May 3, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I do not consider today the first day of summer break here. I am saving that for Monday. I did wake up and start to work on my list of things just like I intend to do during the summer break days. 
  • I also did some reading and some school planning since the house was rather quite this morning. Anderson was the first one awake, and he was indeed up early. He has spent most of his day printing on his new printer. (Though currently he is having technical difficulties that he is having to work on.)
  • Robby and I left to run a few errands at lunch time. First we stopped at the post office to buy stamps for Reagan's graduation announcements. Then I found a shirt at Marshalls. Our next stop was Costco for flowers followed by a few more stops to pick up some lunch for the kids.
  • We came home, and I took Bentley on a walk. Campbell then drove Keaton and me to church. Campbell did very well driving there especially since this was the first time that she drove on the interstate-but driving to church can barely be counted as driving on the interstate. 
  • We had to decorate Reagan's table for dinner tomorrow night. Our table is decent, but I sure could not have done it without Keaton and Campbell. They were so much help with the flowers and arranging everything. I thought that I had way too much stuff for the table, but we could have used some more things.
  • We ran by the library on the way home. I had myself a nap on the couch before everyone found themselves supper. I've already had my supper now, but I could eat something else, but I'm pretty sure we have no dessert good around here. 

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