- It seems that every day has been busy lately-today was no exception, and I didn't even finish my list today. Most things can wait until tomorrow though; the main thing that we have to do each day is school and that happened.
- Well, it kind of happened-I did let the big boys skip their Comm Central classes today. They say that they aren't really doing much in those classes at school. I think that they enjoyed the break from school, and today was a day that it was nice to stay at home and not have to drive in this messy rain.
- I had a doctor's appointment this afternoon which I went to, and when I came home, I had to finish Whitman's school work and then pull out school for next week.
- Campbell's soccer was cancelled, so she ended up working at church with Keaton for childcare. They both worked tonight, and then they will tomorrow night as well. While they were working, Robby and I went to get a baked potato at McAlisters, but those silly people were out of potatoes so we ended up eating Mexican.
- I think that Reagan had a good day-she had a package from us and one filled with cookies from Nonna plus some cards in the mail. We even saw a video with her going to eat with a huge group of friends-they had party hats and even a cake. I'm so glad she has found some sweet friends.
September 12, 2024-Happy 19th Birthday Reagan
September 11, 2024
- Another day where the hammocks were put to good use. Between Whitman, Keaton, Campbell, and even myself for a few minutes, we all spent some time in the hammocks. I did pull them down before church tonight since we might get some rain.
- I'm glad that they are spending a little bit of time outside. I even saw Whitman jumping on the trampoline-he will do anything right now to put off school work, but he does eventually get it done.
- They repaved our roads yesterday and today-just with the sticky tar and then the little rocks on it. On my walk this morning, I just walked Bentley where they had not done the work yet because I didn't want her to get her feet sticky. I'm not exactly sure what I will do tomorrow-maybe it will be raining and I can sleep in.
- School is going so well this year-at least for the little 3. Things are going fine for Anderson and Graham but their college classes are a bit more challenging and time consuming. And I sure hope that school is going well for Reagan. We don't hear from her too often, but some of the kids did call her today while we were at Nonna and Pops' house.
- This afternoon I did some work on the girls' room-I think that we have one or two more days to work in there. I am in no hurry to finish this-I could have just worked for a day or two, but instead I have drug it out to being a 3 week task.
- Tonight I took everyone but Anderson and we went stopped at Nonna and Pops' house before church. Anderson had to be at church early for a meeting so he beat us there. After church, the big 4 left for Chickfila leaving just Whitman to ride home with me. That was fine though because I was able to get some info from Whitman: Moving up to the youth group is hard for a 6th grade boy-and it sure has been for Whitman!
September 10, 2024
- I think that I might have had an epiphany today-actually, I'm not even sure if I used that correctly. Let me google it...yes, epiphany is used close enough to correct. Anyway, Whitman has been doing 5 school things and then taking a 10 minute break.
- He has a ton of things on his list each day to do-some take time like math but some are super short like review a poem. During one of his breaks today he was in the hammock that the girls set up yesterday. Graham thought that he had been out there too long, but I realized to just let him be. He will eventually get his work done.
- And it is true-he does get his work done. Today though he still had two things to do at 3, and one of those was reading. For reading, he was reading a book about coding so he took my computer and read and coded for another hour.
- So my realization is that since him dragging his school work out most of the day doesn't bother him at all; then I really shouldn't let it bother me. I need to keep him moving, but I'm not going to stress about it....just as long as I am done with the helping part by early afternoon.
- I think that most everyone spent some time in the hammocks today-maybe not Anderson though. I went outside at one point and thought that Bentley was sharing a hammock with Campbell. But no, Bentley had her own hammock and just was relaxing in the sun.
- Graham had school this morning, and Anderson later in the day. Graham is a bit ahead in his math class while Anderson is right on target for his english class. And maybe since they were gone some today, or maybe because people just had their act together, but for some reason this was the very first day in a while that I had a break this afternoon. The school days lately have been long, but today was a nice break.
- Robby, Keaton, and I took Campbell to her soccer practice, and then we ran some errands before picking her up again. Soccer is 2 hours which means that we get home fairly late, and now there are just a few minutes before bed. around here.
September 9, 2024
- Monday morning school is usually a bit more difficult, and even though the day wasn't difficult; it just lasted forever. I read this morning with Keaton and Whitman. Then I worked with Whitman, Campbell, and then Keaton. It was almost lunch but I worked with Graham which took forever, and then finally, Anderson had a few things.
- I finished with him and went to take my walk. Keaton and Campbell spent most of the day outside in hammocks. Whitman even joined them as well. It was a beautiful day. When I came back from my walk, Whitman and I made banana bread before we worked together for spelling.
- After that, I loaded up with everyone but Anderson who was off painting the fields at Raymar. Graham drove us to the library and then to Nonna and Pops' house. I didn't plan my time very well because we couldn't stay long though.
- I hurried home so I could put together a meal to take to the neighbors. And don't be impressed-the only thing home made was the banana bread. Then I sat down for a little bit before Robby and I left with Anderson to go eat.
- We picked up a book and magnets for Whitman from someone's house on the way to eat. I usually am the one giving things away on the giving site, so today was just the third time I have picked something up. Whitman will love his magnets-which I should really keep for Christmas. And I am excited about the book-I told Robby that I wanted to have a spare book just in case the library closes. He told me that if the libraries close, we are going to have more trouble than not having a book to read.
- Back at home tonight, I have received at least 100 text-probably close to 200 today-which I know is nothing for these kids, but it is kind of overwhelming for me! I have about an hour now before bed, so hopefully I can read a few pages of my book and de-screen.
September 8, 2024
- For some reason, I always seem to be a in a rush on Sunday mornings. I was able to get the blasted laundry folded this morning plus a little lunch ready before we left so it was a win. When I went to wake up the kids, the girls were already awake, but the boys were still sound asleep. I have a snaking suspicion that they stay up a wee bit too late.
- We did church-this is our 4th week in a grown up Sunday school class, and it is just quite different. Robby and I do a good job at sitting still, but wow, I just keep wondering how did we get so old so quickly?
- Grannymom and Grandpa are a bit under the weather, so we had lunch at home this afternoon. I had made poppyseed chicken along with some rolls for our lunch. It is had to please my crowd, but since Whitman went back for seconds, I will take it as a win even if I will be the one to finish off the leftovers.
- This afternoon Robby ran some errands, while the big boys played basketball and I napped. I am pretty sure that Campbell and Keaton napped as well. Then tonight was the first night of Geyer Life Groups.
- We haven't had a great deal of luck with lifegroups, but I think that all of the kids will enjoy their groups this year. Whitman and Keaton are in one group which is in the same neighborhood as Anderson, Graham, and Campbell's lifegroup. I think that they all enjoyed their lifegroups, but Whitman was very chatty on the way home which is a sign that he enjoyed the evening for sure.
- Now, we are home, and I am trying to figure out what I can do now to help make the week run more smoothly-and really, it is probably a little too late for that.
September 7, 2024
- Robby was up first this morning to run some errands, and then I left to let Annie out. I then came back here to make sure that Anderson and Keaton were awake and out the door. Anderson went to paint the fields at Raymar while Keaton went to do some dog sitting of her own.
- The air conditioner man was here before Robby made it back home. The upstairs has just not been cooling lately-their rooms are built into the roof so there is little insulation, and it has been super hot-but usually the rule is when I think it is hot, then it is really hot-which in this case means that the air conditioner isn't working great.
- Of course, things were working great today probably because of the cooler weather. They tried one thing, but the thermostat stopped working while he was here as well. So maybe the thought is that the thermostat was causing the problem-that is what we are crossing our fingers for at least.
- Soon afterwards, the football game came on. Robby had said that he would just watch some and then we would leave, but it was a close game so we watched until the bitter end unfortunately. When it was over, we left with Campbell and Keaton for some errands.
- We ran our Little Rock errands, and then went to Bryant and dropped the girls off for some more dog sitting. Robby and I did a few shops then before picking them up. The next stop was Dillards to pick up Reagan's birthday gift. I swear it has been at least a decade since I have been in Dillards-Keaton and Campbell were intrigued walking through the store.
- Next up, we ate at Tacos for Life while the boys ate here. Once we returned home, I went to work on tomorrow's lunch while Robby made brownies for tonight. Now I am in my comfy chair eating brownies!
September 6, 2024
- This morning we took Graham and Anderson to ASU for a visit. The boys definitely enjoyed this visit better than SAU-last weeks visit was just us which was a tad awkward. However, today's visit was with other people including someone we know from church.
- The campus is big, but the tour was the same as last time-the exact same! It was just a year ago that I went on this tour with Reagan, and goodness, I can't remember what I had for breakfast most days or what I wore to church last Sunday, but I could practically recite parts of today's tour word for word.
- I do think that one of the boys' favorite part of today was stopping at ChickFilA on the way home. The drive wasn't too bad either direction-Robby and I had just started a podcast when we were close to home, so we even stayed in the car and listened to it once we pulled into the garage.
- The other folks at home must have been a little anxious to see us since they were all in the living room when we came home. We chatted for a bit, and then Robby left for some errands, and I laid my head down for a nap. I'm not sure that my nap happened because soon Robby was back, and we ran a few more errands and picked up supper.
- After everyone ate, I played a round of Apples to Apples with everyone but Graham. Then Robby and I went to the Wilson's house for a little Annie duty. I read my book on my phone some and ate some ice cream. Now, we are all back home, and I'm about to go to bed (but I'm sure none of the kids will head to bed anytime soon.)
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