February 3, 2023

(click for today's pictures)

  • The girls informed me this morning that I neglected to even mention going to walk a trail in yesterday's blog. I want to walk 12 trails this year, so yesterday I asked who wanted to go with me, and surprisingly, I had a few takers.
  • Reagan went because Bentley was going, Graham and Keaton never want to miss a party so they went as well, and Whitman went with us because I told me that he could skip spelling if he went.
  • We walked the longest (2 miles) trail at Wildwood-it was a neat little trail in the middle of the woods. We did have to go over some water, but we made it. 
  • We actually had quite a bit of fun, and I want to return to walk the rest of the trails there. Bentley did get into some ticks, but we brushed her really well when we came home so hopefully I got all of them off of her so they don't end up on us. 
  • Back to today, I slept as late as I could this morning. Then Keaton, Campbell, Robby and I ran to do another mystery shop. Today, our food was decent, but not super exciting. When we did leave, Robby told the girls that we could walk around Walmart. 
  • He also told them about an app where you could scan things and earn points to earn a gift card. So we spent over an hour at Walmart scanning items. We ended up finding lawnchairs on sale along with a blanket so I think that we all did leave pleased.
  • Once home, I read some more of my book, and eventually had a short nap. Robby made cookies, and Reagan and Kennedy left for a birthday party. Now, most people have had showers and/or supper, and Robby has turned on a tv show for us to watch.

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