May 12, 2019
- I woke to the sounds of Robby and Graham working on monkey bread in the kitchen this morning. I knew it was monkey bread that they were working on because I had sat the pan out, prepared the cinnamon and sugar in one container and had the butter and brown sugar in another container.
- Soon everyone was piling into my room and sitting on my bed with their hands full of cards and breakfast. Not only was there monkey bread but there was also strawberries. Some orange juice would have been good-I will have to remember that for next year.
- Whitman did delight in telling me that the card he told me was for Daddy was really for my Mother's Day gift. I was shocked! After we ate our breakfast was headed off to the church house minus one-Reagan.
- She didn't feel good this morning and really all day long. This morning she didn't have fever but said that she felt like she did, but the time that we came home though she was definitely warm. She has a sore throat and is congested as well. Right now I think that my throat is a bit sore as well, but hopefully it will pass.
- This afternoon I did give Reagan some medicine. Afterwards, she perked up a bit-actually this is the first time all day that she has been walking around talking. Hopefully she is on the mend and will be better tomorrow. Also, I hope that the rest of us don't really get it-though if we are going to get it-right now is the time to be sick since next week is trip week.
- Church was fine as well as Sunday school. Then we headed to Jason's Deli for lunch with Grannymom. The kids enjoyed eating with their cousins, and the food was really yummy. I had saved half of my sandwich for tomorrow's lunch, but Keaton later heated it up for Reagan to eat.
- This afternoon was spent taking my Mother's Day nap. When we woke up, we took everyone except Reagan and Anderson, who said he needed to stay home with Reagan, to Third Realm to jump. While they were there, I ran to Pennys to spend a coupon and look for a bathing suit. That is what you want to do on Mother's Day-try on bathing suits. I didn't find one, and really probably won't if I keep eating all of this popcorn that we bought yesterday.
- Around 6:30, we headed to Nonna's house for dessert. She opened up her butter keeper which Reagan had suggested for me to buy. Pops even received word that Beebee's house sold so it turned into a big celebration.
- Once at home, we returned to our Monopoly game. We played for probably a good hour. Right now Anderson is in the lead and will probably end up smoking the rest of us. I do have 3 houses but he has the Boardwalk and Park Place properties with houses on them.
- We did let everyone stay up until 10 which seems to be our normal times these days, but that is fine because there is no school tomorrow-well, there is everyone's summer school things to do, but that is really nothing at all!
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