came-Reagan, Anderson and Graham followed him around the house and stared at him through the windows. Mom told us he was going outside to look for bugs and Reagan replied "there are always bugs out there"
- Playing with Grannymom and Grandpa all morning long-we played hard-when we came home everyone stayed up for a few minutes to eat a snack and poor Graham fell asleep in his seat
- Long afternoon naps for the boys while Mom and Reagan played some
- Supper before Dad came home and then seconds for Graham when Dad and Mom ate
- Everyone playing baseball in the kitchen until bedtime
- The doorbell rang after everyone was in bed (UPS man) and Anderson called for Dad to ask if it was Nonna coming over
Dennie Kids: October 25, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Staying in bed until 8-that Benadryl worked! (kidding, we did get up at 1:30 to find Anderson's taggie, 5:30 to find Reagan's taggie and 6:30 to change Graham) and yes, the taggies are sewn on to their pajamas tonight!
- Graham having a good morning in Sunday School and even wanting Mr. Andy to hold him while Mr. Andy and Mom were talking
- Lunch at Lilly and Cash's house-lots of fun playing in their garage and Reagan even had her bangs cut by Aunt Dana
- Graham and Anderson coming home to take naps-that was fine with Anderson since he slept in the top bunk (big time stuff)
- Reagan going to Maddie's birthday party-she didn't want to wear a costume at first but then changed her mind and put on her ladybug costume (Mom had a witch costume too in the car but she opted against it) Maddie's theme was the Wicked Witch
- Anderson asking for a cheese sandwich when he woke up, Graham having some cheese (his favorite food now) and Reagan only wanted the bread
- Running one quick errand-Anderson in his pajamas, Reagan was dressed as Dorothy and Graham did have on his clothes-only Mom jumped out though
- Playing ball, legos, watching a movie with Dad and baths before bedtime tonight
Dennie Kids: October 24, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Everyone sleeping in until after 7:30 and then making a few blueberry muffins for breakfast-it was just a small package-Graham had 2, Anderson had 1 and 1/2, Reagan had 1 and that only left 1 and 1/2 for Mom
- Playing around the house this morning in our pajamas and watching Mom and Dad clean all kinds of stuff
- Putting on our clothes and heading out to watch our first real football game
- A quick bite to eat at Taco Bell before meeting Carter and Millie at Ouachita
- Jumping on the jumpy things-Graham loved it and thought he could do anything Reagan and Anderson could do
- Watching the Tigers beat some other team-Anderson sat by Carter and just stared at the game, Reagan and Millie ran and played, Graham enjoyed walking up and down the hill and everyone enjoyed running around outside during the game-Anderson and Dad did end up a little sunburned though
- Coming home and picking up supper at the store-Mom and Dad said they needed toilet paper but they forgot to buy some!...and we were good so they can't even blame us as a distraction
- Lasagna for supper-it cooked while Reagan and Anderson swang very high outside
- Clean sheets and peaceful dream for 3 very tired kids tonight
Book Review: The Tallest of Smalls by Max Lucado
So, we have been doing a little book reviewing at our house. And I just finished book number 2-don't get too impressed: it was a children's book. I had 3 assistant book reviewers for this book. My kids (4, 2 and 1) are probably a little young to fully grasp the message of this book. But they still enjoyed it and listened to the entire story. The flowing rhyme and interesting, vibrant pictures kept them intrigued as I read. Even though they weren't old enough to understand the entire story, they did grasp that little Ollie was sad and Jesus made him happy. And they understood that Jesus cared about Ollie and made him just like he cares about us and made us. So, you ask, would I keep this book? Yes, not being in the cool group, not being picked first and not having what others have is just around the corner for my little ones. So this will be a good book for them to hear when those times come.
Dennie Kids: October 23, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Another early morning for Graham; he was up at 6:00 but with a bottle in bed he stayed there until 8:00
- Anderson and Reagan up at 7:15 so Dad decided to crawl in Anderson's bed
- Saying bye to Dad and then going to Nonna's in our pajamas! Mom had to go to work for a little while so we all got to stay and play at Nonna's. Mom said she was going to "Benton" and Reagan asked sadly "are you going on a trip?"
- Playing with a porcelain doll that has a sad face, happy face and sleeping face (it was Mom's doll). When we left, Reagan told Nonna to turn the doll to a sad face and leave it that way until Reagan came back-because the doll would be sad while Reagan was gone
- Coming home and eating lunch with Dad
- Afternoon naps, trying on Mom's Halloween costume she's wearing to Bunko and then a snack and movie
- Waiting for Dad to get home - and then we got to go to McDonald's while Mom went to Bunko (she went with us for a little while)
- Everyone wearing and playing in their house shoes; then Graham went to bed and Reagan and Anderson stayed up to watch Dinosaur Train
Dennie Kids: October 22, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Everyone waking up early which was nice since we had time to take baths, eat breakfast, do Awanas and play before school
- Reagan and Anderson playing only with each other today in the gym
- Driving home in lots and lots of rain and then Mom letting us play outside in the rain
- A nap for Graham while Reagan and Anderson watched a cooking show
- Celebrating Pops' birthday a day late at McAlisters-Nonna, Pops and Jason were all there
- Coming back to our house and watching Pops open his presents-5 ties! (and some other stuff)
- Graham having a blast on the sit-n-spin until he was so dizzy he spit up!
- Bedtime for everyone-one call for the bathroom and then Reagan calling us to find out where she should put her socks
Dennie Kids: October 21, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- A very early morning-Graham fussed before 6:30 and woke up Anderson. So both boys tried to lay in bed with Mom and Dad which didn't work. Then they went to play in Graham's room and that worked briefly
- Soon Reagan was up and her and Anderson watched a few movies while Graham had breakfast
- Graham fussing the entire time Mom was in the shower and wasn't happy when she picked him up and played with him afterwards, so she put him in his room by himself: he didn't like that either
- Everyone playing together nicely for a few minutes and then a nap for Graham
- Reagan and Anderson helping Mom get stuff ready for his birthday party (yes, it is a little, or even a lot, early, but Mom has lots to do in the next 60 days)
- Dropping Graham off at Grannymom's house and then heading to see the dentist
- Reagan started crying as soon as she saw the chair but Ms. Amy was great and talked her through it. She even had her teeth "painted." Anderson is a brave little boy and did just what he was asked and was very proud of himself.
- Lunch with Dad at Pizza Hut and then running into Nonna while shopping for Pops' birthday present
- Picking up Graham and playing at Grannymom's house for a few minutes before coming home for a nap
- Supper at church and then see the puppets for Anderson and Cubbies for Reagan
- Dad taking the boys home from church-Graham went to bed early and Anderson and Dad played cars and did a little pretend camping
- Reagan and Mom coming home and then everyone going straight to bed...after a few trips to the potty
Dennie Kids: October 20, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Baths and school this morning-Graham's first teacher was gone and both of Anderson's teachers were out today-but they still had a good day
- Reagan telling Mom that Anderson hurt his finger but he said it was all better. Reagan making a beautiful pumpkin at school and telling Mom that she needed to make one like that at home but to fill it up with candy
- Graham trying to take an afternoon nap but the "train to the dentist in California" was passing through the living room so he couldn't get any sleep. Reagan and Anderson line up all of the pillows, make tickets and play train. Today the train was going to California and to see the dentist (we are going to the dentist tomorrow)
- Anderson falling (not hard and no blood) but he decided that he needed a band aid on his forehead to make him feel better
- Mom reading everyone books and Graham spending his first few minutes in time out-he kept grabbing the rocks from the fireplace
- Chili for supper and then playing "stop and go"in the front yard
- Helping Dad change his front license plate for a Hog. While they were working on this, Reagan told Mom "when I am a little bit older, I want you to put a car on my Christmas list"
- Watching a few movies and hanging out with Mom and Dad before going to bed
Dennie Kids: October 19, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Mom and Dad waking up everyone for an early morning
- Dad was off of work today so he was able to go with us to the pumpkin patch
- We watched the pigs race 4 times around the track and they even jumped hurdles during a few races
- Next was the hay ride-Graham was a little scared at first but relaxed towards the end. When the man asked if we were ready for a hayride, Anderson shouted "yes" and was the first one on the trailer. After it was over he said, "that was a good hayride"
- We then headed over to the petting area where Reagan finally worked up the courage to feed the goats
- Afterwards we walked up the hill to the pumpkin area-Reagan studies the pumpkins before picking one and Anderson grabbed the first pumpkin he could find and headed to the slide
- After a few slides, we had lunch at Grannymom's house
- Dad then worked in the yard while everyone else had long naps
- Next was a few errands to Krogers, Burger King and Walmart
- Graham was the first to end up in bed tonight followed by Reagan and Anderson who stayed up a little late while Mom and Dad cleaned and finished putting the pictures in the album
Dennie Kids: October 18, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Camping update: Everyone fell asleep fairly well. Graham did sleep in his room after playing downstairs with the rest of us and listening to our ghost stories. Reagan is quite the ghost story teller! Mom and Dad waking up very sore and wondering how they used to sleep on the floor when they were so young. The first thing Reagan said this morning was "we will have to do this again"-success!
- Baths for everyone before heading to church-Mom couldn't find Anderson's church shoes. So he picked out his new tennis shoes to wear. After searching in 2 closets and 5 bins, Mom did find that she had packed them away accidentally. She only hopes she hasn't packed more stuff away.
- A good day in Sunday school and Reagan was thrilled that Mom, Dad and Nonna were in her class for a little bit
- Lunch at Nonna's house and getting to see Beebee and Papaw for a little bit; we also decorated her mantle with some of our fall leaves
- Home for afternoon naps-we all were tired after staying up late last night
- Dropping Dad off at church and then picking up supper at McDonalds and then heading back to church to eat in Pop's office
- Playing in the hallway and on the stage before and after class. Getting to eat cookies with Nonna, Pops, Jason, Grannymom and Grandpa
- Coming home and going to bed-but we didn't want to!
Dennie Kids: October 17, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- A lazy Saturday morning since everyone stayed in bed (Mom and Dad's bed) until after 8
- Pancakes at McDonalds and then an errand to Best Buy-where the kids had a blast playing
- More playtime for Reagan and Anderson at home while Graham napped and Mom and Dad finally worked on our trip pictures
- Pizza for a late lunch and then watching the ballgame until naptime
- Reagan helping Mom cut out some stars and then everyone found out that tonight was Family Night and we were going to camp (inside)
- Everyone put on their warm and cozy pajamas and then had hot dogs by the light of the lanterns while camping music/noises played in the background. After supper, we headed outside to look at the stars. Homemade s'mores were next on the agenda-Anderson would eat one bite of each marshmallows, Reagan likes her s'mores but not with crackers or chocolate and Graham wanted a whole marshmallow but Mom would only give him bites. We then sang a few rounds of Twinkle, Twinkle under the stars we hung in the den. Finally, we laid out our sleeping bags and maybe everyone will soon go to sleep (now, Graham is dancing, Anderson has a sleeping bag in his head and Reagan is hoping over pillows)
Dennie Kids: October 16, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Everyone being wound up all morning long today but playing in the den for 30+ minutes without calling for Mom one time-she shouldn't have been cleaning: she should have been sleeping!
- The highlights of the morning were cleaning the picnic table with lots of cleaner and then scrubbing our pumpkins for tonight
- Reagan being very disappointed because her birthday party this afternoon for Avery was canceled since she has the flu. Reagan cried but eventually decided that she wanted Avery to get better but she did suggest that we just go to the party without Avery
- Chasing a lady bug all morning long-it flew under the fridge and then reappeared later to land on Anderson's face, hand and then shirt. It was fun until "Anderson made it dead"
- Graham taking a short morning nap and Mom realizing that his morning naps are numbered-and that makes Mom very, very sad!
- Lunch with Dad and then playing with Lilly all afternoon
- Reagan and Lilly playing like sisters (they got along most of the time but didn't some of the time) and Anderson took on the roll of the little brother (did his best to bug them!) while Graham just hung out with Mom
- Nonna bringing over pumpkin cookies for everyone to enjoy-and they did since they almost ate everyone
- Naps for everyone before our big night
- Kennedy, Camryn, Jacob and Ethan all coming over for our Halloween party-we all wore our costumes and took pictures
- Chili for supper and brownies for dessert
- Everyone painting their pumpkins-Anderson painted longer than anyone else and Graham decided that he liked the taste of paint this time!
- Playing all evening long and getting to stay up very late tonight-we were very good and pretty much entertained ourselves the whole time!
Dennie Kids: October 15, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- School this morning-Mom and Dad hate school mornings but everyone else seems to love them...well, maybe not Graham. He does quit crying by the time Mom walks back down the hallway
- Anderson and Reagan telling Mom that their favorite part of school was playing together in the gym
- Everyone needing to either potty, diaper and even a change of clothes as soon as we were out of the door at school
- Meeting Pops and Nonna and going to see Faye (Mom's grandfather's wife) at BRI. Reagan eventually spoke, Graham just sat in Pop's lap and Anderson talked up a storm so he could get a Popsicle
- A nap for Graham while Reagan and Anderson watched a movie and Mom tried to straighten
- Snacks and working on our Awana homework until time to go
- Supper at Kaleigh's birthday party-she had lots of games, a hay ride, hot dogs, cake and even a pinata-we had a blast! Reagan and Anderson were a little scare on the hay ride but soon enjoyed it!
- Graham coming home early with Dad to go to bed and then Reagan and Anderson trying to go to sleep now but they are wired from all of the sugar they had!
Dennie Kids: October 14, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Another pajama day around here and another work day
- Reagan and Anderson watching tv and then playing downstairs while Mom worked upstairs
- Graham hanging on to Mom until Nonna came over
- Everyone playing with Nonna all morning long
- Reagan eating a pear and peach for lunch while Graham only got what she left over and Anderson ate his weight in cheese!
- Afternoon naps for everyone-even Mom, she cleaned out the boys closet, switched over Anderson and Graham's summer and winter clothes and even made a little bit of room for IV's clothes
- Waking up and rushing off to church for Awanas-Anderson loves eating supper at church and Reagan adores Awanas
- Coming home and going straight to bed since we came home late
The Well-Behaved Child
No, I'm not talking about our children (well, they are pretty well-behaved if I do say so myself). I am talking about the book that I have just finished: The Well-Behaved Child: Discipline that Really Works by John Rosemond. I have been reading his newspaper columns in the paper on Wednesdays for years now but this was the first time I have read a book...I mean, one of his books! So what did I learn? Well, a ton. Here is what I am going to work on: keeping my instructions short and not justifying what I say. And after the past few days, the section on sibling rivalry is going to be put into practice very soon....along with assigning chores (that has to happen soon too! Oh, and "the doctor" will probably show up soon too....and I can't wait. Anyway, it is a great book. Usually, when I get a book, I read it once (if at all) and then never look at it again-but this one is different. It is definitely a keeper and hopefully, I will never have to read it again...but since there are four kids at this house, I have a feeling that this book will be read over and over again. Okay, so that is my review...go out and buy this book if you have little ones...'cause I am not going to let you borrow mine!
Dennie Kids: October 13, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- An early school morning-sometimes we wake up happy and sometimes we don't (Anderson was the cranky one this morning)
- Graham "having a good day" at school-or at least that is what his note said-Mom thinks otherwise!
- Reagan told Mom her favorite part of school was making a picture with stickers and Anderson told Mom that his favorite was "snack" and "food" (even though he might have had 3 bites of applesauce and a cheese stick for lunch)
- A wet and rainy afternoon-Mom was going to take us to Sam's but it was raining too hard so we just played with the umbrellas in the driveway
- Reagan and Anderson playing school and "teacher Reagan" told Anderson "God made everything...all the way to California"
- Playing until supper time-the highlight was looking through all of our Halloween and Christmas clothes. We even found shirts that Mom had bought for us for Halloween!
- Supper and then seeing Dad for a few minutes before he went to "Man Church" (Reagan and Anderson say it with a grunt!)
- Graham going to bed first and then a few movies for Reagan and Anderson
Dennie Kids: October 12, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Oh, a busy day at the Dennie house but Graham did sleep until after 8:30
- Reagan and Anderson watching movies laying in bed with Mom most of the morning-well, until Graham woke up
- Breakfast downstairs and then everyone back upstairs to begin the days tasks: Cleaning out Reagan's room, making room for Anderson in her room and switching out her summer and winter clothes
- Everyone helping and with so much "help" Mom decided to move everything out of the room and work with a clean slate
- A nap for Graham while Reagan and Anderson found their bathing suits and started "swimming" in the sea of clothes all over Mom's floor
- Dad coming home for lunch while Mom worked a little more-mostly picking up 200 hangers that were dumped in the floor
- Mom finishing while Reagan and Anderson watched a movie and Graham followed Mom around crying!
- Afternoon naps for everyone-we were all tired
- Reagan and Graham waking up first and she helped Mom wrap a few birthday presents
- Tacos for supper and then everyone riding to the store so Dad could run in a grab a few gallons of milk
- Everyone staying in the car during our errand run-since Mom didn't have any shoes, Reagan had on her gown and the boys were only wearing their pajama shirts
- Brownies for snack then everyone off to bed
Dennie Kids: October 11, 2009
Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)
- Morning baths for everyone-Anderson was very proud of his clothes that he "picked out" (Mom was too since she had laid them out for him to wear today)
- Reagan getting to wear a dress that has been hanging in her closet all summer long and she has begged Mom to let her wear it every Sunday but Mom kept saying wait until cold weather-today was the day and she was thrilled to show it off!
- A banana for Graham and cinnamon toast for Reagan and Anderson
- Graham now likes Sunday School-at least he likes Mr. Andy and Ms. Lisa (and so does Mom and Dad)
- Lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house-but they weren't there and we were sad!
- Playing with Cash and Lilly for a few minutes before our afternoon naptime
- Waking up and heading out for supper at Burger King-we like to slide at McDonalds but this Burger King slide kind of scare us (one time we heard some music and thought it was scary-it really wasn't though)
- Church for a long time tonight-Mom finally came to get us so we played with Pops out in the hallway
- Home and going straight to bed
Dennie Kids: October 10, 2009
- Another garage sale day but with better weather this morning
- Graham being the first to decide to come outside after his morning banana
- Reagan and Anderson getting ready and heading out to McDonalds to play and eat pancakes (who knew they liked them so much!)
- Lots of playing with Lilly and Cash outside and inside and everyone taking a long walk with Grannymom
- Helping load the truck and then visiting with Jason for a few minutes before lunch
- Quick afternoon naps and then waking up to head to Noah's birthday party
- Riding our bikes in the parking lot at church-Reagan and Anderson would go around the circle and just wave at Mom. Anderson loved riding beside Mr. Ralph. Graham tried to chase Reagan and Anderson but eventually gave up and found him something to ride on (or at least sit on)
- Eating cake and watching Noah open his presents
- Another ride around the parking lot and then eating supper with Ms. Laryn and Sarah Ashley and a few other people at American Pie
- Brownies at Ms. Laryns house-Graham enjoyed the audience and loved showing off his "touchdown"
- A quiet van on the way home since everyone was very sleepy
October 9, 2009 -Fifth Doctor's Visit
I skipped out on the garage sale for a few minutes to check in at my 5th doctor's appointment. My weight and blood pressure were fine. Phillips was on time and quickly measured my stomach-just the right size. He listened to IV's heartbeat which was 146 and then he said it was a girl (only a guess)-might be my guess too right now. I don't have to go back for another 4 weeks. I was thinking I was going to have to start going back every 2 weeks this time so I was a relieved to have one more 4 week break. Before I left, I even got my flu shot and was quickly out the door.
Dennie Kids: October 9, 2009
- An early morning since it was garage sale day around here
- Graham waking up first and not wanting to leave the garage all day
- Anderson and Reagan followed and stayed in their pajamas until after nap
- Everyone having a blast playing with all of the "for sale" toys-especially the one's from Lilly and Cash's house
- "Two grandmothers" coming over which delighted everybody
- A nap for Graham while Mom went to her doctor's appointment to check on IV (click here for the details)
- Lunch for everyone during the rain showers
- More playing in the garage and then naps for all
- Anderson thinking we were going to have to ride our bikes to Noah's party at church-he said "that's a long ways"
- Reagan and Anderson getting into lots of trouble this afternoon while Mom was on the phone with Dad
- Out to eat at El Chico and the kids were perfect until we went to Krogers for a quick milk/coupon run
- Everyone disappointed since they didn't get to look at the trains, buy a snack (because of their behavior) and had to go to bed early-but they soon forgot about it!
Dennie Kids: October 8, 2009
- Baths for school-Graham was finished first and was not happy about getting out
- A quick breakfast and then heading to school
- Graham forgetting that he likes Ms. Clarice, Reagan having more popcorn for a snack and making a pumpkin and Anderson telling Mom that he played in the big room
- Mom and Dad picking us up from school today-Dad came to see our school pictures (Mom said she wouldn't buy any-but they were so cute that she did)
- Afternoon snacks for everyone while Mom unpacked our school stuff
- A nap for Graham and lots of playing in the garage-we love having the garage full of stuff
- Reagan and Anderson working on Reagan's Awana homework-Mom didn't really realize how much work Awana stuff is!
- Lots of painting while waiting on Dad to come home-Graham really enjoyed it and Reagan probably painted 15 pictures
- Seeing Jason-he was doing some pre-garage sale shopping
- Dad coming home late-we missed him
- Everyone getting their hair cut (except Mom) in the kitchen. Reagan barely got her ends trimmed-she couldn't be left out. Showers to get lots of hair off the boys!
- Bed for Graham and then a movie (or two) for Reagan and Anderson
Dennie Kids: October 7, 2009
- Graham getting to sleep in bed with Mom and Dad for a little bit but then being moved to his "bathroom suite"-he was still coughing but did finally stop
- A few movies and then putting on clothes and eating "Pops' bread" for breakfast
- Helping Grannymom and Grandpa unload their garage sale stuff and finding lots of things to play with
- Nonna coming over and taking us shoe shopping-2 pairs for Reagan, 1 for Anderson and 1 for Graham. Everyone was fairly good out until Mom told them they couldn't have their juice boxes and then Anderson melted down!
- Juice boxes for lunch with Nonna and Dad-Reagan refuses to eat anything from here when Nonna is here. She expects for Nonna to bring lunch food for them
- Afternoon naps for them-Reagan woke up first and watched tv while Mom continued her nap
- To church for Awanas-Graham helped Mom and Dad do their job and then he went home to play with Dad
- Reagan and Anderson coming home and finding Aunt Dana's garage sale stuff and enjoying playing with it while Mom tried to shoo them inside for bed
Dennie Kids: October 6, 2009
- Another day at school-but not for Graham. He was acting pitiful this morning so he packed up and headed off to Nonna's house
- Reagan loving watching the popcorn pop and eating it today
- Anderson enjoying playing "follow the leader"
- Apparently, there was a tornado drill at school today. Reagan saw Anderson and put her hand on his knee so he wouldn't be scared
- Ms. Amy telling Mom that Reagan was the first one asleep today but Reagan telling Mom that since she forgot her taggie she didn't go to sleep at all (who to believe?)
- Graham having a big time at Nonna's house-he didn't act sick at all (hmm, is he playing us?)
- Everyone playing with Nonna and Pops this afternoon during the rain
- Reagan and Nonna playing school and when Reagan (the mom) left Nonna (the teacher), Reagan shouted to her "e-mail me"
- A late nap for Graham while Reagan and Anderson played and Mom unloaded her groceries (plus 5 gallons of milk-which won't even last a week!)
- Dad bringing home supper and more playing all evening
- Reagan and Anderson helping Mom bake a few pies-hope they are decent but at least the baking will kill the germs since there was lots of finger licking going on
- Graham going to bed early while Reagan and Anderson watched one last movie
- Yesterday, Anderson asked why we couldn't go and see Grannymom and Mom replied that she still didn't feel good and she didn't want us to get sick either. Reagan told him that meant that Grannymom couldn't play with us. So Anderson said, "let's go play with Grandpa"
Dennie Kids: October 5, 2009
- Mom planning a lazy day so everyone could recover but it was quite busy
- Mom closing the kitchen this morning until lunch time since no one finished their breakfast and no one could believe that they couldn't have any snacks or milk til lunch
- Reagan watching movies most of the morning long-she has figured out to turn on the tv all by herself
- Everyone playing in the garage while Mom worked on the her garage sale stuff
- An early morning nap for Graham and then an early lunch when Dad came home for a few minutes
- Playing with Mom until naptime and Reagan had to go to bed early because of her "ugly attitude"-which has been occurring more frequently
- No nap for Anderson: he sang in his bed for an hour and half, a short nap for Reagan and an even shorter nap for Graham
- A few more movies and playing until Dad came home
- Celebrating Dad's birthday again at Kennedy and Camryn's house and playing with ALL of their toys
Dennie Kids: October 4, 2009
- Everyone waking up feeling pretty well today
- Baths before church and then breakfast from Burger King
- Big News: Graham didn't cry today going to class....except when Mr. Andy left for big church
- Mom and Dad skipping big church (Mom wasn't feeling 100%) and heading to Nonna's house for lunch
- Celebrating Jason's 37th birthday with presents and lots of help opening his presents
- Coming home for naps-everyone took a very long nap and it was wonderful
- Mom and Graham not feeling to hot this evening so Dad picked up Subway for supper
- When Reagan found out Dad was going to Subway, she asked in her disappointed voice "Are you going to get to ride the Subway?"-she was going to be sad that she wasn't going to get to ride
- Supper and then playing by everyone until bedtime
- Graham has a little bit of fever so Mom and Dad doped him up and sent him to bed while Mom let Reagan and Anderson watch the Simpsons (maybe she doesn't feel all that well!)
- Dad running while Reagan and Anderson watched a few more appropriate tv shows!
- A quick game of baseball before bed with Dad
Dennie Kids: October 3, 2009
- Continuing our Saturday morning tradition-breakfast at McDonalds. They play while Dad gets the food and then have to sit and eat. Reagan and Anderson shouting to each other "lunch is here" when Dad came in with the food
- Running a few errands-Mom spent lots of money at Target-much more than her normal 82 cents anyway. And it made her feel lots better!
- A nap for Graham when we came home and then Reagan and Anderson playing, watching football and waiting on our pizza lunch
- Graham waking up and hearing an announcer on tv say "touchdown" and he raised his hands and shouted "touchdown" too
- Finally lunch around 2 and then heading to the park
- Everyone enjoying playing outside-Anderson loved going around the circle and Graham learned how to climb up and slide down by himself (well, with a little help from Mom)
- Afternoon naps for all while Dad ran a little on the treadmill
- Mom having to leave for a wedding shower while the gang had pb&j and some bananas
- Hanging with Dad while cheering on the Hogs!
Dennie Kids: October 2, 2009
- Mom calling early this morning to get her little one a doctor's appointment-and while she was making one she just thought she would make one for Anderson too (when you have met your deductible, why not?)
- Working around the house and even managing to play a game or two or three of dominoes while Graham was still awake
- Dad meeting us at the doctor for the boys appointment-Graham with a low grade fever for the past few days and Anderson with a runny nose but since we never know if he has ear infections he tagged along
- Mom didn't let anyone touch any toy in the waiting room and everyone cooperated nicely. Everyone is healthy-no swine flu, ear infections or anything else-just a cold
- Meanwhile, Mom seems to have the boys' cold-stuffy head, fever and a pretty good cough-no, not the swine flu! But don't worry, she will be better tomorrow since Target is calling her name!
- Thankfully, Dr. Martin didn't turn and look at Reagan with her scratches on her knees, ankles and face as well as her goose egg on her forehead-or she would have called scan on us. But Reagan has recovered nicely just pretty scratched up and is obsessed with looking at her booboos
- Dad going back to work after the doctor so we had leftovers for lunch before everyone taking an early nap-early, but not long!
- Playing the rest of the afternoon-boots, sleeping bags, aprons and lots of other things but most everyone was occupied for a while
- More leftovers for supper and then more playing while Dad worked and Mom read her new book (more to come later on that book)
- Bedtime for the kids-tylenol for Graham, zyrtec for Anderson and some tylenol for Mom
Dennie Kids: October 1, 2009
- Getting ready for school this morning-picture day so that meant fancy clothes and baths!
- Graham not crying when Ms. Clarice took him this morning-Graham may not love her yet but Mom sure does
- Everyone taking their pictures first thing this morning-Reagan and Anderson smiled and they said that Graham fussed a tiny bit. Anderson just asked why the photographer had a big camera
- Mom picking everyone up-they had taken Graham temp and he had some and Anderson felt a little warm. After a snack and drink, everyone is doing good
- Anderson telling Reagan on the way home "you have loooong panties" (pantyhose)
- A nap for Graham while everyone else read Reagan's Awana's stuff
- Playing outside until Reagan fell - she got scraped up pretty good and a pretty big knot on her forehead; she's a trooper though and held the ice pack on for awhile
- Eating supper and Popsicles - those always help with cuts and scrapes
- Playing with Dad while Mom went to class meeting; watching a movie on the couch. Graham must be a little sick because he let Dad just hold him for the longest before wanting to go to bed
- Anderson going to get milk in the fridge but didn't find any but did find the cookie dough and helped himself before Dad and Reagan made it to the kitchen
- To bed at 8:15 - we were really tired (and haven't made a peep since going to bed - so they were really tired.)
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