January 11, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • There was a lot less happening this snow day. Robby requested monkey bread this morning so I made that first and then stuck chocolate chip scones in the oven. We have at least eaten well during this snow event.
  • Robby left this morning to run some errands so he was gone most of the morning. Graham was awake when the scones were warm. He went outside for a while, and even took Bentley on a littl walk around the yard.
  • Other than that, I didn't see anyone for a very long while. It was quite around this house, and it was super bright with the sun shining on the snow. I decided that I would take a little nap, and just about as soon as I did people started waking up and coming downstairs.
  • Eventually, Robby returned home, and then we both left to pick up the minivan-it had spent some time in the shop. While we were out, we went to eat and brought some leftovers home for some of the kids and others made pizza.
  • Campbell and Reagan are watching The Rookie and are trying to finish as much as they can before Reagan goes back so they have been doing a lot of binge watching. 

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