October 14, 2023-Long Weekend at Maumelle Park

(click for today's pictures)

My morning started with my alarm going off so I could meet Anderson, Campbell, and Keaton at Raymar. They had all arrived early so Anderson could set up for this last Saturday game. Since it was so cold, the concession stand stayed incredibly busy selling out of everything that was warm-ChickFilA, coffee and hot chocolate.

Campbell enjoyed Raymar because she can see quite a few people there, but I think that Keaton really enjoys the concession stand. She can keep that place moving-there are a good amount of kids that I have seen work in the concession stand over the last few seasons, and I will say that Keaton has it down and can keep the line moving. Not that I want her to be in food service when she grows up, but she would excel at it.

I left before the games were over, so I wasn't able to tell Anderson bye, but I did hear that they stopped at ChickFilA on the way home. I haven't heard much from Graham today except that I do believe that he made some type of chicken tonight for supper. I also didn't hear much from Reagan except she took Keaton to a birthday party this evening.

I made it home just after the Robby and Whitman were finished looking at the eclipse. We didn't have official glasses so it wasn't that grand. However, it was still fairly interesting and has helped to get us excited about next years larger eclipse.

I joined Robby and Whitman at the Wilson's camper to watch the rest of the ballgame and to eat lunch. It was fairly windy out so I did use my blanket which was nice. We later had a walk along with a nap before supper time. 

Tonight's supper was baked potatoes, chili and hot dogs. It was quite a the spread for sure. We say by the fire enjoying the heat until everyone else had left. Then we went to town cleaning up and putting things away. Whitman and I will go to church in the morning while Robby packs up here and heads home. 

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