January 16, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning Keaton and Campbell left for Mother's Day Out. They so enjoy it, plus they enjoy riding there with Robby who usually runs by a gas station for a mystery shop on the way there so they can get a few goodies.
  • The rest of us started school here. Whitman steadily worked through his while the big boys figured out their college classes. Anderson is my laid back child-he did his work that is due this week and isn't worried about anything else. Graham is my stressor, and even though he is caught up, he is trying to figure out what all he needs to do tomorrow. Hopefully, they will each take on some of the other one's personality.
  • It didn't take too long for me to not have anything to do this morning. I worked on getting school ready for next week, plus I did a few things off of my list. However, I should have gotten a few more thing prepared for tomorrow....I did at least clean the potties today since Keaton is having a few people over tomorrow.
  • I picked up Campbell and Keaton. Then even though we didn't have to leave for a good while, the afternoon seemed super short. We went to Anderson's basketball game tonight-they played a team that was equivalent to them. The game went much better than last time, but they ended up losing by 1 point.
  • We hurried home so we could eat supper-I had potato soup in the crockpot ready to go. I should have had Whitman turn it off when we were on our way home since it was still super hot. The only bad thing about getting in so late, is that now the evening is so, so short!

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