October 3, 2023

(click for today's pictures)

  • Tuesdays are the mornings that Graham and Reagan leave before 6:45 to go to Bible study. Last night they assured me that they would wake up on their own. I still set my alarm for just a few minutes before they were to leave to make sure. I awoke to a text from Reagan tell me that they were both up so I rolled over and went back to bed...
  • Except I couldn't go back to sleep! So I was awake until my next alarm went off-this one was to make sure that Anderson was up and getting ready for his class. As I was walking up the stairs to wake him up, he walked out of his room-all my babies are growing up and becoming responsible.
  • By this time, I didn't have any time to go back to bed, but I was able to mark off my morning chores before giving Campbell, Keaton, and Whitman there 15 minute wake up call. Tuesdays are really one of my favorite school days-that is probably bad to say since it is one of my favorite school days because the big 3 are gone, and things are just a little bit quieter. 
  • I was able to work in the camper this morning, plus Whitman and I finished his school before 11:45. I even worked on the girls' closet with Campbell for a few minutes all before noon-their closet cleaning has become a multi day process. I am not sure why things are so messy in there, but gracious!
  • The boys stayed a school a little bit later today because they were playing football with some other people during lunch. When they came home, I ended up making them eggs in the hole and scrambled eggs for their lunch. Then Keaton, Whitman, Campbell and I headed to Defy. 
  • While we were there, I did a little bit of reading and a bit of school planning. They jumped for nearly an hour before we left to get our drinks from the gas station on the way home. 
  • Once we came back home, the boys had some science to do and Anderson had some math. Soon it was time for supper-Robby made pancakes and eggs in the hole. They boys have now eaten breakfast things for their last 3 meals!
  • Tonight there was a game of pickleball. It is getting dark earlier, and I just struggle to see the ball at night-thankfully though I didn't get whacked in the face!

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