February 27, 2023

(click for today's pictures)

  • For a Monday I think that we got around fairly decently. I actually was surprised that I was able to finish all of the together reading by 9:30 this morning. I am rocking that history reading right now-I should be reading 5.4 pages a day to finish by the first of May, but I read over 7 pages today. It is the little things that make me happy!
  • Today Whitman ran up to me and asked if he could read for tomorrow too. I guess that his book is super interesting. Of course I had to say yes-who would say no to that? That did make his work last a little bit longer, but he still rocked it.
  • We are still working hard on his spelling. It is a little defeating know that the same book that we are working on now, he did when he was in kindergarten, but I guess it never took. I would like to be finished with this book and the next by the end of the summer. That is possible with the speed at which we are moving, but there are still a lot of words to spell everyday. 
  • Around noon, the kids ate while I took Bentley on a little walk. Then I did some more reading with Campbell, Keaton and Whitman. Reagan soon afterwards headed to work.
  • The big boys haven't been to Defy in quite a few days, so they did go with us today. We thought that there would be more people there since we went later in the afternoon, but I guess since it was a Monday. They all still had fun though
  • Back at home, Robby and I soon went to Costco, Kroger and the gas station. We picked up a few things for a meal that Robby wants to make and things for a meal that I want to make. While we were out shopping, Campbell made supper-mashed potatoes and chicken strips. 
  • When supper was over, I played a card game with Cambpell, Keaton and Whitman which has been our evening routine latley. Keaton won again so maybe it is time to find another game to play.
  • I am now covered up with a blanket on the couch and have about 50 pages of a book to finish! And I can't really decide if I want hot chocolate tonight or not. There aren't many days left that I will want hot chocolate so maybe I should make me some.

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