January 15, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning started out at the eye doctor with appointments for Anderson, Campbell, and Graham. I originally had Anderson's appointment since I wanted to check that box before he left for school. Then I added Graham since sometimes he isn't too sure if he can see well enough. And finally, I added Campbell, even though she was there in August. This is the insurance year that she can get new glasses and since she really, really wants new glasses, I figured that we might as well have her a super current prescription.
  • Anderson has a slight astigmatism which could cause headaches, but since it doesn't and because it is so slight, he was all good. Graham also has a slight astigmatism along with a tiny bit of nearsightedness. However, those two things still were enough to necessitate glasses. Campbell's prescription changed but it didn't really get worse or better. The boys were super relieved!
  • We hurried home so we could start on school-today was the first day of SAU classes. Graham has 2, and Anderson has 1. Keaton had done a lot of school already, and Whitman was plugging along on his. It took me a good bit time to finish school, but I was able to go on my afternoon walk.
  • Tonight we had church-I think that everyone enjoyed the evening. Campbell, Anderson, and Keaton went to ChickFilA afterwards, so that only left Graham and Whitman coming home with me. Robby had quesadillas for our supper. He even made me a grilled pimento cheese quesadilla which was delicious.
  • Anderson spent a good deal of money and ordered himself a huge lego set. He could not stop grinning tonight as he opened it. Later he said he was happier than he ever has been-it we had only known that lego sets could make him that happy!`1

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