April 3, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • We did our reading this morning, and as I'm reading every day, I always listen to make sure that Anderson and Graham do get up. They usually don't have to get up until 9:30, but today Graham leaves for work early so he needs to be up and moving pretty quickly. However, much to my surprise today, Anderson was the first one downstairs this morning. He isn't usually the quickest to wake up in the mornings.
  • Everyone did their school work, and when ever I would walk through the living room people were piled on the couch or even in a chair working. They all finished fairly quickly today so I had some time before lunch to mark a few things off of my list. 
  • Graham and Reagan left for work, and then soon afterwards I took Bentley on a walk. It was much cooler today than yesterday, but much windier. I did spelling with Whitman but I had to call him off of the trampoline to come in. He didn't mind since we had already set a time for spelling.
  • Reagan and Graham zoomed in from work, and after I made her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich they were out the door to the car again. This time though Campbell, Keaton, and Anderson went with them. The youth had something special tonight so people were already getting there early. 
  • We all did the church thing, and the big kids were late getting out, and then Reagan chatted some and so did I so we were super late getting home. Campbell and Anderson went to ChickFilA so they are just now getting in for the evening.

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