Dennie Kids: August 12, 2009

Highlights from today: (click here to today's pictures)
  • Graham woke up very mad at Mom this morning-he wanted a bottle instead of a cup and she was determined not to give him one-Mom won! He was happy with a banana though and then muffin tops
  • Mom burning the boys muffin tops and Reagan saying "we better get outta here"
  • Another morning of laundry, movies, a nap from Graham and crackers for snack
  • Nonna coming over and playing while Mom ran an errand
  • Fruit for lunch and more playing with Nonna while Mom folded tons and tons of laundry
  • Afternoon naps-the boys slept until 5 and Reagan slept until 4:30-Mom didn't know what to do with everyone sleeping so long
  • A few more errands for Mom while everyone hung out in the van (Dad too, don't call SCAN)
  • Supper at McDonalds and more errands-Mom bought a new stroller. Stroller #7 since we have had kids-Mom may have a stroller obsession!
  • Baths for everyone-and then bedtime. The conversation going on the bunk room right now is "Reagan, wake up, Reagan, wake up" "I am never waking up" "I want a red football party" "Footballs, aren't red, they are grey and white"-we will work on colors tomorrow
  • Sippy cup update: no bottles today!

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