- Waking up too early this morning but laying still with Mom for a few minutes
- Eating all of my toast and applesauce for breakfast
- Helping Mom clean the bathrooms
- Watching my movie until Nonna came over
- Eating lunch with Nonna then taking a walk and playing in my playhouse
- An afternoon nap then another round of Candyland with Mom
- Playing on Mom's computer until bathtime
- Waiting on Dad to come home and then eating supper
- Playing outside and princess until bedtime
The Princess Goes on a Walk!
Yummy Bread!
- Getting my diaper changed and then running to Dad's nightstand to grab my bottle and then running around to Mom's side to get in bed with her and Reagan-just like every morning
- Eating toast and applesauce for breakfast this morning
- Helping Mom clean the windows (she wouldn't let me stand on the counter like Reagan-so I had to settle with washing the windows!)
- A short morning nap and then lunch with Nonna
- Taking a short walk and then playing outside with Nonna and Mom
- An afternoon nap then a bath
- Waiting on dad to come home and eating a big supper
- Playing outside and ball until bedtime
A Big Mess!
- Grabbing toys off of the shelf at school before Mom could even leave the room
- Fussing when Mom didn't hand me my ice cream as she left the drive thru window (I didn't understand that we would eat it at home)
- Happily eating my ice cream once we got home
- Making a very big pretzel mess when Mom left the kitchen for a few minutes-it was ok since we ate as much as we could before cleaning up!
- Trying to take an afternoon nap
- Playing with my toys until suppertime
- Playing football and sitting in my chair until Dad came home
- Hanging out with Dad until bedtime
The Princess Visits the Outdoors!
- Another day at school-I told Mom that Dad said if I was really good then I needed a really good snack...
- Eating ice cream from McDonalds as my treat
- Playing Candyland with Mom while Anderson was resting
- Reading all of Anderson's books and then pizza for supper
- Being a princess outside while waiting on Dad to come home
- Watching my movie (for a little bit-I get bored with it now) until bed
Pretty Princess!
- Sleeping in late this morning
- Not being able to decide between applesauce and toast for breakfast and not eating much at all
- Playing at Grannymom and Grandpa's house-we read lots and lots of books
- Eating BBQ for lunch with Mom, Dad, Anderson, Grannymom and Grandpa
- Not being able to sleep much for my nap since my baby dolls kept waking me up
- Playing outside until bathtime
- Supper with Dad and then playing princess until bedtime
My Sister Loves Me!
- Sleeping in late this morning
- Going to Grannymom and Grandpa's house to play this morning-we played hard
- Eating BBQ with Dad, Mom, Reagan, Grannymom and Grandpa
- Spending most of the afternoon in bed-I didn't really fuss but talked and coughed all afternoon long-I might have slept for a few minutes
- Playing in our playhouse before my bath
- Eating supper with Mom and Dad
- Playing with Dad until bedtime
More Playhouse Time!
- Having to eat my banana in a hurry this morning
- Not having a problem going into Sunday School today since Nonna was substituting in my class
- Lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house
- Taking a very short nap (someone's lawnmower woke me up) and then reading Rumplestiltskin with Mom
- Playing outside with Anderson until time to leave
- Supper at Subway and then church
- Running a quick errand to the grocery store before bed
Can We Live Out Here?
- Walking in to my Sunday School class this morning-I don't even look back at Dad and Mom anymore (such a big boy)
- Eating lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house
- A longer afternoon nap than Reagan
- Playing in my playhouse until time for supper-which has caused my allergies to act up-I have a cough and my excema is worse now!
- Eating supper at Subway
- Church again tonight and then picking up some milk at the grocery store
Our New Playhouse!
- Drinking my milk in bed with Mom, Dad, Reagan and her 3 babies-it was crowded!
- Running a few errands including the bank-where I got a sucker
- Eating a taco at Grannymom and Grandpa's house
- An afternoon nap and then playing outside
- A few more errands and then a stop at Toys R Us
- Eating supper with Nonna and Pops
- Waiting and waiting for Dad and Pops to put my new house together-it seemed like it took them forever!
- Playing in my new house until bath and bedtime
Our New Playhouse!
- Hauling my 3 babies around this morning
- Running a few errands including the bank-I ate a sucker that had an R on it
- Eating a taco at Grannymom and Grandpa's house
- An afternoon nap and then playing outside until Anderson woke up
- A few more errands and then a stop at Toys R Us-I picked out my new playhouse
- Eating supper with Nonna and Pops
- Blowing bubbles and picking up pinecones while Dad and Pops put my new house together
- Playing in my new house until bath and bedtime
On Top of the Car!
- Packing our bags for our trip all morning long-I told Mom that we had to take my taggie to the hotel and wanted her to put it in the bag. She tried to tell me that we weren't leaving for a few days-but I didn't really believe her
- Making a huge mess upstairs
- Eating a sandwich with Dad
- A long afternoon nap and then reading from my princess storybook with Mom
- Eating supper at Whole Hog-I ate lots and lots of beans!
- Riding home on the top of the car and then going to bed
Let's Go Now!
- Playing all morning upstairs while Mom packed-we made a mess while she was busy packing!
- Skipping my morning nap since Mom didn't notice what time it was
- Eating a sandwich with Dad for lunch
- A long afternoon nap then more packing (You would think we were leaving tomorrow)
- Eating beans and potatoes at Whole Hog
- Playing on the top of the car-it is like a slide!
- Coming home smelling like BBQ and then heading to bed
A New Toy! -- FOR DAD :(
- Spending the day at school and sleeping until Mom picked me up
- Playing with Nonna and Pops this afternoon for a little bit
- Taking a long afternoon nap-I slept until Mom woke me up at 6
- Eating supper with Jacob and Reagan at the picnic table
- Playing all evening while the grown-ups talked
- Staying up later than I ever remember-9:00!
Pretty, Pretty Princess!
- Spending the day at school and playing "all day long"
- Playing with Nonna and Pops for a few minutes this afternoon
- Playing Memory and Candyland Castle with Mom
- Helping Mom put together our new vacuum cleaner
- Watching Dad mow the yard
- Playing with Jacob tonight while the Thursday night crew ate
- Staying up very, very late-9:30-Mom and Dad even let me stay up while the straightened the house
Grand 'Ole Time at the Park!
- Storytime at the library this morning-they had cupcakes which I helped myself to a 2nd one! I liked playing with the hula hoop
- Picking up Dad from work and going to the park-I could climb up everything and loved the slides
- Shopping at the Container Store
- Watching my movie while Mom made lunch-PB & J
- Playing at Grannymom and Grandpa's house this afternoon-we played outside and got all hot and sweaty!
- Taking a long afternoon nap then supper with Dad
- Helping carry the groceries
- Eating Tang before my bath
Sand, Sun and Slides!
- Enjoying storytime at the library-we read and story and then played in the garden. I just chased a ball around and even tried to get it out of the fountain!
- Picking up Dad and playing at the park for a few minutes-I loved the sand
- A quick trip to the container store and then a very, very short nap
- PB & J for lunch
- Playing at Grannymom and Grandpa's house this afternoon-we played outside and I got hot and sweaty!
- Coming for a nap and then supper with Dad
- Buying a few groceries before my bath, milk and bed
Helping Mom Around the House!
- Having a good day at school-we went on a stroller ride and they said that I banged on the highchair until they fed me when I got back
- Spilling lots of crackers on the floor when we got home
- Helping Mom clean the floors-we had to take turns with the dustbuster (I was running from Mom in the pictures because I thought she was going to take it away)
- Shaking my head "no" when Mom mentioned an afternoon nap
- Playing farm and hide-n-seek until supper with Dad
- More hide-n-seek until bedtime (I don't really get the concept-sometimes I will hide and other times I will just stand by the person who is hiding-but I still have fun)
May I Take Your Picture?
- Playing outside at school today-I wore my "up sleeves" (short sleeves) so I wouldn't be hot
- Passing out crackers to Anderson which made a mess
- Helping Mom with a little housework
- Playing farm and hide-n-seek (my 2 new favorite things to do) until Dad came home
- Supper with the family and then more hide-n-seek
- Cleaning up the house before I went to bed
I Love the Zoo...This Time!
- Telling Mom "bye bye" while standing at the gate-I was ready to go to the zoo
- Spending the morning at the zoo-I wasn't afraid of the animals this time! My favorite was feeding the fish-I knew to throw them the food just like Reagan did. I held on tight to Mom on the train
- Eating lunch with Dad at Backyard Burger and falling asleep on the way home
- Playing farm with Reagan until naptime
- Shopping at Krogers and then a snack
- Taking my bath first and getting all lotioned up
- Supper and then sitting at the door waiting on Dad to come home
- Playing farm with Dad until bedtime
Wearing My Hat to the Zoo!
- Waking up ready to go to the zoo
- Spending the morning at the zoo with all of my friends from church. We even rode the train! My favorite animal was the lion-I said a skunk the first time Mom asked me (we smelled a skunk but didn't see one)
- Eating lunch with Dad and telling him that I was sad because I didn't get to ride the carousel
- Playing farm with Anderson before naptime
- Waking up for snack and a movie
- A quick trip to the store and then a snack for being good
- Taking a bath with lots and lots of water in the tub (Mom got distracted and forgot to turn it off)
- Eating supper and then waiting on Dad to come home
- Playing farm with Dad until bedtime
Enjoying my new Play Area!
- Having a fun time in Sunday School-I made a picture with a pig, hippo and frog on it
- Eating lunch at Nonna's house-she had brownies, grapes and strawberries
- Helping Anderson drive the shopping car at Kroger's
- A long afternoon nap and then getting to watch my movie until Anderson woke up
- Playing with my farm most of the evening long
- Climbing up the slide on the deck and then drinking my juice before bed
Should I Be Up Here?
- Shaking my head "no" when Mom asked if I had a good time in Sunday School-but I really did!
- Lunch at Nonna's house-we had brownies
- A quick trip to Krogers where I drove the shopping car
- An afternoon nap and then a quick supper
- Playing farm with Reagan for a long time
- Exploring the deck outside all by myself-I even sat on the step for awhile (Mom wasn't fast enough with the camera though)
- Drinking my juice (the only way Mom can get me inside) before bed
One Funny Dude!
- Hanging out with Dad this morning
- Running a few errands to Home Depot and the bank-they even gave me a football!
- Dropping by Grannymom's garage sale for a few minutes
- A morning nap and then a quick lunch
- Going to Jacob's birthday party-I wore my hard hat and apron
- Another long nap and then pizza for supper
- Taking my bath and then reading books until bedtime
Cool Birthday Cup!
- Helping at Grannymom's garage sale-I was a big help!
- Running a few errands with Mom before lunch
- Eating lunch with Mom and Dad while Anderson was asleep
- Watching my movie until it was time for us to leave
- Having a great time at Jacob's birthday party-we put stickers on our cups and ate cake and ice cream
- An afternoon nap and then pizza for supper
- Taking my bath and reading books until bedtime
- Check out this video from yesterday of me clapping at the talent show
Checking out the Wheel!
- Playing all morning long and watching it rain
- Helping empty the dishwasher (I did have to sit in time out for running away with Mom's knife though) and sweeping the floor
- A morning nap and then rice for lunch
- Buying a cupcake-I thought we were going to eat them there and was very upset with Mom when she put them in a box
- Sitting in my stroller for a long time during the talent show at Mom's school
- Sleeping until Dad came home
- Supper at Catfish City and watching the water wheel and fish
Yummy Cupcake!
- Wanting my movie and milk early this morning
- Watching it rain most of the day long
- Sweeping and doing the dishes with Anderson-we are good helpers
- Eating lots of rice for lunch while we watched a movie on Mom's computer
- Buying me a cupcake at the new cupcake store
- Watching the talent show at Mom's school-it was fun-I clapped and clapped!
- A nap at home
- Eating supper at Catfish City and watching all of the fish swim around
- Driving around and then finishing my cupcake before bed
Such a Big Boy - 16 Months Old!
- Not kissing Mom when she dropped me off at school-but giving Reagan a big kiss!
- Playing until my nap this afternoon (that I didn't take)
- Stopping by Grannymom's for a few minutes
- Waiting on Dad to come home and then supper and lots of popsicles
- Taking my 16 month pictures
- Getting all lotioned/oiled up and then going to bed
31 Months Going on 6 Years Old!
- Going to school this morning and playing with Rosie and Katherine
- Watching my movie this afternoon
- Helping Mom take her garage sale stuff to Grannymom's house
- Waiting on Dad to come home and then supper
- Taking my 31 month pictures and video-I am getting sooo old!
- Getting to stay up late and watch my movie one more time before bed
Doctor Visit #4
Doctor Visit #4
Rockin' in the Pickup!
- Eating a big breakfast-my toast, Reagan's leftovers and then Mom's toast (I was still hungry)
- Making pudding with Mom and Reagan (they usually don't let me cook) I was so proud of myself stirring but Mom couldn't get a picture because she was afraid I would make a mess!
- Cleaning the bathroom-Mom would spray and we had to wipe
- A morning nap and playing with Nonna for a little bit before lunch
- An afternoon nap (I didn't want to take one but finally did)
- Supper at Senor Tequilla, a quick trip to Walmart and then showing Grannymom and Grandpa our new den
- A very short bath and then Mom and Dad tried something new on my excema tonight (we will see if it helps)
- Reagan used to make a "click click" noise for crackers-I started making my own "click click" noise for cracker today!
Love Me Some Juice!
- Waking up way too early this morning-but laying still in bed with Mom and Dad for a few minutes
- Toast for breakfast and then helping empty the dishwasher
- Cleaning the bathrooms-Mom makes us work (she would spray and Anderson and I would wipe)
- Playing with Nonna while Mom went to the doctor
- Eating a big lunch and then a long nap
- Watching my movie until Dad came home
- Eatng at Senor Tequila, a quick Walmart stop and showing Grannymom and Grandpa my new den
- A very quick bath and then straight to bed
I Need Boy Dress Up Clothes!
- Waking up with a red face (excema)-it seems worse lately maybe because of the pollen (or I am allergic to Reagan)
- Spending the day at school
- Not wanting to take my nap after I came home
- Playing dress-up with Reagan and Mom-yes, I let Reagan put earrings on me!
- Running around outside until Dad came home and then supper
- Feeding Dad and my monkey all of our pretend food until bedtime
Be Still So I Can Put These Earrings On You!
- Talking about our Oregon trip this morning and asking if the man would take our shoes (security screener), if Mom and Dad would sleep in the bed at the hotel, if Dad could find a movie on the tv at the hotel and if Anderson's bed would fit in the car
- Another day at school-Ms. Marie and Ms. Eleanor were back today!
- Playing dress up with Mom and Anderson-he was very still so I could put the earrings on him
- Watching my movie
- Playing outside until Dad came home-then we played hide n seek
- Supper and then playing with my kitchen and food
- Making some Tang and then going to bed (it was still very light outside when I went to bed)
A Wagon Ride with Reagan Driving! Yikes!
- Being much happier today but still waking up with a red face and red around my eyes (I think this pollen is getting to me)
- Reading books in Reagan's room
- Sweeping the kitchen before my nap
- A big lunch (Reagan made it) and drinking my milk on the way to Grandpas
- Playing with Grannymom and then a nap
- Supper and then a popcicle
- Taking a wagon ride with Reagan and Dad while Mom went to Bunko
- A juice box, a bath, a bottle and then to bed
Anderson is Heavy in this Wagon!
- Watching my movie and sweeping the kitchen
- Wearing my princess jewelry most of the morning
- Helping Mom rearrange Dad's books and then playing dominoes and "race"
- Deciding that I wanted turkey, ketchup, mustard and cheese on a hamburger bun for lunch (Mom said it sounded good so we all had some-she didn't have ketchup though)
- Playing at Grannymom's this afternoon while Mom did some work
- Coming home to take an afternoon nap
- Waking up for supper - pasta and strawberries. I made a happy plate and I didn't even want dessert.
- Going on a wagon ride - I even pulled Anderson all the way up the street
- A juice box, a movie, a bath and then bedtime
- ....
I'll Fuss If I Want To!
- Spending the morning in Sunday School
- Eating a big lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house and then playing there while Mom and Dad went shopping
- An afternoon nap-and waking up on the wrong side of the crib (I was very, very fussy after my nap-I just cried and my milk didn't even make me happy)
- Playing more at church and getting to put money in the bank at church
- Coming home and going straight to bed
Aren't I Pretty? Even with my Tang Covered Lips!
- Not getting my taggie out of the bag at Sunday School today (big step-but they said I was fussy too and I didn't potty in my class either)
- Eating lunch at Grannymom and Grandpa's house and playing for a little bit while Mom and Dad went shopping
- An aternoon nap
- Setting in Mom's new chair and playing with my new shelves (Mom showed us where all of our toys were)
- Staying in my class in church for a little bit and then getting to see Pops dance in big church on the stage (I told Dad "Get me up there")
Rearranging the Den and Happy About It!
- Waking up early to go "garage selling" with Mom-I found a book and said that we needed it since Anderson likes animal books
- Shopping at Walgreens and Target
- An early lunch at Burger King
- Taking quite a long afternoon nap
- Helping Dad put together my shelves-I sat in my monkey chair and watched everything he did
- Eating supper and anxiously awaiting playing with Nonna and Pops tonight
Taking a Slide!
- Hanging out with Dad this morning
- Shopping at Walgreens and Target
- An early lunch at Burger King
- Taking my afternoon nap
- Helping Mom and Dad rearrange the den (again)
- Eating supper and crying through most of it since they wouldn't let me down to help Dad put together our new shelves
- Hanging out with Nonna and Pops while Mom and Dad went to the Rep
Sweepin' Up for the Hawkins!
- Waking up and eating applesauce (with my hands) for breakfast
- Crawling under the table while Mom was sleeping and climbing in all of the chairs while Mom was mopping
- A morning nap and then supper
- Eating strawberries on the back deck and playing outside with Dad
- A long afternoon nap and then coloring with Reagan
- Eating supper and playing with Caleb until bedtime
Swingin' and Enjoyin' the Weather!
- Waking up at 3 and then 6:30 this morning and laying in bed with Mom and Dad watching movies until everyone else got up
- Helping Mom mop the floor and clean then bathroom
- Lunch and then waiting on Dad to come home early
- Eating strawberries outside and playing out back
- A long afternoon nap and then coloring with Anderson
- Eating supper with Caleb and playing until bedtime
Celebrating April's Birthday
I Love My Sis!
- Playing at school today-Reagan even came into my class today (during the storm)-she said that we played chase. My teacher said that a little boy pushed me today and I pushed back (Mom thought "that's my boy")
- Seeing Nonna until she had to go to her doctor's appointment
- Not taking a nap this afternoon-but Mom made me stay in bed until she was finished cooking
- Playing with Mom until supper
- Eating another supper at Jacob's house and helping April open her presents (click here to see more birthday pictures)
- Playing with Camryn, Kennedy, Jacob and Reagan
Yum! Yum!
- Spending the day at school-I was able to play in Anderson's room for a little bit today during the storm. I told Mom that I still had my bib on when we went to Anderson's room
- Saying my prayer before our snack
Thank you God for all the food
Thank you God for Anderson not spilled (his popsicle)
Thank you God for everything we love
Thank you God for the house and all the beds - Playing with Nonna until she had to go to her doctors appointment
- Helping Mom make Mud cake for April's birthday
- A movie and then playing with Mom until supper
- Another supper at Jacob's house (we celebrated Ms. April's birthday - click here for pictures) and playing with Kennedy, Camryn, Jacob and Anderson until time to go home and go to bed
Yummy Corn on the Cob!
- Seeing Grannymom and Grandpa this morning. They had been in Egypt and I missed them! I wore the necklace that they brought back for me all day long
- Playing at Nonna's and eating corn on the cob and strawberries for lunch
- Delivering my cookies to Beebee and Papaw-I danced for them
- Shopping with Mom and Nonna at Walmart
- Running around the Awana circle at church while seeing Pops
- A long afternoon nap
- Supper and then watching my movie during Anderson's bath
- Taking my bath and waiting on Dad to get home
- Playing with Dad until bedtime
How do you eat this stuff?
- Playing with my new camel from Grannymom and Grandpa that they got for me in Egypt
- Hiding behind Nonna's curtains
- Eating corn on the cob and strawberries for lunch (Reagan's favorites)
- Delivering cookies to Beebee and Papaw
- Shopping with Mom and Nonna at Walmart
- Running around with Pops on the Awana circle at church
- An afternoon nap and then supper
- Taking my bath and then playing with Dad until bedtime
Are They Done Yet?
- Waking up first this morning and laying in Mom's bed all by myself drinking my milk (I looked like I was 3)
- Not wanting to go to class this morning-and then I didn't want to give my teacher my lunch box
- Knowing exactly what Mom was ordering at McDonalds and getting very excited about our snack
- A short nap and then helping the girls make cookies-I scooted my chair up to the cabinet and climbed in it while Mom had her back turned.
- Playing with Reagan and watching the cookies bake
- Supper and then playing until bedtime
One for You! Two for Me!
- Watching a new dog movie this morning (thank goodness, Mom and Dad were getting tired of the same ones)
- Going to my big girl early class without a problem and staying dry all day at school
- Another cookie and ice cream sundae party to celebrate
- Baking cookies with Mom ALL afternoon long-we made a huge mess when I turned the mixer on high and it was full of flour!!
- Supper and a popsicle
- Playing with Dad and Anderson until bedtime
Where did the grass go?
- Shopping at Babies R Us and Krogers today-I got in trouble at Kroger's and cried most of the shopping trip
- Helping Mom unload the groceries and watching a movie while Anderson took a nap
- Lunch and then playing my race game all through the house
- Taking an incredible long afternoon nap-Mom even checked on me
- Waiting on Dad outside on a blanket while having a snack
- Watching Dad mow the grass while eating supper
- Dancing until it was time for my bath
- Looking at Dad's watch and telling Mom that it was "7-0-0"-and it was!!
- Taking a bath before bed
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