February 1, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • I left early this morning to go to the hospital to check on Pops. He was sleeping when I got there, but it didn't take long for me to realize that he was much better today. When I  left yesterday, he wasn't able to get any meaningful words out at all. However, this morning he could pretty much have a conversation. 
  • Now, he still has trouble recalling the names of things. For example, he couldn't name animals, but when she asked what animal gives us eggs, he could come up with the word chicken. The brain is so interesting to me. I didn't get a report from my mom at the end of the day, but he was moved to a real room this afternoon so that is good.
  • Also in big news-we had our fourth cinnamon roll taste test tonight. The new rankings are as follows: Number 4-Pioneer Woman's, Number 3-Pulaski Techs, Number 2-Soughdough, and Number 1-Tonight's sourdough discard recipe. This was an interesting recipe because it uses the sourdough discard part of the sourdough-basically the leftovers that won't cause it to rise. The recipe uses baking powder and soda so there is no rise time-I had them made in about an hour start to finish. 
  • Back to the day though, after leaving the hospital, I picked up Campbell and her friend. We went to Texas Roadhouse with Robby, and then eventually ended up at Costco to buy glasses. And dang it, they can't do Campbell's glasses. I then ran into Success Vision, and they also can't do her prescription. Basically, we have to go buy glasses at an optometrist's office which will be double or triple what I would pay some where else. (She does wear them every day, so it will be worth it though.)
  • We then came home, and I soon had a nap. As I was making the cinnamon rolls Keaton came home from spending the night-she had eaten chicken pot pie tonight which she loved and bought a sweatshirt to sew some words on. It's going to be cute.
  • The Wilsons came over to watch the basketball game and share their cookies. We had our cinnamon rolls to share plus the winning game made it an even better evening. 

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