May 15, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • This morning was no different than the last few mornings except that it was hot outside and Anderson slept a bit later than usual-meaning, he wasn't the first kid awake today.
  • The morning started off the same, but then things became a bit busier. Last night someone heard Robby and I reviewing all of the comings and goings that would happen today and who would need a car and when. They were a bit overwhelmed just by our conversation.
  • Reagan woke up her house sitting house and eventually made her way to work. At about the same time, I left to go and see Pops-who was having a heard cath and stent. (Due to some nausea he earned himself a hospital stay for the night so hopefully that all goes away, and he can go home early tomorrow.)
  • Robby ran some errands around lunch time and made it home in time to take Graham to work. The others were just then beginning their school work and chores. I stayed with Pops and Nonna for a while, and then I ran to pick up some flowers for Reagan's friend.
  • Graham and Reagan came home from work where they had a graduation party for Reagan-gifts and a delicious cake. I soon arrived home as well. Robby had left before I made it home to keep the house sitting dog company while Reagan finished work and went to a meeting. 
  • We all then went to church for a VBS meeting, but Reagan headed to a friend's house for the night while everyone else left with me to meet Robby to get gas for the cars. There everyone but Campbell left my car, and we headed to house sit for the night since Reagan was out.
  • It was a bit confusing of a day, but I do think that everyone had a good day. I am going to end my day with some reading and some hot chocolate.

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