October 21, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • The morning started out as a regular school day-I did my chores, walked Bentley, and woke everyone up. I was able to read with Whitman and Keaton before Campbell and I headed to church.
  • We both worked keeping kids for the convention for most of the day. We were in the same classroom with just about 6 kids. They had lots of snacks and crafts for the kids and lots of snacks for us so I sure can't complain at all.
  • I was a bit afraid that it was going to bit a long day, but it wasn't bad at all. I hope that it all runs smoothly for Campbell who is doing it again tomorrow. I will be at home tomorrow running my regularly scheduled routine.
  • The rest of the gang here had school work to do. Whitman and Keaton only had to do the things that I would not have to check. This made them happy, but it also made my evening much more enjoyable.
  • Graham and Anderson pretty much had the same amount of things since they don't really need me to check anything. I'm sure they were less than thrilled about this, but Graham is trying to work on the ACT as well, so he needs a few less things to deal with. 
  • Graham should have had work today, but it was cancelled so that did free up some of his time. Anderson had his last football game this evening which the rest of us all went to. Keaton went early to help Anderson while Robby took Whitman since he had concession stand duty. Campbell and I arrived came from church and arrived after kickoff.
  • We all came home after the game-there have been showers, some school work, device time, and probably evening snacks will come next. I do enjoy evenings when you are home early like this!

October 20, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

 I was pretty cozy this morning in the camper bed, but I did get out near the time that my alarm rang. I left a little bit before 9 which gave me plenty of time. On my way home, I did have to stop and pick up 100 strawberries for a baby shower. 

I built in some extra time just in case the first store that I stopped at didn't have strawberries. When I walked towards the strawberry case, I could see the big "sale" sign which usually means they will be out of strawberries, but imagine my relief when they had plenty of boxes of the prettiest strawberries.

I then went home and unloaded a few things from my car. I washed the strawberries and kept the laundry washing, drying, and folding routine happening. After taking my shower, I loaded up and headed to church only to get a note saying that we didn't have to be there as early. So I turned around (I hadn't gone far) and came home for a few more minutes. By this time, there wasn't much else I could do in the house so I did a few school things for next week.

I was trying to mark things off of my Monday list since it is a little bit crazy. Thankfully, I was able to mark off a few things. Then I hurried to start setting up for the baby shower I was helping to throw. 

Meanwhile, the kids all woke up and went to church this morning. After church they had an Operation Christmas Shoebox packing party. They all stayed and helped pack the boxes. When that was over, the boys went home, but Campbell and Keaton joined me at the baby shower. 

Robby packed up the rest of the camper things this morning and headed home. He ran a few errands on his way home, but soon was home and unloaded. He even had time to make a peanut butter pie for our Sunday school fellowship tonight.

When the shower was over, Campbell and Keaton helped everyone clean up. Then we hurried home-Graham, Keaton, and Whitman went to Rock Creek for their Sunday night stuff. Campbell went with Robby and I to our Sunday school class fellowship, and Anderson went to his senior life group tonight.

We were about to leave our fellowship when we got the call-Graham-he hit a deer on the way home. The car is kind of alright-the light and bumper are cracked so I'm not sure what Robby has planned for that since no repairs are cheap. Thankfully, though they were all okay since it could have been worse. Whitman said that it was scary-he saw the eyes coming at him. I'm sure it shook Graham up a little bit. 

He hit it on Lawson, and he must not have been going to quickly since he said there was a line of 5 cars behind him so he had to drive a bit before he could pull over and check on the car. 

Anderson is still gone, but the rest of us are in the house now-Robby and I are trying to warm up from our fellowship since it was outside. I've already had quite a few snacks today or I would make me some hot chocolate to warm up!

October 19, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

This was a fun camping day again. We were up a little bit earlier than yesterday. We had time to walk Bentley for a little bit and visit with everyone, but soon we were leaving Keaton and Whitman to head back to Little Rock.

They opted to stay here-actually, Keaton's words were that she was going to go where ever Bentley went. I think she had a big time here alone-she made Whitman go on a walk, sat outside some, spent some time in the hammock, and played a card game with Lily. Whitman also had a bit time but he was content to stay in the camper.

We zoomed on to Bryant and picked up Campbell at Raymar. Anderson was about to take place in the coaches flag football game so Campbell wasn't too keen on leaving. While her team warmed up, Robby went to get Graham and a tomato for supper. 

We watched her game-the lost 4-3. They were better than the other team, but maybe because they were pushier than the other team. Campbell's teammates like to see just how much they can get away with when it comes to pushing-and today it was a lot. Now, Campbell may be just as pushy as the rest of them, but she usually plays so far away from us that we can barely see when she does have the ball.

Anderson finished up his game, went home and showered before heading down to Lake Catherine. We were not too far behind him. Whitman was quick to get on his costume this evening, and Robby and I took a short walk to see everyone prepping their sites for the evening. 

We had hamburgers and hot dogs for supper. Then it was time to Trick or Treat. I walked with Whitman and Keaton around the campground. This campground is half the size of Maumelle and was pretty much half as festive. However, it was like a small town celebration so it was still perfect.

We started out with the Kamps, but we soon left them-last year we trick or treated at Fort Wilderness where they have 21 loops with some loops having over 80 sites-so Keaton and Whitman know how to get around pretty quickly. This campground probably had about 50 or less campsites giving out candy (Robby just said that last year it was over 800 sites that we went to). 

Keaton also was ready to get back to the camper because she wanted to pass out candy. I though that Whitman would go inside, but he stayed out there with her to help pass out candy. I'm glad that they enjoy doing that. We are on an upper loop so we probably didn't get nearly as many kids as the other spots. 

Robby, Shannon, and I took a walk around the campground when Whitman and Keaton were finished collecting candy. It was fun to see the costumes and decorations-watching all of that was more fun than watching the Razorback game.

Once the Hog game was going very poorly, Anderson decided that it was time to leave. All of the kids went home with him. We thought that he might his construction traffic on the way home, and they did. I think that it slowed them down about 30 minutes, but they still made it home safely.

After they left, we turned the Hogs game over to the Ouachita game. We were able to see them win their game plus we spotted Reagan on the field celebrating the victory. That was fun-and we probably should have been watching that game instead of the Hogs.

When the game was over, we cleaned up, and there was a lot of cleaning up to do. Robby pretty much just has a tent and a table left out. Other than that, it shouldn't take him too long in the morning. When we came inside, we had a lot of work to do putting things away, but everything is done, and it is time for my shower!

October 18, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

If we could just have days like this every day...Robby and I slept until around 9, and then we just stayed in bed until 10. He worked, and I read. When we did wake up, Keaton requested pancakes, so we pulled out the griddle and made her and Whitman some.

We then met up with Shannon, and we walked to the visitor's center where Shannon and I both bought stickers for our campers. Whitman and Keaton were with us and convinced me to buy them a piece of candy as well. 

We then walked by all of the cabins which are just on the best spots on the lake. Some of them have a screened in back porch which makes me want to stay in them. We walked through all of the campground again looking at all of the sites before heading back to our campers.

The afternoon was absolutely beautiful. We sat outside-I even laid in the hammock some. I was able to completely finish one book that I read today, plus read a good bit of another one. We enjoyed the afternoon so much since tomorrow we will not be around as much.

Around supper time though we did start moving around a bit more and pulling things out. Shannon had chicken and beef tacos while we did cheese dip and some smores and the Kamps made rice. Reagan brought 6 of her friends up here from Arkadelphia. 

I think that those girls had a good time-I know that we enjoyed seeing Reagan and her friends. The rest of us had a good time this evening. We all stayed outside chatting until after 10. Then we had to do the crazy cleaning up which is why I'm just getting to the blog after midnight. Campbell has already asked where the blog is. She also mentioned that I should compliment her for cleaning her room and drawers today and remind all of my readers that she is my favorite!

October 17, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

This morning was a little bit busy: Graham had to go to class early for a test. He didn't do spectacular since math isn't his strongest subject, at all, but that is fine. When he came home, he looked at the problems that he missed, and really, quite a few were not ones that he was prepared for, so we aren't going to lose any sleep about it at all. 

Keaton and Campbell had to go to church to work for mother's day out. Campbell is in the same room every time, but Keaton is a floater to just where they need her. Today, she was in the babies with another sub-Keaton has never fed a baby a bottle or spoon fed baby food to a baby-but I guess she learned on the spot today. 

While those three were all off doing their thing, Anderson and Whitman were at the house working on school. I did make Whitman work the entire time that I was gone while taking Campbell and Keaton. So when I did get back, he had his break. This worked out well because I used that time to get school ready for next week. 

Soon Whitman was finished with school so I worked with him on our spelling. It is always strange to me that when I don't really have a lot of time at home (like today) I can think of so many random things that I really want to do-like today, I wanted to print out Whitman's extra math and put it in a notebook. I did decide that could wait until another day, but I can manage to do all the things except some important things like cleaning.

I stopped by Nonna and Pops' house on my way to pick up Campbell and Keaton. Then I hurried from here to get them. When we made it home, we were just there for a little bit before Keaton, Whitman, and I left for Lake Catherine State Park to meet Robby.

This evening Anderson went to work while Nonna and Pops' took Campbell to soccer practice. When Anderson finished with football, he went to pick up his sister-he did have to wait like 45 minutes since he was there early, but maybe he was able to play on his phone for a bit-I'm sure he was.

When we arrived at camp, we were surprised at how decent the temperature felt. Now, it was a little chilly this evening, but not absolutely unbearable-now, I was standing in front of a heater then entire time! 

Keaton and Whitman helped us set up our Halloween decorations-we have done well again this year with our decorations. Nothing truly grand, but we made it look festive. Tony cooked breakfast for supper, oh, but before that we took ourselves on a walk.

We walked to the waterfall, and then ended up doing the Falls Branch Trail. It was 2 miles, and oh, Whitman does not love trails, and he never has-but he did fairly well. Since he was a little toddler, I have had to pull him down many of trails. He lagged behind today as well, but he made it! Now, tomorrow, if we do the 5 mile trail-he may stay in the camper!

Tony made a cobbler for dessert, so we ate that this evening. Then we made a long walk around the loop before coming inside around 10. Keaton and Whitman were already cozied in their beds-it is going to be a chilly night here, but a cozy one in this camper. 

October 16, 2024-Month of Camping: Trip 3

(click for today's pictures)

I'm not too sure if I can title this blog as part of the month of camping, but I guess since Robby is gone, then I can call it that. I'm headed there soon, but we have one more day of school to finish since next week is going to be hit or miss.

We started the morning with school work which seemed to last a long while, but I had fairly long breaks where I walked around not knowing exactly what to do. I always think that if I start a project or something from my list, then I would probably be interrupted so instead of trying to be productive, I would just walk around looking at what all needed to be done.

Eventually, all of the school work did get finished. Keaton and Campbell had to do two days of work today because they will be gone tomorrow. That creates lots of extra grading work for me, but we muddled through it all. 

Graham went to work this afternoon while Keaton, Campbell, and I went to Target. The girls absolutely panicked when we spent over 50 dollars at Target. We bought a blanket for one of Campbell's parties, and 2 birthday presents-I thought we had done good, but they were beside themselves. Campbell and Keaton both had a birthday gift to buy, and those girls can shop. On the way, they discussed making a box of goodies for their friends, but then it was decided that might be too expensive and over their budget. However, they made it work, and both ended up with cute gifts for their friends and under budget. They knew exactly how much every single thing cost.

We then ran to the library before we met up with the boys at church. Church is always fun on Wednesday nights-I help with the kids, but I mainly just chat which I certainly enjoy. The girls went with Anderson while Graham, Whitman, and I came home. 

After we ate and Keaton came home, I read a little bit with Whitman and Keaton. Now, I'm going to send these people to bed-it will be an early morning and a busy day!

October 15, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Last night, I ended the blog fairly early-I did have my hot chocolate and was even surprised at how much time I had left in the evening. However, at about 9:50 these children asked me to play a game. First, I said it was too late, but I eventually caved so we played Billionaire until after 11. 
  • People were still up fairly early this morning-I did have to wake up Graham so he could head to school, but Whitman was already up, and I had to yell at Anderson to wake up very little. I'm working on trying my best right now to get through all of my library books that I read to Keaton and Whitman before Christmas so I'm concentrating on them. (And I know it is a while until Christmas, but that is how many I have in my pile.)
  • We did the school thing this morning, but gracious, I'm not sure again what happened to Whitman. I thought he was on track, but I was finishing spelling at 5 this afternoon. We did leave for a good bit in the afternoon to get our flu shots. Since Reagan is a school, there was one less, but I know there are still a lot of us traipsing through Kroger. Robby did buy candy for the ride home, so no one complained too much about their shots.
  • When we made it home, the kids all played football for a little bit. That is another reason that Whitman was finishing school so late-his mother is a softee. I figure it is better to play outside with your brothers and sisters than to do a page a math. We still got the math done, it was just later.
  • Robby and I took Campbell to soccer tonight and ran some errands while she was there. Graham came in from running and made chicken pasta for supper for everyone (frozen meal). 
  • Tonight when we came home from soccer, Graham then made brownies so he was quite the chef today. Right now is it the calm before the storm-the house is super quiet, but I'm about to tell everyone that it is bedtime, and things will get crazy.