Dennie Kids: June 8, 2010

Highlights from today: (click here for pictures)

  • After a break last week; it was back to school today for the 3 oldest.  Graham and Anderson were off to new classes.  Graham skipped over a class – so he has a much more structured class which will include activities, eating at a table with his classmates, story time, sleeping on a mat and lots more.  Anderson moved up a class and Reagan stayed in Ms. Amy’s class. Another change – when Dad dropped them off, everyone started out in the same class for early care.  Thought that would help Graham – but he still fussed but Reagan said he was quickly happy as Dad left.
  • Campbell going to meet her newest friend, Laynie Drue.  They hit it off right away-Campbell just grinned the whole time Mom held Laynie.
  • Mom picking us up and giving us a choice to go to Rock Creek playground or McDonald’s for ice cream and playground; we picked Rock Creek and went straight there, got everyone out of the car ONLY to find out that they were closed for cleaning. Mom’s a trooper – she loaded everyone back up and headed to McDonald’s instead
  • On the way to McDonalds, Reagan was trying to think of something else we could do and as she thought, she said “hmm, I know we can’t go on a vacation since Daddy isn’t with us”
  • Coming home to find a surprise in the mail – Reagan’s insects had arrived in the mail.  Right now, we have a container full of caterpillars – we’ll soon transfer to the butterfly cage and hope to have some butterflies flapping around soon (cross your fingers!)
  • Eating supper and then Waiting for Dad to come home – and then mobbing him on the couch as soon as he got home.
  • Telling Mom ‘bye’ as she headed to Bunko.  We quickly asked Dad for a popsicle and devoured those quickly; playing cars and then getting our pajamas on before a movie and another snack (Fruit Loops!)  Everyone staying up til 8 and then going to bed.  Everyone was quickly quiet – school must have worm them out.

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