PaPaw's 90th Birthday and Dennie Kids: May 16, 2009

Highlights from today: (click here for the pictures)
  • Another garage sale day-Mom forgot where Graham was sleeping so she accidently woke him up early (he was in the den-not in the boys room or the bathroom)
  • Having so little traffic during the garage sale that the kids moved inside and colored, rode bikes and played until naptime
  • A bath for Graham and a change of clothes for everyone
  • Celebrating Papaw's 90th birthday again with a party at Beebees-and there was cake and lots and lots of fruit!
  • Still dancing (click here for a short video) after waiting over an hour for our table (when they told Mom our wait would be 20 minutes-who would wait an hour with 3 babies?)
  • Showers and baths for everyone before bedtime
  • Anderson putting his head on the floor and saying his prayers "thank you God Momma, Daddy, Rea Rea, Anderson, Daddy, Graham, Anderson...."

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