April 6, 2020

(click here for today's pictures)

  • I woke up this morning thinking that it was Thursday or Friday. I am not sure what made me think that, but I was just a wee bit disappointed to realize that it was indeed just Monday. I guess there really isn't too much difference in Monday and Friday anymore so there was really little adjustment to prepare for the day.
  • Soon we were working on our school work. Whitman was very happy with me that I had a few new library books for him to read. In his book box, I have a pile of books that are too easy for him, but I want for him to read one last time before I put them in the garage sale box. He calls them "baby books," so when he found the new books today, he was very excited!
  • After school was over and even before lunch, I was able to help Reagan with a project for her Bible study tonight. Some of the 8th graders are doing the Defined Bible study together on zoom. That is super fun and the video tonight was really good.
  • The kids all made their lunches-Graham made a sausage, egg and cheese bagel, Anderson made two eggs in the hole and I think that Reagan made eggs herself-I guess I need to tell the kids that we bought the eggs to dye. I do want there to be at least one part of Easter that is the same as usual on Sunday.
  • When we worked together this afternoon, the internet was down so we weren't able to do some of our work on the tv. That was fine though because we did do our history and Bible reading. I had made a list of history reading and today is the first day that we are ahead. That is probably because today Robby and I would have been heading to the Masters.
  • I guess you could say that this is trip 3 that the virus has messed up. The first would be the trip to the SEC championship followed by our dash to Utah that we wisely decided to pass on. The Masters would have started tomorrow so we are missing that though they have rescheduled for November. In a few weeks we will miss our first May Disney trip and then after that Robby and I will much more than likely miss our anniversary trip to Disney. Oh well, that is not what this life is all about.
  • The afternoon did fly by. The kids spent a lot of time going inside and outside. Campbell and Keaton are still actually outside playing. Whitman did have a zoom meeting with his little friends. He enjoyed that-though we do need to work on his social skills a little bit!
  • I worked on organizing some recipes along with organizing some pictures. Then it was soon time to work on supper. We had ravioli tonight for supper which is a crowd favorite. 
  • As soon as we finished supper, it was time to start Reagan's meeting. We are the ones playing the video for all of the people to see but we had some sound issues. Robby was able to get it figured out before the video so everything worked perfectly!
  • Everyone made sure that they had a yummy snack tonight before bed and most even had showers! It was a good Friday or Monday or whatever day it is! 

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