May 14, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Busy day around here-Anderson woke up at his house/dog sitting house. He eventually came home and started to work on his 3d printed helmet. I believe he was the first one awake at this house, but that isn't saying much since people here are sleeping pretty late.
  • It was fairly early this morning that we could tell that Reagan and her group were on the move headed toward home. It wasn't until two that Campbell drove me most of the way to church to pick her up. 
  • They had a great time-they floated yesterday, and Reagan and her canoe never did tump. They swam and even got rained on. When she did come home, we had to lay everything out because it was all wet-hopefully, it will be sunny tomorrow to dry all of the camping gear.
  • We didn't have much time this afternoon because by the time that we put the tent up to dry, it was time to leave for the last soccer game of the season. 
  • Keaton's team was in the championship, but after being up by 2, they ended up losing from penalty kicks due to a tie. It was a fun team and a fun game with perfect weather so we sure can't complain. We especially can't complain because we picked up pizza on the way home for our supper.
  • People are working on their showers now since it didn't take long at all to gobble up our pizza supper. I have behind on my reading today so I am going to try to catch up before anyone joins me here in the living room. 

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