February 26, 2021

(click for today's pictures)

  • What a wonderful Friday-it started off with Bentley sleeping until 4 this morning. Robby walked by her on his way to the bathroom, and she was being quite, but by the time he came back out, she was making it known that she was ready to potty.
  • She then slept until 7 so we couldn't be any more well rested. As I was laying in bed this morning, I thought that I should keep a list of how many times she pottied in the house today to keep a list...however, by the time I was moving around and completely out of bed, the chart would have said 2-so I opted to not keep a list today. 
  • Since we didn't have school today. I started immediately on my list of chores. There were the normal thinks, plus the I was able to do the treadmill early and even work on some Legos with Anderson. 
  • We haven't done Legos in awhile, and I was wondering if he still enjoyed doing them. When we were cleaning up today though, he said that maybe we should leave them out in case we do some more tomorrow-guess he still does enjoy doing them.
  • I'm not really sure what I did this afternoon-oh, I did work on a cord holder for the camper. But other than that, before I knew it, it was 4 and I was headed to pick up a few of Keaton's friends to spend the night. 
  • I have heard that puppies are supposed to meet 100 people-I believe that Bentley met about 20 of those today during my stops. It took a while, but we were soon home. Keaton immediately headed upstairs with her friends, even though Robby arrived home from dropping Reagan off with pizzas in hand.
  • The rest of us ate with the girls coming down later to grab their suppers and head back upstairs. I have only seen Keaton, her little friends and Campbell a few times-once for me to go and get lemonade from the camper. I don't have much food in there, but what I have had lately, I have had to fetch since our groceries are pretty limited. 
  • When I was walking back from the camper, Campbell was taking Bentley out, and she called to me. She had seen something in the woods. I assured her it was probably a deer, but she said it was smaller. I sent her in and stayed out with the dog. Campbell is a bit skittish outside with the dog at night-Robby watched her on the camera one night and felt so sorry for her! (And we would take the dog out anytime someone asks, but they always want to.)
  • I cooked some hamburger meat for tomorrow's supper which took forever-it was frozen solid and I didn't think about putting it in the microwave. Then I joined Robby and the dog who were sleeping in our bedroom. 
  • We watched some tv-the girls are playing with Bentley now and my plan is to curl up, watch the rest of my Hallmark movie and drink some hot chocolate.

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