March 31, 2013-Easter

(click here for today's pictures)
Happy Easter!

  • Graham tried to climb into our bed around 1 last night.  Actually, as I was setting up to take him back to bed, he went on and climbed in.  Robby asked him what was wrong and he didn't answer.  When Robby told him that the lights were back on, he popped up and didn't seem to mind going back to bed.  Apparently, the big storm came around 2 and we were all soundly back asleep by then since we didn't hear any part of the thunder or lightening.
  • Graham was also the first one up and he did notice the Easter baskets filled and sitting on the bar stools.  He had looked inside and even got up to take a second look.  Graham was pretty patient laying with us.  Robby told him that he could dump it out and look at everything when the others woke up.  Campbell was in bed with us and even though Graham was continuing to talk about his basket, she never really understood that there were new things in her basket.
  • Eventually, the others woke up and they all started dumping basket, ooohing and awwing over every thing.  The toothbrushes were the biggest hit of all-strange to me.  I was confused about Reagan and Campbell's baskets so they ended up trading toothbrushes, bubble colors and quite a few other things.  With all of this noise going on, Keaton woke up and she was just as thrilled with her basket.  She knew it was all hers and was so excited about pulling everything out.
  • Oh yes, the other really big hit in the baskets was the orange juice and honey buns.  Everyone devoured them for breakfast and the boys and Campbell tried to save their juice but ended up drinking it all.  Robby asked tonight why they wanted to save it and I reminded him that they never get orange juice around here so it was a pure delight.  After breakfast, I worked in the kitchen while Robby ran and the kids watched him.  
  • Then all of the kids helped clean the toy room and put on clothes for the day.  Next up was cleaning the kitchen floor so we banned everyone from the kitchen and of course everyone wants to go where they can't.  Even Keaton was in on the action-she would see the steam mop, say "hot, hot" and then run back down the hall.  
  • Nonna and Pops were the first to arrive and Pops helped us clean off a bowl of hummus while I devoured most of Nonna's deviled eggs (I am still crazy miserably stuffed)  Soon Grannymom, Grandpa, Dana, Lilly and Cash were all here.  Lunch was delicious and I think we all enjoyed it-even though Campbell spilled her drink twice, Anderson flipped his plate over and a few minutes later Graham flipped his plate as well.  Now we have had these plates for years and have never had one plate flip!  
  • Anyway, the kids soon went upstairs to play and we started to hide Easter eggs.  It was at least  a hundred or more that we hid-took Pops, Jason and me a while to hide them all.  Robby started the kids on the steps, letting the little ones go first followed by the big kids.  We had eggs all over this house and surprisingly everyone found a pretty equal share.  Pops helped Keaton find all of the ones in the kitchen-she would spot one, pick it up, shake it and then put it in her bucket.  Campbell was convinced that she only had 4 and then 5, despite the fact that her bucket was nearly full.
  • After most eggs had been found the kids all sat in a circle opening up their eggs.  They were stuffed with some stickers, coins, chocolate candy and erasers (my kids needed a few erasers for school).  When the eggs were emptied, Keaton helped put them in the box for next year and the rest of the kids went back to search the house for more.  They did end up finding a few more before we started on dessert.
  • We had carrot cake, apple dumplings and bunny cake.  The bunny cake was a hit with the kids and afterwards they had time to play some more.  Soon everyone left and it was nap time at this house-Robby, Keaton, me and Campbell.  It didn't last for too long because we soon we feeding these hungry kids.  
  • I did feed them a fairly light supper and then we unloaded all of their Easter stuff and put it up.  Next up was picking up the toy room again.  I let the kids help pick out the clothes that they wanted to take while they are at Nonna's and Grannymom's houses.  Of course, they all believed that they needed to bring their own bag but I had to quickly explain that would be way too many bags and way too confusing for Grannymom and Nonna.  I did say that they could pack their own bag full of toys and extra stuff.  Hopefully, I will not forget to throw in some of Keaton's clothes since I briefly forgot about I would have to pack her since her clothes are not with the others' clothes.
  • After everyone was pajama-ed up, we watched an episode of Price is Right before heading to bed.  While watching the Price is Right, we saw a commercial of a lady in a wedding dress.  I asked Reagan if she was going to have a pretty dress like that one day.  She then described-in detail-what her wedding dress was going to look like.  Man, don't want them to grow up.  Her dress, she says, will have little see through straps, will be white and not big a poofy but straight.
  • Campbell was wired because of her nap and spent at least an hour in her bed giggling away until her second visit by one of us.  Finally, she did fall asleep-or at least the batteries in the monitor ran out!   

March 30, 2013

(click here for today's pictures)
Celebrating Easter on Saturday Night!

  • The kids all slept until 8:15 or after this morning-it was lovely.  And then for the most part, they were fairly quiet and played in the toy room some.  Then it was breakfast and Robby headed upstairs to run.  
  • I tried to keep everyone busy so they wouldn't bother him for a bit-they made a few Easter cards, helped fold laundry and played on my phone some.  Soon someone remembered that Robby might be upstairs watching Shark Tank and then it was a race to get upstairs.  I did make them straighten a few rooms before they could go up and they still made it in time to watch most of that show.  Funny because the big 3 will set quietly and watch Shark Tank while probably not understanding most of what is going on.  
  • Then Robby had a shower and Keaton joined him so he could wash her hair.  When he got out, I got in with Keaton still in the shower playing happily with her stacking cups.  I then climbed out and we convinced Campbell to join Keaton.  They were in the shower for a good 30 minutes while I did a few things upstairs and chatted on the phone.  Those girls were both having a big time when I finally did turn the water off.  
  • Next up was lunch and then egg dyeing time.  I remember begging my mom to let us dye lots of eggs and we usually each did get to dye a dozen eggs-but if I did that it would be 72 eggs.  That is a bit excessive.  So this time, five apiece worked well and Keaton didn't mind sharing for those that were cracked by the others.  
  • Surprisingly, Reagan was the first one finished.  She would really enjoy pinteresting up her eggs but we didn't do that this time.  Graham was the most careful and Anderson was the slowest but he was very patient to wait on the colors to get darker.  Campbell was by far the messiest and I guess the hungriest.  When Anderson started to peel an egg that had been cracked to eat, Campbell just stuck some of her egg in her mouth and proceeded to bite down on it.  She had not a clue that the shell is not to be eaten!  Keaton was just happy holding an egg.  
  • The kids played while Robby cleaned and I iced a carrot cake.  Seriously, my cake has been doomed from the start.  I had a 1 cup measuring cup that was clean and was using it while making the cake yesterday.  The recipe called for 1 1/2 cups of oil and after adding the first cup, Campbell walked in the room and started talking to me.  So I have no idea if I ever added the remaining 1/2 cup or not.  Eventually, I decided to just add 1/4 cup more oil-that way I would be only 1/4 cup over or under.  This might have played a process in how moist my cake is or maybe I didn't cook it long enough.  But this all caused it to not want to come out of the pans and made it a bear to ice.  I finally made it look presentable after about an hour of icing it.  
  • While I was working on this, the kids were playing train with the kitchen bar stools.  Robby had vacuumed under the bar and the stools ended up in a line.  Keaton was still in her high chair so she was scooted over to board their train.  Sometimes it is just odd how well they can play together.  They had a conductor, snack lady, ticket tacker and passengers and there was even a big train collision that involved Anderson being slumped over the stool and Graham having to quickly take his place in the conductor seat to avoid another collision.
  • The kids eventually moved upstairs and worked on a show for us.  When I had finished my cake, Robby and I dutifully went upstairs to watch their music show.  Anderson, my little salesman, had set up a booth for us to buy toy cars to take into the show.  Only thing was, the boy wanted real money and not the pretend kind that my pockets are full of.  Finally, he did accept my invisible cash and I bought the baby a car.  
  • Campbell and Graham were on the drums, Reagan was playing the guitar and Anderson was part of the lighting crew (meaning he set on top of the bunk and shined flashlights on the others).  After awhile of singing, banging, shouting and guitar playing we did convince everyone to go and watch a movie (which means nap for me!).  I snoozed off and on-while dealing with Campbell who was laying on top of Anderson and got shoved to the floor and her pajamas pulled off of her in the process, then Graham did something and fell into my nightstand and there was one more incident but by that time Campbell and I were cuddled up sleeping pretty soundly.  
  • Soon I did stir and Robby and I worked on getting the new baby's car seat in the van.  And yes, I know there are still 7 empty seats in the van, we really debated about where to put the new addition.  Having one row empty is nice but will Keaton bother the new baby.  Where is the easiest to lift the baby's seat into the van and can I still crawl around to get to the back are just some of the questions we discussed.  You would have thought we were putting the car seat in the van with super glue and nut just buckling it up.  
  • Then it was time to get ready for church.  The kids donned their Easter clothes and Campbell was thrilled to be going to big church.  We are actually going to skip Sunday school tomorrow since all 8 of us should be there next week.  
  • Now let's discuss Campbell sitting in big church.  As it started, she wanted to ask me a question and immediately raised her hand up.  That girl enjoyed singing and I am sure that her invitation to join the choir will come any day since I know they could hear her singing.  And no, she knew none of the words but was singing her heart out.  She was a bit restless but overall, she enjoyed getting go to go the "Mason daddy show."-that is what she called church tonight.  (Our preacher is her friend Mason's dad.)
  • Back at home, we dished out supper for the kids, finished our Resurrection eggs and then had ice cream truck (yes, I know it isn't Sunday but no one else really knows that-going to church at night on a Saturday has completely thrown them off.)  Our plan was to put everyone in bed and then do a bit of cleaning around here but those plans were interrupted when the lights went off.
  • This caused immediate pandemonium by most of the kids-Campbell started whining, Anderson started shouting "the power went out, the power" and Graham just stared at me probably trying to decide how I would react.  Of course, since it was still dusk out and I could see I went on about my business of emptying the dishwasher.  I finally had to light a candle to calm Campbell down.  They finished their ice cream while Robby drug out the flashlights.  
  • Usually, it is a simple process to get the kids into bed but of course with no lights it wasn't-all kinds of questions were being asked "what is an earthquake?" (who knows where that one was from) "what if the power doesn't come on in the morning?" "are we going to sleep in the bonus room?" (as we did for 7 nights after Christmas) and "can you tell us about not having water when you were little?" (we were on a well and without power, we had no water.)  I tried to settle everyone down by dragging about bedtime myself while working on hanging up their clothes for next week (yes, they are going to wear their same church clothes next week to church-no one saw them tonight, they had them on for about 2 hours and we will have a 5 day old-don't judge!)
  • Robby had been wanting to pull out the generator and just start it up to make sure it was ready to go when needed so now was as good of time as any.  And it did start right up and the first things to be plugged up were the kids fan, clock/light and monitor.  We then said prayers and I headed out their door and this is when Campbell started screaming "I can't see, I can't see."  I had to remind her that the exact same night light was shining that shines every single night.  Finally she accepted this and everyone eventually calmed down.
  • Next for Robby to plug up was the fridge and freezer in the garage and then our bedroom-lamp, monitor and tv.  And then he moved to the alarm which keeps buzzing if it doesn't have power (crazy annoying). Of course, all this time he was convinced that the power would come back on any minute and after about 30 minutes of having everything ready to go, the power did come back on.  That was all fine though and the cords didn't take too long to wrap back up.  
  • The Easter baskets are all filled up and ready to go-the contain a chocolate egg, toothbrush, toothpaste, a cheapo movie from walmart, bubbles, play doh, a package of gummies and breakfast-a bottle of orange juice and a honey bun.  That sounds like a pretty big Easter basket though I probably spent less than 5 bucks a basket.  We have never really said the baskets were from the Easter bunny and this year we have decided that we will be pretty clear that they are from us if asked.  
  • The other day, I overheard the kids talking.  They had opened the fridge and saw my carrots for my cake.  Reagan asked if they were for the Easter bunny and I told her they were for my cake.  Anderson quickly told her there was no Easter bunny and she said that Kaleigh and someone else got baskets from the Easter bunny.  I continued to silently work while they went on to further discuss this.  
  • And one more thing, usually Robby and I tuck the kids in together but last night he was outside doing something or another and was coming so I went ahead and tucked them in.  As I was giving hugs and kisses, Robby came in and nonchalantly asked if the kids they were playing with yesterday said anything about any bones.  The kids said no and didn't think anything about it but as soon as the door to their room was shut, I asked him "bones?"  Apparently someone or more likely something drug an old animal carcass under the shed.  Robby said it was big enough that he had to do away with it with a shovel and also large enough that when he first saw it, he immediately jumped back.  Oh, there are new joys all of the time of living in the country! 

March 29, 2013

(click here for today's pictures)

Häagen-Dazs Night!


  • This morning didn't start off too different from the rest.  The kids were up early and were loud and wild.  I had everyone find some clothes-the boys came down with shorts and hats (well, one hat and one set of bunny ears), Campbell came down with her clothes in her hand for me to help her and Reagan came down the steps with her holey leggings (which she can now only wear to grandparents or at the house) and a summer shirt from last year that I abhor (mainly because she wore it every single day!)  But since this was only an at home and Grannymom's house day, everyone was fine.  Though I probably should have made a few of them change before going out to eat tonight-as I looked over the kids while sitting in the Heights, I felt like the kids didn't look like they were from around there.  They looked like they live in the country!
  • It didn't take too long for us to start on school.  Things lately have been running fairly smoothly (I can say that today with no fear of jinxing it since we will now be off for 2 weeks because of baby 6s arrival on Tuesday.)  I gather all of the things that they need to work with me on and then help the kids one at a time in my room.  This gives Keaton and Campbell more space to spread out and not distract those in the school room as much.  All the individual work ends up being done while sitting on my bed-starting to wonder if that is because I am big and pregnant or maybe I am just getting lazy-at least I am not under the covers!  The downside of all of this is that by the end of school, two rooms (my bedroom and the school room) are trashed.  
  • As soon as everyone was finished with school, we loaded up to head to Grannymom's house for a bit of the afternoon.  The kids all made little Easter bunnies and my Keaton was as proud as the rest of the kids to show me her bunny.  I spent my time fighting the crowds shopping at the store but my checker was nice and when one of my discounts ($5 off), he just keyed it in and that made my afternoon.
  • Back at home, the kids are really good at helping unload the groceries.  6 gallons of milk, 5 loafs of bread, 4 boxes of yogurt and on and on and on the list goes.  I can tell everyone where to put the items (outside fridge, outside freezer, laundry room, Robby's closet which is what we call our big pantry or the kitchen) and for the most part they end up where I say.  Not today but once I did have to go searching for a missing gallon of milk-thankfully, it was just put in the other fridge and not stuck on a shelf in the pantry.  
  • Graham was digging through his candy after we put up the groceries and I noticed that Keaton had someone's candy as well.  A second later, I saw Keaton gagging and choking on something.  She coughed/gagged most up but she still got flipped up and a good smack on the back during this ordeal. This just freaked out the others-Graham and Reagan had their hands on their ears and were running around the kitchen.  Thankfully, though she did give me a good little scare (not the biggest scare I have had so far) she was just fine.  Afterwards, as tears from her coughing was running down her face, we handed her some milk and asked if she was okay and she just nodded her little head with a great big smile.  A few minutes after that, Reagan asked me what a "goner" was.  I wasn't sure what she was talking about until she said "Anderson said that he thought Keaton was a goner."  
  • After everyone had calmed down from that ordeal, Keaton went to bed, the others watched their movie and I worked in the kitchen.  Before too long, Robby was home and he played upstairs with the kids building train tracks and wrestling which gave me time to clean the school room and get our next weeks worth of stuff out (yep, I have work out for next time we do school-even though that will be in 2 weeks).  
  • We decided to eat at Cheddars and had to wait only 25 minutes which I know isn't long at all but the kids were crazy.  We were outside so they felt like they should be able to play/climb and dance.  Once we got to our table, they all calmed down and were perfect.  Though Keaton whined and whined until our food came.  We finally guessed that she must have just been hungry because she ate and ate.  Well, we all did actually-chicken pot pie, buffalo chicken wrap, cheese dip, edamama, fries, pasta and chicken fingers.  
  • Then it was off to Haagan Daaz since our groupon was quickly expiring.  Again the line was crazy long there.  I guess the crowds come in waves so one person easily gets swamped.  The kids were good and of course they loved their ice cream.  We have talked lately about how Campbell has the most beautiful smile but she doesn't use it anymore.  Tonight with the ice cream in front of her, her smile was pretty perfect.
  • On the way home, we stopped by Nonna and Pops' house.  She had them a little bag of Easter goodies so they were thrilled with that.  Keaton was just happy to have a bag and walked around showing everyone her bag with a huge grin on her face.  
  • Before we got to Nonna's house, Anderson was coughing a bit but by the time we made it home, he was wheezing and coughing like crazy.  I really should be more diligent about his asthma meds since the pollen is so bad right now (according to the weather channel).  He rarely has asthma attacks and this is the first one ever like this with him wheezing.  I quickly had him use his rescue inhaler-all the while I was crossing my fingers that it was full and not old (it doesn't have a counter on it so how do I know if it is empty and I don't even had new ones to open-don't worry, I put that on the list).  Anyway, within less than a minute, his wheezing stopped and within 5 minutes he was climbing on the bunk beds with his shirt over his head.  I balk that the medicine he could possibly need to keep him alive costs as much as it does but I probably won't complain about that anymore.  No worries though, we are about to hit our deductible and will be refilling all medicine every 28 days!  
  • Overall, it was a pretty good day.  The kids are becoming really excited about Tuesday and Reagan has started packing.  Apparently she believes she will be gone for quite a few days the way she is so carefully planning out what to bring (and no, she isn't even thinking about clothes yet).  Also the kids took a bit of disappointment well today.  First Campbell's Easter egg hunt for tomorrow was cancelled but she didn't know about that.  But everyone knew all about the egg hunt scheduled at the church down the road.  We went last year and they had a blast.  On the way home tonight, we saw that they have postponed the egg hunt until next weekend-we have soccer games so we won't be able to go.  Oh, well there is always next year!  When I told that to the kids, Anderson said "that is like in 100 days."

March 28, 2013

(click here for today's pictures)
BIG Party Day!

  • This was a busy day around here and started around 6.  Campbell woke up and started saying that the light was out.  I guess there nightlight had gone out sometime during the night so it was relatively dark in their room (well, I really don't even know if it is light outside at 6 or not.)  She started shouting "the power's out, the power's out" but thankfully, our monitor has a light that can turn on so Robby was fairly quick about turning that on.  Robby just went ahead and climbed on the treadmill.
  • Soon everyone was in my bed and I was up and showered by 7:30ish.  And while I got ready, the kids were also getting ready.  Reagan even said "I wish Keaton was up so I could start on my math."  Seriously, we were moving this morning.  Graham even had some of his breakfast at home before finishing it in the car.  
  • The rest of us started school and actually finished it all!  (except for science but that really doesn't count, does it?)  Reagan was the first to finish and Anderson was close behind her.  Actually, Campbell finished her school work first and wanted me to call Daddy to tell him.  She remembered Anderson sending Robby a video about finishing his reading book yesterday.  
  • Graham's class had their Easter party at 10:30 so we loaded up and headed to church.  I made it very clear to the other kids that this was Graham's party and not theirs so they weren't going to get to play the games or hunt eggs.  But I did take leftover cupcakes from last night for them to eat when the others had their snacks.  
  • We made it in time to help hide the Easter eggs and Reagan, Anderson and Campbell loved doing this.  Then it was back to Graham's class for their snack.  I was about to set my crew down and pass out their snacks when Ms. Stacy started offering cupcakes to all of the other siblings-there were about 4 other siblings there as well.  Graham was so delighted to have everyone there and he just kept waving at Keaton or Reagan.  Cutest little thing.
  • And I am so impressed with how well he listens to Ms. Stacy.  Just a reminder, he is the youngest in his class but listens just like we expect.  Next up was the Easter egg hunting.  As Graham was rushing around finding his eggs, you could hear Reagan and Anderson shouting "go Graham, go!"  
  • His class played one more game and then tried to take a group picture but it was pretty impossible to get that crew all looking in one direction.  Soon we were all loaded up and headed to Candice's house for the big Easter party!!  
  • Each child had to bring 10 filled Easter eggs and the big first graders (including Reagan) hid most of them in the back yard.  Anderson did get to hide the second batch of eggs that arrived.  We then all had lunch-just imagine a house filled with kids (22 to be exact) sitting in every possible spot.  I hang out with a fertile group of friends.  
  • Anderson was happily wearing his bunny ears when they did get broken.  He was pretty upset but lucky for him, Robby was out and about and managed to bring home new bunny ears for the boy.  Of course, when Robby presented them to him, Anderson was busy watching a movie and just grunted a thank you.  Robby did get a much better thanks when passing out ears to Graham who was later lamenting that he was the only one without ears.
  • Back to the Easter party, before we let the kids hunt eggs Sara was nominated to do the resurrection eggs for the crew.  I think all of the kids listened fairly well even though many had their buckets on their head during Sara's quick talk to them.  Then it was time to hunt eggs!  
  • The big kids (4 and older) watched the little kids hunt first.  So I had Campbell and Keaton hunting and those girls ran off like they knew just what to do.  And as soon as I counted 10 eggs in Campbell's bucket she was fine with sitting opening her eggs while the big ones hunted.  Keaton also walked right by Campbell and sat down.  Sometimes my kids are so good...and other times...
  • Next up was the big kid egg hunt.  It didn't take long for Reagan and Anderson to find their 10 eggs but Graham was left with only 9.  So Reagan and Anderson made it their mission to find G his other egg.  Sometimes the kids really take care of each other.  
  • After the egg hunt, there were rice krispy treats and cookies for the kids and then lots of play time.  The kids were filthy, hot and tired by the time we climbed back in the van.  A good time was had by all.  When we made it home, Keaton finished her nap that she stared in the car and within about 5 minutes Campbell was asleep by me on the couch.  Everyone else watched a movie and then headed outside.
  • The neighbor kids were out and asked if the kids could come out.  Though I am not real crazy about the kids playing with the older neighbor kids, Anderson really likes to play with them.  Graham likes to be outside near them and Reagan will eventually play but isn't too fond of them (in her defense, they are all boys.)  
  • Those neighbor kids don't think anything about riding the kids scooters, running in and out of the girl even asked if Graham could get his pants wet.  They were playing with water guns and she told me that Graham had told her he couldn't get his pants wet or he would get into trouble.  I told her that he was correct (though I really didn't care too much.)  It didn't take too long though for the neighbor kids to get bored at our house and move on but my crew stayed out playing until after 5:30.  Robby and I should have been outside working in the yard since it is looking a bit rough-maybe next weekend!
  • Soon it was shower time followed by supper time and my jello eggs worked perfectly this time so that was a big hit.  Then we watched another missionary movie-this one was much better-no mauling or burning at the stake.  And finally it was bedtime for the crew and trust me, they were exhausted tonight.

March 27, 2013

(click here for today's pictures)
A Visit to Beebee and Pawpaw's!

  • Graham climbed in our bed around 3 this morning.  Robby and I were pretty wide awake and he asked Graham what he was doing.  Graham said that he just wanted to lay down with us.  And even though we were fairly awake, we just opted to let him stay-so much easier than walking up all those stairs and then back down again.
  • With Graham in our bed, the others slept a bit later-including Robby who was sleeping in the bonus room.  I text him to make sure that he was awake and shortly he reappeared to get ready for work.  
  • I had actually finished a few chores before it was time for breakfast.  The kids are on a crazy pop tart kick.  I have been wanting to have a different breakfast each morning-may try that soon...well, as soon as my grocery bill allows me to stock up on 7 different breakfast items.  I like schedules and thinks a breakfast schedule might just work.  
  • School is pretty good today-Anderson did finish his reading book and Graham was pretty excited that he only has 72 lessons left (but since we do them all twice-he only has 144!)  School went by fairly quickly-though we seem to take longer lately.  
  • But we still had time to do an Easter egg match game-I had uppercase letters on one half of the eggs and lowercase on the others along with some with numbers and dot matches.  They loved it and it was their favorite thing of the day-Keaton would run along beside them grabbing eggs and trying to match them (unsuccessfully) as fast as she could.  Everyone helped Campbell find her matches and Graham really surprised me with knowing the letters as well as he does.  
  • Then it was time for lunch and we ended that with trying to make our jello jiggler eggs again today.  I haven't tried to take them out yet but I did add lots less water so we will see if they work.  The kids picked up and we even played a game of Mother May I.  Graham actually did better than Reagan and Anderson at remembering to ask during the game. 
  • This all made our afternoon a bit shorter so soon we were loading up to go and see Beebee and Papaw.  My mom had bought some Easter stuff for my grandparents to give to the kids so the kids were crazy excited.  All of them sat in the floor and ate every bit of candy in their little cups.  And when my Keaton had finished her candy, she took my hand and led me to where Beebee keeps her candy and started pointing.  That little booger wanted more candy!
  • Also my Keaton would graciously set in Beebee and Papaw's laps if I had my camera in my hand.  But as soon as I finished snapping pictures, she would quickly slide out of their laps.  Now she did set in Beebee's lap while she was combing her hair.  
  • Another thing that happened while visiting was Beebee telling the kids that if they were living at home, the kids could come and stay with Beebee while I was having the baby.  Anderson looked at her and then said "um, I don't think so.  That would probably be too much to handle."  I am not sure if he was talking about Beebee handling them or the kids having to handle Beebee and Papaw!
  • Soon we met Robby at Taco Bell for some happy hour supper and then it was off to Awana.  Anderson finished his extra credit book tonight and he was shocked when I showed him some more verses for him to say.  I guess he thought he would be finished learning verses-I didn't even mention that soon he will start working on his first grade verses-we aren't wasting any time around here.  
  • Back at home, the kids had a little cupcake before bed and then we tried to explain the day and where everyone was going when-probably would have been easier to make a diagram for them!

March 26, 2013

(click here for today's pictures)
The antics continue...

  • The kids have been adhering to the no talking or getting up before 7:00 lately but as soon as the clock hits 7:00 -- the noise begins! -- even while others are sleeping which starts some off a bit grouchy.
  • Graham was quick to come downstairs and was asking to use Robby's iPad but had to be reminded it was school day and he needed to get his clothes on.  He did so quickly, picked out his breakfast and then it was time for he and Robby to head off to school.
  • Everyone else picked out their breakfast and we soon got started with school. Anderson is very close to finishing his reading book - he was super excited to tell Robby at supper that he will finish up the book tomorrow while Graham grumbled he was only on lesson 17.  
  • Campbell was the fussy one today during school...preschool next year will be a good thing for her next year (or maybe a good thing for Mom!)
  • The plan was for everyone to load in the afternoon to go pick up Graham from Grannymom and Grandpa's but right before we begin to get ready, Robby texted and said he was going to get off a bit early and would swing by to get Graham.
  • They were home a little before 5:00 and soon it was supper time (Mexican) and then orange jello (eggs).  Well, they were supposed to be in the shape of eggs but they didn't quite come out of the cases very easily. No one seemed to mind eating their jello out of a bowl...even Anderson and Campbell who said at first they weren't going to eat jello.  They both cleaned their bowls.
  • Tara was off to Bunko (actually dinner at Panera Bread) and kids finished playing upstairs before picking up the toy room.  They made their way over to the bonus room for turns in the bath tub while the others watched The Price is Right.  Then Keaton went to bed while the rest of the crew watched one of the missionary movies. Tonight's selection was about William Tyndale.  Mom didn't warn Robby that Tyndale was burned at the stake - trying explaining that to a 3-year old!  
  • Everyone was in bed by 8:05...

March 25, 2013

(click here for today's pictures)
Soccer Season Begins!

  • Anderson was the first one in our bed this morning.  I knew it was barely 7 when he laid down but then we must have fallen back to sleep because by the time Graham had snuggled with us for a bit, it was time to get moving.  
  • It didn't take too long for the kids to get ready - though there was no time for breakfast in the kitchen, we passed it out in the car.  Except for Keaton who had to eat at Nonna's house.  When Robby went to get her up, she was still sound asleep.  
  • Keaton and Campbell spent the morning at Nonna and Pops' house.  They stayed busy all morning-Campbell's favorite thing was washing dishes.  
  • When I picked up Graham from school, I could see him getting up to come to the car and the little guy spilled his entire cup of grass and dirt.  Ms. Stacy quickly picked it up with him and we assured him that it would still grow-man, I hope it does.  It didn't bother him at all though-except he thinks he planted a strawberry seed and not grass seeds.  
  • We had lunch at Nonna's house and Graham talked and talked and talked.  He was in a really good mood-even picked up a puzzle and then cleaned the living room without being asked.  Now for every bit of good that Graham was, Campbell was not at all.  She just had herself a meltdown as we were leaving.  And Keaton was screaming as well because her little finger had gotten slammed in the piano.  
  • Once at home, Graham played a game on the ipad with Robby and Keaton had a nap.  Then Graham watched a movie while Campbell fussed and followed me around.  Soon it was time for Robby to pick up the others and Campbell went with him.  It took us forever to convince Graham to go with Robby.  He had become bored and was now following me around along with Campbell.
  • Reagan and Anderson had lots to talk about on the way home.  They had each brought food for a food drive and Reagan's class had won the pizza prize for the most food.  Kind of funny because Anderson really wanted to win the pizza but Reagan didn't want to win the pizza at all and she was the class that ended up winning.
  • And then they kept going on and on about their lunch packed in Easter eggs.  Anderson said everyone in his class said "oooh."  And Reagan said that she showed "every single person" in her class.  Of course they asked me about packing their lunch in eggs next week as well.  Graham even asked if I would pack his lunch when he is in kindergarten in Easter eggs.  I need to just make them Easter egg lunches this week.  
  • So all of the kids only had a bit of time before it was time to load back up for soccer.  Robby took the boys while I fed the girls at home.  Then I brought the girls, dropping off Reagan and picked up the boys.  And let me tell you it was cold, cold, cold out there.  The windchill was 32 and Robby who was out coaching for both teams for 2 whole hours was pretty chilly.  Once I brought the boys home, I fed them and they put their pajamas on and soon Robby was home with Reagan.
  • Robby's report was that the boys did pretty good listening but his team may not have any standout players like last year but that Reagan's team will have a few good players.  Winning doesn't matter but the kids really notice that so I do hope they do decently.    
  • Tonight Campbell was saying the night time prayer for everyone and one thing she said was "Thank you God that we didn't do homeschool today."  That little turkey!
  • And this morning, I had my doctors appointment.  I am not sure what the baby's heartbeat was because my doctor was busy telling us about his New Orleans trip.  As he was leaving, he asked if we had any questions and I asked when we were going to have the baby.  He asked when I wanted to and I said that he was the in charge.  So he mentioned next Wednesday and we asked if Tuesday would work.  He agreed and so April 2nd is the date for Dennie baby 6 to arrive.

March 24, 2013

(click here for today's pictures)
Ice Cream Truck has been Restocked!

  • We even had time for the kids to watch a movie this morning while they munched on their doughnuts.  This is always nice because that meant that we had a few more minutes to get ourselves ready and straighten up from the craziness of the morning.  
  • During big church, we did sit in the balcony again to the kids delight.  It took me at least through the songs to catch my breath from walking up the steps to get up there.  We have 2 sets of steps at home but nothing can take my breath away like the steps in the church foyer-maybe I should walk them a few hundred times this next week to put me into labor.  
  • We had lunch at Grannymom's house-I had been craving deviled eggs and she had them.  And Robby had mentioned meatloaf and she also had that.  So we were both pleased and full as we hurried home for a few minutes before choir.   
  • Robby and I have really perfected our Sunday afternoon ritual-he emptied the car and bags and put Keaton to bed.  I found clothes for the kids to put on and put up church clothes (which somehow took forever today-too many opinions were floating around).  By the time we made it back downstairs, Robby had poured milk and snacks for during their movies.  After starting their movie, we ran upstairs to snooze before jumping up a bit later to head back to church.  I herded the kids through getting socks, picking up their cups and plates, pottying, shoes and car.  We snatched Keaton up from her slumber and had to wake Campbell up who had been asleep for about about 7 minutes.  We take crackers for the big kids after choir and the little girls have cookies in the library before going to their class.  And then on the way home, we pass out sandwiches.  Now that we have gotten so good at this little routine-there is only about 5 more weeks of choir!    
  • So tonight during church, Anderson told me that he wanted to be baptized.  He isn't quite ready for that yet so I nodded and said it will be great when he is.  Then he added "I want to be baptized so I can have the grape juice and crackers during big church."
  • Back at home tonight, it was ice cream truck night.  I am pretty surprised that my boys were able to eat ice cream today because they were pretty wild on the way to choir and Robby had to clearly tell them that there would be no ice cream and a meeting with his belt if things didn't go well in choir.  We had finally run out of the popsicles, ice cream and other frozen treats that we had been choosing from on Sunday nights-and that is even after eating them since the ice storm and resulting power loss caused them to be a bit melted.  So the kids were delighted with 5 new boxes of frozen choices.  
  • And then it was bedtime.  While making the kids lunches, I knocked down our March madness brackets and they went under the fridge.  That meant after bedtime, we had to unwedge the fridge and find those brackets-and a few other treasures as well.  Also our doorbell dinger had some how fallen behind the fridge so Robby changed the batteries on that since the doorbell has been out for a while.  Good thing I knocked those papers down or we never would have found the part of the doorbell that needs batteries!  All that work was meant to be!
  • Also, did you notice the picture of Anderson's lunch box?  Yep, his lunch for tomorrow is packed in Easter eggs.  I didn't come up with it but I am cool like that.  Ha!  Would love to hear what they say when they unzip their boxes at lunch.  

March 23, 2013

Who is influencing who?
(click here for today's pictures)
  • This was a fairly normal Saturday morning-except for Anderson not being here.  He had spent the night at Nonna's and Pops' house.  Probably by the time that most of us here had woken up, Anderson had already made a run to Krispy Kreme.  
  • I let the kids watch a movie this morning before breakfast.  Then they played upstairs in the toy room some.  But without Anderson here, the others never really would play for long.  Anderson is the one who could play by himself for hours-Graham does not like to be left in a room alone, Reagan also prefers not to be alone and her and Graham aren't getting along to well these days and Campbell can't go anywhere without me lately.  So that meant the kids were downstairs most of the morning.  
  • Keaton slept pretty late and when I finally went to just wake her up, she was sitting in her bed holding 2 of the 4 baby dolls that sleep in her bed.  Then I changed her diaper and she had breakfast.  After she ate, we went to the bonus room to find everyone else.
  • Robby was running and Reagan, Campbell and Graham were sitting in the couch watching the Biggest Loser with him.  Keaton had never been upstairs when Robby was running so she couldn't stop staring at him.  She would stare, smile and wave but only wanted to sit in my lap.  
  • After lunch, we loaded up to run a few errands.  First stop was Dollar General for Robby.  Then I ran into Kroger to pick up a few things (saving 71%-though I was just buying a few things on sale with coupons and no real food) while Robby and the kids bought gas.  Then we went to Walmart to spend all of my Kroger savings plus more.  Next up was a happy hour drink from Taco Bell and then we picked up Anderson.
  • He had a really good time and loved going to Chuck E Cheese.  When I went inside to get him, he was sitting playing with lots and lots of legos-that boy was in heaven!  And once at home with Anderson there, everyone ended up in the toy room while Robby and I unloaded our groceries and he got supper ready.  
  • Sometime while waiting on the chili to be ready, Campbell was following me around and said "my bottom is little and your bottom is big."  Sweet, little child-just so hard not to beat her!  
  • During supper, Robby had everyone go around the table and tell something that they are thankful for.  Anderson was thankful for spending the night with Nonna and Pops, Reagan was thankful for Jesus dying on the cross, Campbell was also thankful that Anderson spent the night at Nonna's house.  And my Graham said that he was thankful for his dog-hope he won't be too disappointed when she disappears very, very soon.
  • It was nearly 7 by the time we had finished supper, cleaning the kitchen and picking up the toy room.  So we quickly showered the kids so we could watch a movie in the bonus room.  We didn't have time for the Price is Right so Robby picked out a short film-and it happened to be a Chinese movie that didn't have any words to it.  Robby and I were snoozing by the time it was over!  

March 22, 2013

A Superhero Who Cooks!
(click here for today's pictures)
  • The kids did well this morning and were quieter than yesterday-we probably should turn their clocks back an hour tonight.  Soon we had breakfast and then started our morning.   Most everyone did get dressed this morning-shorts, t-shirts and sun dresses.  Seriously, I tried to explain to them that it was cold outside but I guess they were warm enough inside-though I did have on my jacket and socks all day.
  • School today went well-I did get a picture of Reagan completing one of her assignments which was reading to Keaton and Campbell.  But I didn't get a picture of Graham laying in my bed while holding his reading book patiently waiting for his turn to work on it.  And my Anderson said "school was easy today."  So that was nice to hear even though he didn't have anything different than usual.  He also only has 2 more days with his reading book and then he will be finished with that and I can give him a few more fun things.
  • Campbell had been asking since she woke up about when we were going to work on her clothes.  I tried to explain that we had to finish Reagan's first so she was ready to get started on Reagan's summer clothes.  We were able to work for a few minutes before lunch and Campbell was still trying on as many clothes as Reagan-and that little girl would tell me "put this in my pile" or "put this in Reagan's pile."  And yes, Reagan is wearing mostly 6s but can also wear 5s in shorts and some shirts. But our "little" 3 year old Campbell is wearing 5s in just about everything-still 4s in pants even though they are snug but that is the correct length.  Her Sunday dress selection will be limited since it is hard to find a 5t dress that isn't way too long for her.  
  • We had a "snack-y lunch" as the kids call it: apples, oranges, banana bread, crackers and pimento cheese, applesauce and leftover rolls.  Anderson and Campbell never usually eat applesauce but did try it and eat some so that was a win.  And my Reagan refuses to eat Graham's favorite of pimento cheese so I made her try some-she didn't like it but at least she didn't gag!  I even let Keaton eat her applesauce with a spoon by herself (I know she is one and a half but who has time for that mess-but she loved it and didn't pour it over her head so that was also a win)
  • After lunch, we did all head back upstairs for more clothes work.  Sometime during this time, Nonna called and asked if Anderson would want to spend the night.  After I told him, he ran to pack-and this is what he packed-toys and a blanket.  Campbell knew that was not all that he needed and she shouted at him to get his pajamas and when he didn't, she helped herself to his drawer and came to me with his pajamas and underwear.  Sweet, little thing.
  • Soon Pops came by to pick up Anderson and he was so ready to leave he could hardly stand it.  I sent everyone else to watch a movie while I finished up the clothes.  And thankfully, Campbell ended up back upstairs with me when it was time to put our 6 bins of clothes back in the attic.  She is a strong little thing!
  • After their movies, Reagan pulled out her art stuff while Graham started putting stickers on his pirate ship.  Campbell helped me make biscuits for supper and Keaton spent her 4-5 time like usual-screaming at me!  Soon though Robby was home and all was well with Keaton-she starts missing her Daddy around 4 and isn't happy until he comes home.
  • We had lasagna and then the kids picked up the toy room and we watched another round of Price is Right before bed.

March 21, 2013

Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Mr. Mike's store!
(click here for today's pictures)
  • So just a few weeks ago the kids were waking up late, but now they are waking up at 7 or before each and every morning.  And my Campbell and Graham are the ones that are the most awake and they start chatting immediately while Reagan tries to tell them to be quiet.  Needless to say, it gets pretty ugly up there before Robby and I can wake up enough to stop it.  
  • It is strange though, when they don't really have anything to do they get into trouble.  But if we keep them busy then everyone does the right thing and gets along fairly well.  I guess they do say that idle hands are a devil's workshop.  
  • Soon though, we were finished with breakfast and starting on school. This was the first normal-ish school day that we have had this week.  Haven't read any science or history this week so we will try to catch up tomorrow.  And like I had talked about yesterday, Reagan's math pages today were a big deal to her and took forever!  The work boils down to reading a large number written in words "three hundred and seventy eight thousand, nine hundred and forty-six" and knowing how to write that in numbers "378, 946."  It is pretty tricky for her but she will get it soon.  
  • We did end school a bit early and head to Maumelle for the grand opening of the Stott's new store-Countertop Solutions.  The kids were pretty impressed with the big scissors and they were very impressed with the cupcakes and snack mix to eat.  On the way to Grannymom's house, we stopped for a quick bite to eat on the way.  Poor Keaton thought that I wasn't going to pass back her pieces of cheese roll up and she let us know all about it.
  • Robby and I dropped the kids and the little van off to see Grannymom and Grandpa for a bit.  And then we headed to do some speed grocery shopping.  Seriously, we bought enough to fill up the trunk of Grannymom's car in just a few minutes.  Then Robby went back home to do his real work while I did the laundry, pulled out school for tomorrow, straightened up some and then started working on Reagan's clothes.
  • The kids had a big time with Grannymom and Grandpa-watched some of the Price is Right when we were on it, played on the ipad, watched some tv and played outside-cops and robbers, dodge ball and monkey in the middle.  Then Grandpa and Grannymom brought everyone back home-they wanted to come and see the lot behind us that has now been completely cleared.  The kids tried to play outside but they were pretty cold so they quickly came inside.
  • After Grannymom and Grandpa left, Reagan was thrilled to join me upstairs to help going through her clothes.  Silly huh? Forty degrees outside and I am pulling out summer clothes.  Anyway, Campbell joined us too and she tried on clothes just as fast as Reagan was.  We have been through 2 of her bins and her drawer and now have one more bin, her closet and pajama drawer to go through plus putting clothes back in all of these spaces.  And then moving on to Campbell's clothes!  
  • We soon had leftovers and then read a book in the bonus room before watching a show of Price is Right.  Keaton even sat on the floor and watched the show while clapping-cutest little thing.

March 20, 2013

Trip to Garvan Gardens with Mom, Nonna & Pops!
(click here for today's pictures)
  • I did get up a bit earlier this morning like I had planned.  A bit earlier doesn't really amount to much but before breakfast, the trash was emptied, potties cleaned, I had a shower, the house was quickly straightened and bins of clothes had been moved out of the attic.  And about the potties being cleaned-only 3 of the 4 and I don't know if it really counts because even though I scrubbed the inside, I did let Campbell finish the job by wiping down the outside-so I probably shouldn't even put cleaning the potties as something that was finished today.  
  • For breakfast, we had Lucky Charms and did a graph with the marshmallows.  Then it was time for a bit of school.  I worked with Anderson while Graham watched a video-poor thing sat through a 20  minute video of words being sounded out over and over again.  He was a champ and occasionally asked it was almost over.  The kiddo will get to watch another one tomorrow!  Then I helped Reagan with her work until we got to her math and I was stumped at how to explain it to her.  So that meant we would have to watch the video this afternoon.  We did that and after the video, I explained that she would have 3 days of math to do tomorrow-she was not pleased at all.  But once she understands it, she will breeze through it.  
  • Soon Nonna and Pops were driving up for our outing.  We loaded up the van with the kids, jackets and a picnic lunch and headed out to Garvin Woodland Gardens.  It took less than an hour for us to arrive and we were not the first ones there-we even had to search for a parking spot for a bit.  We soon were walking in the gates and the kids were given bingo cards to complete on our walk.  
  • Just a bit about the bingo cards-my Reagan was determined that we see each and every item on the list.  And we did, all except a squirrel, but Reagan finally just imagined that she saw a squirrel in a tree so she could mark it off.  Graham also cared about how many boxes we had left to see and wanted to get to zero.  I tried to explain that the lady said that if we found only 1, we would still get a prize.  But it was all worth it to the kids, when we returned to the welcome center and the lady opened up a box of crap (I mean, treasures) for the kids to take one from.
  • The first things we saw were beautiful peacocks and then the boys were drawn to the trains.  They all watched them and ran around and around the train tracks while Nonna fixed our picnic lunch.  It wasn't hardly lunch time but the kids declared that they were starving and they must have been because most everyone cleaned up their plates.  
  • Then we started on our walk-koi ponds, fish, tulips, daffodils, hills, hills, hills and more hills.  Did I mention, there were a few hills?  By the time that we left, I swear that we had walked miles and miles and of course the last few were uphill.  But it was worth the last few because that is where we discovered the kids play area-a cave to climb in, rocks to walk over, a bridge to cross and they loved all of it.
  • At one point in our walk, I walked past Campbell who was "reading" a sign in a field of tulips.  I heard her saying "flowers. God made the flowers."  Cute little thing.  
  • Back in the car, we passed out juice boxes and headed home.  As soon as we made it home, Anderson was ready to play basketball with Pops and they played for awhile.  Eventually, Nonna and Pops left and the kids stayed outside playing.  Since there were 2 huge fires, a bobcat, bulldozer, 2 trucks and some other piece of heavy equipment just a few feet from the house-I stayed outside to supervise.  I finally had to go inside because I was freezing, so I took the little 2 with me and gave the others a stern warning about where they could go-neighbor boy said that he would watch them and I told him that he would also not go anywhere near the other yard.
  • Robby brought pizza home-otherwise, there would have been no supper around here.  Next up was baths for the kids and then picking our March Madness picks.  Now that was pretty funny-imagine having 4 kids fill in their brackets.  Some would say only the first team Robby listed while other kids would only repeat back the second team.  And Campbell would just combine both team names into one and say that was her pick.  
  • Then it was bedtime and the miles that the kids walked must have caught up with them because they were exhausted!  (Me too!)

March 19, 2013

Duct Tape Bag Making!
(click here for today's pictures)
  • I was moving slowly this morning but still managed to do a few chores before the kids became too restless so I was able to dust and pick up the house before having breakfast.  While I was doing this, I almost convinced myself that I should start waking up before every one each morning so I could get a few things finished around here.  Almost-is the key word there because I know that will never really happen!
  • We had our breakfast and Anderson did a bit of school work while Graham worked on his reading book.  I need to record him sounding out the words-every letter he shouts the out the sound and occasionally, when he is finished he will repeat the correct word.  But he is always so proud of himself.  
  • Next up was laundry and then working on Keaton's clothes.  As I was working, Graham shouted that he saw a bulldozer in our yard.  Well, that was interesting to me so I quickly went to the window and the bulldozer wasn't in our yard but it was right behind out house clearing and clearing and doing more clearing.  Kind of a sickening feeling since 10 feet right out my back door is someone else's land (even though I have an acre on each side of my house though).  Who knows what will come of this clearing-Reagan mentioned a circus, Anderson mentioned an icee place. Maybe new neighbors or hopefully they will just put it up for sale and we will hit the lottery and can buy it!   
  • After seeing all of those machines, I started working fast because I knew we would soon be outside and indeed we were.  The kids loved watching everything but I eventually went back in and everyone else followed.  We just had a bit before eating lunch and then it was time to load up to pick Reagan up.  
  • Campbell was very interested in what state we were in once we cross the Arkansas river.  I tried to convince her that we were still in Arkansas and were now just in Maumelle but she asked and asked and asked and asked.  Eventually, she forgot about it-that is until we crossed back over the river and she started asking me again what start we were in.  
  • Reagan had a blast spending the night with Kennedy and friends and told us all about it as we left.  And we had quiet a trek because we were headed to see Beebee and Papaw.  They were both awake and in good spirits today.  Beebee was very happy to see us and the kids did really well.  I dutifully opened up the candy when my grandmother offered it to the kids.  And then again, despite my protest, passed out more candy in just a few minutes.  
  • My grandmother wanted me to go to the front desk and get change so she could pass the kids all out a dollar bill before we left.  And when I came back, Graham was about to push Anderson down the hallway in Beebee's wheelchair.  I made it clear that they knew better but all they could say was Beebee said we could do it.  So I did let them finish their joy ride before saying our goodbyes.
  • Next stop was Target.  Poor Reagan needs some shoes and there was a decent sale at Target on line but I needed to know what size Reagan would wear.  So we tried on a few-13s are too big but they are the big girl shoes but 12s which fit have a strap across and she doesn't like those.  I did buy 2 tonight on line so we will see if she likes them-free shipping and I can return them if I need to.  
  • The kids were all decent on our outings-Anderson did climb in the shopping cart at Target as I urged him not to and had to stay there until we left and Campbell didn't want to hold my hand in the parking lot so I just held (extremely tightly) to her little arm as we walked to the van-and really, it was quite a walk since I did park in the back 40 of the parking lot.  Anyway, since they were still pretty good, they (mainly I) deserved a sonic drink on the way home.  
  • At home, we gawked some more at the new cleared land behind our house and then I went inside to finish my task for the day.  Soon Robby was home and we had supper.  After supper, Robby helped the boys make a chain reaction like they had seen in a video from Grandpa.  Graham was disappointed that his chain reaction didn't have spray paint and Anderson wanted to do it all by himself without any help from Robby.  I was downstairs with the girls working on Reagan's duct tape tote.  We finished most of it but poor Campbell-we wouldn't let her help much downstairs and the boys wouldn't let her help upstairs so she was pretty unhappy with all of us.
  • After all of our work, we did let everyone have a piece of candy before brushing teeth and heading to bed.  Tomorrow is another big spring break day-but really, for us, every day is a spring break day!

March 18, 2013

Spring Break Fun at Kennedy's
(click here for today's pictures)
  • The kids were awake a bit before 7 and Robby told them over the monitor to be quiet for a few more minutes.  Then he turned off the monitor and as soon as he had done this and laid back down, the hugest clap of thunder I have heard sounded.  He quickly turned the monitor back on but the kids were fine-no one was too terrorized.  The boys were making their own boom sounds and it probably helped that Campbell was already laying in bed with Reagan.  That sounds sweet-the girls in bed together-but really, I think Campbell is just jockeying to get Reagan's bottom bunk.  They have fussed about it every night lately.
  • Soon Robby was gone and I helped everyone get ready, showered and quickly dished out breakfast. We made it out the door in plenty of time this morning to drop every off at Grannymom's house and meet Jodee for Reagan's spring break sleepover extravaganza.  I was pretty sure that we had packed everything but when we climbed out of the van at Grannymom's house, Reagan asked if I had brought her jacket.  Of course, I had forgotten.  She was devastated-I told her that Grannymom might have one to borrow but she said she didn't want to do that.  And then I tried to reassure her that Ms. Jodee would have plenty to use as well if she needed one.  She even tried to convince me to go back home and get it.  I guess that she is just as attached her to her jacket as I am to mine.  
  • Jodee's doctor's appointment lasted longer than she thought, so they just picked up Reagan from Grannymom's house.  That was fine with Reagan because she had a bit more time to play-if I had known, I might just have sent over some school work for Reagan.  I did make Anderson do some of his work this afternoon-mean, mean mom.
  • After my dentist, I picked up the kids and we headed home.  I worked on some laundry, coupons and straightening up a bit before we had lunch.  Some how I have no recollection of what happened between lunch and Keaton's nap.  Oh, yes, that might have been because she was fussing at me and bit me. I quickly put her on the floor with a swat to her leg and this set off a major fit-probably should have taken some pictures of that.  She crawled under a chair, laid on her belly and just screamed.  The drama starts early!
  • When she was put down for her nap, I worked with Anderson and Graham on their pirate ships.  I know I have mentioned it before but those boats have 50,000 pieces.  We are getting really close to finishing them-just have the mast to put up (should be easy) and the sails (will be Daddy's job-or maybe I can work on it after everyone goes to bed one night).  Campbell helped some passing pieces to the boys and worked on her mosaic craft project.  
  • Then we all headed upstairs, I worked on Graham's summer clothes while the others worked at crashing down a lego tower with their cars.  By the time that lego tower was finally down, I was a nervous wreck from all of that banging and crashing and add to it, lots of yelling and cheering.  I need to get the kids quiet hobbies or maybe toys made out of foam.
  • Near 5, I had supper in the oven and Campbell and Keaton could only find one thing to do-follow me around.  So I just sat down in the mud room and we waited on Robby to come home.  We eventually gave up waiting since he was home later than usual.  Once he was home, we had our new favorite for supper-chicken spaghetti.  
  • Meanwhile, Reagan is across the river having a blast with Kennedy and her other friends.  They have painted nails, made shrinky dinks, had a tea party, played dress up and eaten out at a Japanese restaurant.  She even had Jodee put her hair up in a bun-Reagan knows that I can't make a bun and had asked me if I thought Ms. Jodee could.    
  • After supper, the kids had baths in the bonus room and then watched a Woody Woodpecker before heading to bed.  And then we enjoyed a peanut butter and chocolate dessert that I had pinned from pinterest.  And no, I am not planning on sabotaging Robby on his health and running kick (he has lost 20 pounds).  But I needed a pick me up tonight and that dessert definitely did the trick.  

March 17, 2013

Watch out Hollywood!
(click here for today's pictures)
  • If I were a good mom, we would have had green pancakes and green milk for breakfast but I am not that mom!  Ha, actually when Reagan went to bed tonight, she said "you know, we really didn't celebrate St. Patrick's day."  I guess we were fortunate that everyone had one some green today.  Maybe we can recelebrate in a few days.  We are actually behind on our celebrations-we had said that we would take Campbell bowling for her family birthday party before Christmas.  Well, that got pushed back until after Christmas and then the ice storm/power outage made us completely forget about it at all.  It is still on my list too-maybe we can bowl wearing green soon!
  • Church was good this morning-well, I guess it was (I had nursery duty).  The kids came home singing the same song that the choir sang.  In Keaton's class, she was so incredibly happy to have me in there during the first part of her class but towards the end of the class, she had her fill of me holding other kids and wasn't pleased at all and was ready for us to leave.  This little baby sure won't please her at all-but she sure can say "baby" really well so I guess she is ready for baby 6 to arrive.  
  • We had lunch at Nonna and Pops' house-she was celebrating St. Patrick's day with green cookies and key lime pie along with some peach cobbler (that one wasn't green).  The kids played for a bit while Robby and Pops both snoozed on the couch.  
  • Back at home, Keaton had her nap along with Robby and me.  The others played legos upstairs forever.  I poured their milks and put their snacks in bowls and even turned the tv on so they could start it without any trouble.  I was almost asleep when I heard them all come sliding down the stairs to watch their movies.   Robby had a meeting to head to so I got up when he left and through the kids bedroom I could see them all back in the toy room happily playing legos-I was tempted to crawl back on the couch but did get up.
  • I made them do a few school boxes (cruel I know but Reagan won't be here tomorrow or Tuesday mornings so the work must go on).  And really, they just picked the easiest boxes to do.  Then Reagan watched a video about how to make her duct tape tote that she received from Christmas while Anderson worked on his circuit kit.  Graham helped Anderson and I entertained Keaton and Campbell with the laundry.  
  • Then they were all pretty restless and so I didn't wait on Robby to come home for supper.  We had our hot dogs and then the kids played for a bit.  When Robby came home, we did have some Valentine's day cookies (I know, wrong holiday) and then it was bedtime for all.  We did talk about just trying out Keaton in the big kid room soon-maybe we will work up our nerve in a few days to just try it out.

March 16, 2013

Checking out the new library!
(click here for today's pictures)
  • Since it was Saturday, Anderson and Campbell slept in until exactly 7:01.  Graham slept even a few minutes after that but since he had been in my bed from before 3, he didn't really count.  Now my Keaton did sleep until almost 9-she was my favorite this morning.
  • Before 8, we had played 4 rounds of jenga, I had a shower, the kids had eaten breakfast and I was starting to laminate (the laminating was the exciting part for me).  When Robby appeared from the bonus room (where he ended up when Graham finally kicked him out), he asked if Reagan was still asleep.  I told him that I wasn't quite sure since she had spent the night at Grannymom's house.  
  • Robby went upstairs to run and the kids played in the toy room while I worked on changing out Anderson's clothes from winter to summer.  I picked his clothes first because Anderson has one box of clothes to go through while the others have many more.  Graham's clothes are on my agenda for tomorrow-but enough about all of that. 
  • I did pull out the everyone's Sunday clothes for tomorrow.  Last week, I had given Reagan a choice of 3 outfits-one to wear to last weeks shower, one for last Sunday and then one for this week.  She liked 2 of them but the third was one that she was not pleased about having as one of her choices.  I explained that she would still be wearing it this Sunday.  So when I looked for it in her closet, I could not find it.  I looked and looked and that sneaky little thing had put it in the very back of Campbell's clothes.  Oh, I can't wait to see her expression in the morning, when she sees her dress that she will be wearing!  
  • Before 12, we were having lunch and then we headed out to clean the garage.  We should have been working in the yard but this was the next best thing-or the laziest thing.  I guess the kids will just hide their Easter eggs in the piles of leaves!  The garage is wonderfully neat-hope we can keep it this way.  Though I do think we need a rack for scooters and possibly parking lines on the floor for all of the bikes.
  • Then we loaded up and drove 11 miles to get gas-leaving us with 8 more miles before the car was completely, completely out of gas.  We made it and then picked up Reagan from Grannymom's house.    Reagan had a busy time-dominoes, egg hunting, shopping, yard work,.  She, like anyone, really enjoys being the center of attention.  
  • Sams was next on the list.  Our intentions were to buy some ice cream for our Sunday night ice cream truck.  But after Anderson had asked a few times but going to the park, we just settled for picking our medicine and eatiing some samples.  And yes, our medicine costs 600 dollars-can you believe that?  Robby was not as stunned as I was-thankfully, our magical deductible has not yet kicked in.  
  • So after that we went to the new children's library for some free fun.  The library was impressive and will be the perfect spot for a picnic on the grass someday after checking out some books.  And I even found a project for Grandpa-a raised garden bed.  Next up was the park and seriously, as much fun as the kids have climbing on those rocks and where I can't see them-it sure isn't any fun for me!   
  • We survived the park and then ended up at Dixie cafe for supper.  Robby thought that waiting an extra 5 minutes for me to defrost the hot dogs was too long or maybe he was just craving some rolls.  We sat in a booth tonight and the kids were rowdier than last night-we must remember to request a table next time.  But overall, they were still good and the food was good too-we all had catfish.
  • Graham had been asking this morning if we would go to the bonus room tonight and we had thought that we would.  But after eating out we weren't going to have much time so we rushed through showers and did get to set upstairs and watch a short missionary movie.  I slept so well during that movie.  Probably because I had originally thought the movie was about Paul Bunyan and not John as it was about-I was disappointed not to see Babe the big blue ox-so disappointed that I just fell asleep!