May 8, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • Today's big event was lunch. Robby and I went to Charlotte's in Keo with Nonna and Pops for lunch today. We had been talking about it for a while and decided to go this week. Robby drove us there, and Nonna and Pops were surprised that it wasn't too crowded at all.
  • We sat at a table and ordered our meal and our pie. Robby had a burger, and I tried to order a grilled peanut butter and jelly with bacon, but they were out of jelly so I had a grilled pimento cheese instead. 
  • Then we had the best part-the pie! Robby, Nonna, and I both had chocolate pie while Pops had a coconut pie. It was all delicious-though I do think that I like my chocolate pie cold which these were not. They were probably fairly fresh from the oven which is why they were probably warm.
  • When we came home, I didn't really do much at all except read some and do spelling with Whitman. Reagan and Graham went to work this afternoon, and when they came home the girls all left again to go to church. 
  • The boys and I were not far behind since I had to run to the library and to the grocery store really quickly for 2 cans of black beans. Tonight was the last verge-Reagan was part of a senior panel on the stage so she spoke a bit. This was her last verge which I am sure made her kind of sad.
  • On the other side of the building, this was Whitman's last Midweek since he will move up to Verge next year. They celebrated the last night with pizza and popsicles. 
  • We had a bit of miscommunication after church-Campbell couldn't find Anderson, Reagan was in a meeting and I wasn't sure if I was waiting to bring her home, and I couldn't get in touch with Graham. Eventually, everyone did show up, and we all headed home and/or to ChickFilA. 

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