Epic Road Trip 2016: Our Trip by the Numbers

26-Days on the road
25-Nights away from home
12-Tolls paid
4-McDonald’s stopped at
10-Ice cream stops (many from half gallon containers in hotel rooms)
17-Different hotels
2-Splinters removed
15-Waffles made
14-Subway rides
1-Bridge crossed on foot (Brooklyn)
45-Stamps in National Parks Passport books (45x7 books= 315 stamps)
6-Banana puddings bought from Magnolia Bakery in NYC
1-Autograph received (First autograph given by the new Miss American given to Reagan and landing Reagan in the Dem-Gaz)
28-Slices of pizza eaten in NYC
15-Loads of laundry done
2-Tubes of toothpaste used
10-Christmas ornaments bought
9-Pancakes made
6-Pounds in milkshake in Annapolis
2-Car vacuumed out
250-Pages of schoolwork done
25-Floor of NYC apartment
11-Modes of transportation (escalator, elevator, subway, trolley, car ferry, passenger ferry, van, bus, swan boat, uber, train)
30-Bathroom stops (while driving)
18-Gas stops
15-Pez dispensers bought
2-Visits to the beach
289-Seashells collected
8-Times Robby was honked at
1-Tropical storm
19-States (AR, TN, VI, MD, PA, NY, VT, NH, ME, MA, RI, CT, NJ, DE, NC, SC, GA, AL, MS)

4777-Miles driven

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