Dennie Kids: August 20, 2009

Highlights from today: (click here to today's pictures)
  • Another day at school-Graham didn't scream today, Reagan drew a self-portrait (complete with purple shoes and a necklace) and Anderson was pretty cheery when we picked him up
  • Everyone sitting on the steps for a drink at home-Graham can fly up the stairs now. Mom found him at the top this morning sitting there happily kicking his feet
  • Lots of wildness when we came home. They all have lots of energy after a day at school
  • A nap for Graham and a movie for Reagan and Anderson
  • Supper out and then a Walmart run
  • Spending money (or tickets as Anderson called it) at the Dollar Store-Anderson bought a motorcycle, Graham saved his money and Reagan bought some water guns
  • A water gun fight once we came home-Graham ended up being the wettest but he loved every minute of it

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