July 24, 2023

(click for today's pictures)

  • I had set my alarm correctly this morning, but Robby was waking me up way before my alarm rang. We were out the door by 7:30 this morning. The first stop was for gas in the suburban and camper. 
  • Then we dropped the camper off for its work. We had quite a bit of hope for the mechanic to have an idea of what the tire problem could be, but after looking at the tire that Robby brought, he said, "I have no idea." So fingers crossed that he finds something to fix or maybe we should cross our fingers that he doesn't find anything to fix. 
  • Back at home, I started on all my chores. I am trying to get back into a routine this week since next week when we start school will be a little tough. I could be convinced to delay the start of school a week, but none of the kids have offered up enough money yet.
  • This week we did start back with our little bit of summer school plus chores. It was super nice having everything here working on their chores today. Now, two girls did have a little bit of a hard time working together to straighten the floor of their closet.
  • Keaton ran a few errands this morning with Robby. She took Grannymom a frame filled with shells from our family trip. When they came home, Keaton headed out to the trampoline where she spent a good bit of the afternoon.
  • Later in the afternoon, Reagan and I took Bentley to the vet. She just had to have a shot, but we had to the wait a good bit. This was the busiest we have ever seen the vet.
  • Back at home I read some before it was time to start on supper. We had orange chicken but made it in the oven, and it was just not as good as it is when we do it in the air fryer. 
  • After supper, Robby, Anderson, and I went to Costco and then Kroger. We ended up buying a trunk full of things, but really we didn't get anything at all. 
  • Back at home, Robby is working on his dessert, cookies, while Keaton has already made hers for the evening, lava cakes.

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