January 12, 2025

(click for today's pictures)

  • Sunday school was cancelled today because of the snow that was left on the ground, so Campbell and Keaton decided to come early and help get ready for Layne and Ben's wedding early this morning. The others opted to skip church as well so we just had ourselves a big old skip day which is certainly fine sometimes.
  • Campbell, Keaton, Robby, and I arrived at the Grandeur House a bit after 8 this morning. Our first task was putting tablecloths on all of the tables, and with all of us and Kristi and her daughter as well it didn't take anytime at all.
  • Then it was on to all of the other tasks on our two page list. Layne had a perfect list that we followed and double checked. Robby went to Harps to pick up the grooms cake, plus he also had to get water since for the first few hours that we were there, there was no water. Eventually, they did open the men's bathroom, but it was almost 1 for the 3:00 wedding that the water did come back on.
  • The water was used to fill the floating candles, and we went through every gallon of water that he had bought. After we finished that task, we ran home to get ready. When we came back, we briefly got stuck in the front with the family before we were able to sneak back in the reception area and get to work.
  • Campbell had a task during the ceremony-she had to tell the keyboard girl when we stop playing when Layne walked in. And I also had a job-I had to tell the grandparents when we walk in. It was just a small part, but all I could think of was Debbie Dillon in charge during our wedding.
  • After the grandparents, we were able to sneak in and get a seat for the ceremony. Once we moved some chairs before the reception, we weren't able to find seats. It was a good thing we had been there all day knew where they were so we just added them to a table and squeezed in with them.
  • The food was good, and before too long it was time for Layne and Ben to leave. We passed out sparklers and off they went. Then the fun part-cleaning up. However, it didn't take too long at all since there was lots of help.
  • The kids stayed around to help clean up plus there were lots of other helpers. It took about 3 car or possibly more car loads to get everything back to Tony and Shannon's house. We unloaded our car over there, and then headed home to put our feet up for a bit.
  • I know that if I stop moving I will fall asleep! So I might get up and find something to eat!

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