January 7, 2022

(click for today's pictures)

  • Last night we had Chinese for my birthday dinner. I had not even finished eating when I knew that it was not going to sit well with me at all. Usually, after a few trips to the bathroom I can be over my sensitive stomach, but that sure didn't happen.
  • I was able to sleep fine last night, but I did feel like I had been run over by a bus for a good bit of the day. I am just fine now and have eaten plenty since this afternoon. So my day was a bit slower, but this is Friday, and we worked hard on school so we could just play today.
  • The first order of business today was a little bit of school work with Anderson. He was up and working on school work before I was even out of bed. Then I made Reagan sit down and take the entire ACT. That went over well-ha!
  • She did just fine on two sections, and the two sections that she really needs to do well on-she bombed. For her to take her two concurrent classes that we have planned on taking next semester, she needs to up those scores and up them by her test date of February 12. So we will be working each week day on those two sections-she will be absolutely thrilled!
  • I had myself a long nap this afternoon. It was pretty perfect. While I wasn't napping, it did seem like my job today was taking Bentley outside. And every time she went outside with me she had to do her business. I tried to explain to her that it is cold outside, and we needed to hurry, but she is dog and didn't seem to understand.
  • This evening, quite a few of us played a game in the living room. I was able to pick out the pictures for the month as well as read a bit of my book. Then Campbell and I worked on a loaf of bread in the dutch oven-it is the one that had to rise for 8 hours. 
  • The bread turned out to be pretty good. Since it was made in the dutch oven, the crust was crispy. I pulled out the jelly, honey, butter and nutella, and we all enjoyed some. Next week-we will try bread maker bread. 
  • Oh, and yes we did feed the kids supper. I pulled out all of the leftovers-the only leftover taker that I got was for a slice of cheese cake. We did have to make some nuggets and tater tots to supplement our lack of leftovers.
  • I did eventually realize that it was time to start my Hallmark movie! So that is what is currently happening now-Hallmark movie, ipading, and playing with the dog. Pretty perfect Friday evening.

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