And Then...There Were Three!

Highlights from today: (click here for the pictures)
  • Waking up ready to put on my pretty Sunday dress
  • Eating more fruit for breakfast
  • Fussing a little while Graham got his bath-he wasn't happy so I wasn't either
  • Taking a few pictures before church-I have mastered "cheesing" for candy!
  • Going to Sunday school and then to Grannymom's house for lunch
  • Eating all of my lasagna-it was yummy
  • Playing while Graham drank his milk and then naptime
  • Watching my cooking show with Graham and Mom
  • More leftovers for supper-we have alot of food around here
  • Back to church and then running to the store-I wanted apple juice since I didn't get any at church tonight and Mom wanted orange juice
  • Drinking my juice before bed

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