- Keaton tried to convince me yesterday to not start school until 9. I already knew I wasn't going to walk this morning because I am a fair weather walker. Robby didn't know that I kept hitting my alarm clock, so he woke me up worried that I had slept in. I was just stalling though.
- I did most of my morning things, but I didn't get around to the laundry until much later. We still started pretty much on time with school-the boys have a lot to do in their history class this week so they needed all morning long.
- Whitman picked the easiest things from his list to do on Mondays, so he was finished much earlier than I had expected. After lunch, I worked with him and then I ran to get my hair cut and to firm up the glasses plan for Campbell.
- I came home and read some and crocheted some. Campbell and Keaton both had naps, I think, this afternoon. They were quiet for a good deal of time until they were not. Then they started fighting over a hair brush.
- Even though we had leftovers from Sunday's lunch and Super Bowl food, I even made supper tonight-chicken breast in the crock pot. I had some chicken in the fridge that needed to be cooked so now we have tons of meals to eat.
- This evening was Anderson's basketball game. I thought that this was the last one, but it turns out there are at least one more. His team was close, then they got behind by around 20, but then they caught back up. They had fun though so that was fun for us to watch.
- Only thing about an 8:00 game is that we do get home pretty late. Anderson is just now eating and everyone else is grabbing their snacks before we call that it is bedtime.
February 10, 2025
February 9, 2025
- This morning started out early for Robby-he had to get out of bed at 3 this morning to start the meat. All he did have to do was to take the crock pots out of the fridge and turn them on, so it didn't take him too long.
- I wasn't far behind him because I woke up at 6 so I could start on the mashed potatoes. I knocked those out and put them in another crock pot (my kitchen has been like a crock pot show room today-2 for the meat, 1 for the potatoes, later today 1 for cheese dip, and another for lil smokies).
- After the potatoes, I got a few more things ready and then woke Graham up. Then I climbed back in bed for about 10 minutes before taking my shower and getting ready for church.
- We had to arrive at church early because Robby and I are on now on the offering basket passer list. That is fine because Campbell and Keaton were more than happy to do it for us. This isn't Anderson's week, but he filled in for someone-but he didn't get there early for the meeting.
- Reagan and eight for her friends were at church this morning. They filled up a row so that was fun. After church, they all came to the house while the rest of us went to Sunday school. We hurried home, and within just a little bit, we had supper on the table-salad, bread, green beans, mashed potatoes, and roast.
- I think that all the college kids enjoyed the meal, plus I think that my people enjoyed it as well. This was the first time that Robby and I have ever made a roast, and since it was good, we were pretty pleased.
- The Ouachita-ers headed back, and Robby and I cleaned the kitchen while the big boys went to play basketball. They came home and showered, and then we all left again for our Super Bowl parties.
- Keaton, Robby, Whitman, and I went to the Wilsons' house. Graham and Campbell went to one life group party while Anderson went to the other party. We all stayed out late and had fun at our parties.
- Once we came in, we unloaded and cleaned up before sending the folks to bed!
February 8, 2025
- I stayed in bed a little later than I wanted to this morning, but when I did get up, I started in the kitchen. Pretty much I really stayed in the kitchen for the rest of the day.
- I made our second favorite cinnamon rolls this morning. They are the same ones that I have made before. They are difficult to make because after the dough rises all night, you then have to add in baking soda, salt, and baking powder. It says that you can use your stand mixer-but when your stand mixer is 25 years old-you don't take any chances. You just knead it in by hand-and it was a bit difficult to do. The cinnamon rolls were still very good though.
- Next I made brownies for Keaton's dessert for her Super Bowl party today. I had to eventually wake her up to come and decorate her brownies and turn them into footballs. Meanwhile, I started to make ooey gooey but didn't have enough eggs to double the recipe so I had to wait on Robby to arrive back home from the store.
- Campbell came down and started to work on her dessert for tomorrow night-chocolate dipped pretzels. She also wanted spicy cheese its, so I made those too for one of the boys to take. However, the boys are now going to a different party, so I'm not exactly sure who will take those cheese its...does that mean we have to make something else? Surely not.
- Soon it was time for me to take Keaton and Whitman to their Super Bowl party. I think that they both had a good time. Whitman told me all about it on the drive home, and he was so hot and sweaty from all of the games that they played.
- I didn't pick Keaton up from the Super Bowl party because I just left her at church. I also dropped Campbell off as well because they were working keeping kids there tonight. It is always strange to me that people trust my babies to keep babies.
- There was more work in the kitchen when I came home-Robby made rice krispy treats, and I prepped some things for tomorrow. We still have a little bit more to do tonight to get ready for lunch, but now the Hogs are on and pizza is for supper.
February 7, 2025
- I always have more plans for the day than I actually have time for. Today, I had my normal list of things to do plus I had written out everything that needs to happen to clean this house. I would do 2 things off of one list and then one thing from the other list.
- I was rocking through those lists-until I got to the chores that I don't like to do-the potties and vacuuming. Needless to say, those still haven't been done, but maybe they will be tomorrow.
- Robby and I always find it funny that we usually have nothing to do or we are crazy busy-this weekend is one of those crazy busy times. We have multiple things everyday-plus many of those things involve me making some type of food. We will get it all done though.
- The kids were awake earlier than I thought that they would be this morning after staying up pretty late. Campbell came downstairs when Bentley came down, and everyone else soon followed.
- I went to see Nonna and Pops at the hospital. Nonna was even staying over tonight so Pops wouldn't be as bored. He will even have some of his therapies on Saturday and Sunday so he won't have time to be too bored.
- I came home and soon left to take Campbell to baby sit. I came home and Robby left to take Keaton to a party. I then made a few batches of cookies for Whitman to take to his party tomorrow along with cinnamon roll dough because why not?
- Before my cookies were all out of the oven, I had to leave to pick up Campbell, and since we were out, I also picked up Keaton from her party. Now, it is after 9 and I just feel like I sat down....but I might get me some hot chocolate so that will help end my evening on a high note.
February 6, 2025
- Campbell and Keaton headed to work early this morning, while the boys and I stayed home and worked on school. The day was pretty quiet around here so I did a few things-not any cleaning of the house things though.
- Before too long, it was the lunch time. I ended up making grilled cheese for the big boys. Then Whitman and I worked on our spelling and his extra math. He's such a good sport-no one else has ever worked with me as much as he gets too. He needs the extra spelling work, but he really doesn't need any extra math help but he is so smart it sure doesn't hurt.
- After we finished that, I hurried to pick up the girls. They had a good day and still enjoy it. We went home, and I did a few more things-finished a book I was listening to, finished a book I was reading, and finished a color on my blanket that I am crocheting (3 more rows of colors left).
- The boys went outside to play basketball, and no one took me up on my offer to make supper for them. Campbell made her and Anderson chicken while Graham ate a leftovers sandwich that Robby picked up. I'm not sure about what anyone else ate though!
- Now, I just finished mixing up some bread to make tomorrow plus I might get me some hot chocolate later. I have been on a hot chocolate kick lately.
February 5, 2025
- This morning I wasn't going to walk, but then I decided to, and after getting up a little bit early, I opened the door and walked out and it was raining. It was just sprinkling so at least I was able to brush Bentley for a second before we hurried back into the dry house.
- We did the school thing this morning. Some days are just a bit quieter than others-I was even able to work in the attic straightening some during school. I just did tried to do that for 10 minutes, but I figure something is better than nothing.
- Reagan is having some people over Sunday so I really feel like I need to do a little more cleaning around here. I know no one will be going in the attic, but I need to start doing something in all these other rooms that people will visit...or maybe I can wait until Friday or Saturday.
- After school, I ate my lunch and then worked with Whitman. Campbell and Keaton got ready and left early this afternoon with me. We were gone for the rest of the day. First we stopped at Costco-I'm still working on getting Campbell her glasses.
- Then it was a trip to Walmart and Hobby Lobby. After those places, we went to see Pops for a little bit. This was my first time to go to the rehab place so it took me forever to get to him-we even had a little elevator snafu which almost caused Campbell to have a panic attic.
- When we did get to Pops' room, I could hardly talk because Campbell made us climb the stairs to his room, and I was still out of breath. He was doing much, much better today. This was his first day full of speech, physical, and occupational therapies. He said that speech was definitely the hardest.
- He had just gotten a big bag of goodies to eat, so he had himself a snack while we were there-and when we left. We then went to see Nonna and pick up her crock pot.
- Then it was on to the library before going to church. Church was interesting tonight because kids were getting sick right and left. I guess things were going around-hopefully, we don't catch anything!
February 4, 2025
- Another day of school here. Whitman's jammed thumb didn't cause too much of an issue, but this morning Campbell's ear was bothering her so hopefully that will be better quickly. People are just falling apart around here.
- Yesterday, I mentioned that I had my jacket off and on all day long, but today was just as bad. I didn't need my coat on my first walk, but I did need that jacket on my second walk.
- This afternoon I took Keaton and Whitman to the trampoline park. They enjoyed jumping, but the trampoline mat that Keaton loves to do her flips on was gone, plus the workers were on high alert and told the kids everything they did wrong-it probably didn't help that they were the only ones there!
- When we came home, I read some and then I started on making manicotti for supper-for some reason we have had way too much extra ricotta cheese so finally today, I was able to use it all. I made a pan of manicotti for tonight plus I made another pan of manicotti to add to the other pans of manicotti in the freezer-if you come to our house over the next few weeks, you will eat manicotti.
- Even with making supper, we have had plenty of evening tonight which has been nice after yesterday's shorter night with Anderson's game. I plan to read some more, crochet some more on my blanket, and even have me some hot chocolate.
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