Can I Help You? I'm Busy Eating!

Highlights from today: (click here for the pictures)
  • Sleeping until 7:30 this morning
  • Getting ready and eating breakfast-we had to be at the doctor's office early
  • Waiting no so patiently at the Doctors-Graham was a good boy though-we did have juice boxes and candy while we waited
  • Taking a short morning nap-I was fussy! and have been alot lately. Maybe I am still feeling sickly, maybe it is a phase or maybe it has something to do with Graham (but I do love him though)
  • Lunch, afternoon nap and then popsicles
  • Getting upset when I thought Dad and Mom were leaving Graham in the house. Asking "baby? baby?" until I saw he was coming
  • Playing with Jacob at Kennedy and Camryn's house. I was a good boy-I did bump my head once and Mom smashed my hand in the closet, but other than that I was a sweet boy. I even played by myself
  • Watching a movie on the way home and going straight to bed

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