December 21, 2018-Happy 9th Birthday Campbell and Dennie Family Circle Christmas
- The first order of business this morning was decorating at least 4 dozen cookies. Campbell, Graham and Keaton helped me make 9 different colors of icing. Then everyone was summoned to start their decorating. I did make sure that everyone knew that they would need to ice at least 4 cookies.
- I do think that everyone did many more than those. Graham made a cookie that was Reagan's favorite. Anderson worked hard on an intricate gingerbread cookie. Reagan did a melting snowman which was really cute. Campbell and Keaton also did really well. Whitman took his time and knew exactly how he wanted his cookies to look. Now, we won't be on any cookie decorating challenge shows, but all of our cookies looked really good, and when they were put on a plate they were pretty eye catching.
- Everyone that knows me will be shocked to learn that when it was time to leave the house this morning, I left my kitchen a wreck. All of our cookie decorating was still happening. There were bags of icing, cookies, plates, bowls and toothpicks on the counter, icing smeared everywhere and even things everywhere on the floor. And yep, I left it just like it was! Maybe I am going through the change or something-I haven't even used my weekly/daily list in a few weeks!
- I guess my mind was on the kitchen so I forget to pack candles for Campbell's birthday. We did improvise with coffee stirrers so when we were at Krispy Kreme, Campbell was able to blow something out.
- Now, Campbell was a tad bit embarrassed by us singing to her with her coffee stirrers in her doughnut! Actually, I think that mortified would be the actual word. Of course, this didn't stop Robby and I from singing-we probably got a bit louder when she put her hands over her ears.
- We all had a doughnut or two, and then we headed to the library to hear Craig O'Neill read The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Craig was dressed up, even painted, to look like the Grinch. Whitman enjoyed every bit of it, but he did make sure that my hand was on him at the entire time.
- After the story, we had some ice cream. Then some of the kids were able to dip pretzels in chocolate while Keaton and Whitman decorate ice cream cones as Christmas trees. There were crafts to make to but we bypassed those so we could take a picture with The Grinch.
- We did have to run a few errands on the way home looking for one final Christmas present. After finding it, we were near a Chick Fil A so we stopped in for lunch. Campbell thought this was wonderful-doughnuts and Chick Fil A all in one day.
- Once at home, the kids started work on the house, while Robby and I worked on the kitchen. It took us both to get the place cleaned up and unsticky. When Reagan finished her work, she sat down and iced as many cookies as she could until our icing ran out. Now, we still have some cookies that need to be iced but that is for another day.
- Campbell and Keaton played with the neighbor for a little bit. Then it was time for us to scurry around and get things ready to leave for the Dennie family circle Christmas at Grannymom's house.
- Everyone was already there when we arrived. Grannymom had a game for us to play first. Then we all opened presents. As always, we go in age order. Whitman was first-I believe that his favorite present was the snowballs from Dana with his tent a close second. He is actually sleeping in it right now.
- Keaton told me that her favorite present was the Jolly Ranchers. Campbell must have enjoyed her jacket that best because she wore it most of the evening long. Graham liked his ball thing which was put together and played with until bedtime tonight. Anderson always loves Legos and worked his also before bed. And my Reagan, she told me that last year she would just lay out her Christmas gifts upstairs and look at them. This year, she has already started her pile of gifts in just the same place ready to stare at her loot this year.
- After opening presents, we all had supper and sat around and talked. Once everyone headed out, we also loaded up to come home. The kids helped unload and then laid out their goodies all over the house. I also laid my presents out just like I have been for years!
- Robby and I ended the evening watching a Hallmark movie and eating a cheese ball! A pretty wonderful evening.
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