November 3, 2023

(click for today's pictures)

  • This was a little bit slower day than even yesterday which was nice. I worked with Graham and Anderson on their science for a good little bit this morning. Then I helped Anderson, and by the time that we were finished, Graham and Reagan were leaving for work.
  • I still had laundry to fold, but I wasn't moving too quickly this morning. I actually thought that if I left the laundry on the kitchen counter for long enough then someone would come along and fold it. That didn't happen, and there is still laundry on the counter from at least one Dennie child.
  • This afternoon I am not really sure what I did. I tried to read for a little bit but was too distracted to do that. However, it was soon time to go to Defy with the little 3. I was able to read there, but I spied those three just sitting in the middle of Defy talking..and not jumping. A little bit of exercise is good for everyone, but I guess a little bit of bonding is also good.
  • We did pick up our last free tacos today from Taco Bell. That kind of was sad. Then we did stop for a drink at the gas station on the way home. I had tried to tell the kids that we wouldn't get a drink too, but then Whitman mentioned that he didn't get a taco so then I had to get him and the girls a drink.
  • Back at home, I sat down for a minute before it was time to leave again to meet Robby to get gas. We then walked through almost every aisle in Kroger and bought a few things. The Wilsons wrote, and after we came home with my groceries and Robby's Costco pizzas for the kids, we headed out.
  • We ate at Tacos for Life for supper-my favorite is the cheese dip, guacamole, and salsa and could have just eaten that. I usually get the mango habenero taco, but I have decided that it may not be my favorite anymore.
  • We then did a little bit of walking around Sams and Costco really quickly. Then we came home and watched a few camping and camper videos. I am about to check something for Reagan's school while the boys are screaming at their xboxes. 

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