Dennie Kids: July 3, 2009

Highlights from today: (click here for the pictures)
  • Reagan and Anderson waking up ready to go to Petit Jean and spending the morning asking Mom and Dad when we were going to leave
  • Anderson making breakfast for everyone-well, sticking it in the toaster
  • Graham and Mom running to Target to buy some more Muffin Tops-we love them
  • Playing around the house until lunch time
  • Driving to Petit Jean and Reagan asking if we were there yet while we were still on 430
  • Riding bikes for Reagan and Anderson all afternoon along with some Frisbee while Graham hung out in the stroller and pack n play
  • Supper at Lilly and Cash’s cabin and then more walks
  • Reagan taking a nighttime stroll and getting to use a flashlight while the boys took a bath (Anderson asked to come inside-no nap and he was exhausted)
  • A movie before bed-Reagan and Anderson at the foot of mom and Dad’s bed and Graham in the bathroom

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