April 25 2011

Not sure where the hat
came from!

Highlights from today:  (click here for pictures)

  • Grannymom was our visitor for the day-she came over while I took Reagan to school this morning. 
  • The boys and Campbell played around the house most of the morning and Graham kept his “underpants” (that’s what we call them around here) dry all morning long.  I think we will start putting Campbell on the potty soon-she doesn’t say much but she sure is smart.
  • When it was time to pick up Reagan, everyone had on their clothes and not just their pajamas as usual on Mondays-though they didn’t have on their shoes.  Next up was lunch and the kids asked if we could have a picnic.  So we decided that we would eat on the driveway since it might just be a long and stormy evening.
  • The afternoon was similar to our normal afternoons-naps, movie, snack, Robby coming home.  The plan was for me to go to the store after supper but the storms were already nearby so that plan was cancelled.
  • The kids played pretty near us during the evening.  They could sense something going on-so could Belle.  She was so nervous she didn’t eat her supper so we brought her into her little house during the storm.
  • After getting the pillows and hearing sirens for awhile we finally huddled up when we heard them say nearby streets on the tv.  Robby was spending his time looking outside and taking pictures.  Though he did sit on the steps at one time and when the hail started banging Robby scooted down a few steps…but all was well and we are preparing for another round tonight.
  • The lights went off while we were in our “safe place” (that is what the kids called it when they were asking if we would have to go there today).  It took awhile for the kids to calm down enough to fall asleep without the fans and music that we usually have playing for them.  And since they each had their own flashlights that were pretty excited about that too.
  • About midnight, Reagan woke and asked for her music.  I reminded her that we couldn’t turn it on because we didn’t have power.  By the time, I had gotten back to sleep, the lights came on and we must have had ever light in the house on.  It took me forever to turn off all of the lights and that included having to sprint down the stairs to turn off the alarm that was blaring for all of the neighbors to hear.

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