Easter: April 12, 2009

Highlights from today: (click here for the pictures)
  • Reagan waking up first this morning-she was ready to put on her "pink dress, new socks, shiny shoes and crown (headband)." She told Mom all about it very, very early this morning
  • Easter baskets for all the Dennie kids-skittles and juice boxes from the baskets for breakfast for Reagan and Anderson
  • Graham screaming at Mom while she tried to put his Easter clothes on-but a short nap and some milk calmed him down before taking our Easter pictures
  • A good morning at church. Reagan hung her purse up in her class like Mom had asked and heard her Bible story about Bartimaues (Not the Easter story, but still a Bible story!)
  • Anderson having a meltdown as Dad went out one door to get the van during the heavy rain
  • Hunting Easter eggs at Grannymom's house-Anderson was interested for a little bit and Reagan even found an egg with $5 in it
  • Afternoon naps for everyone and then working puzzles until church time
  • Back to church tonight and then eating eggs for a snack before bed

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