September 5, 2022

(click for today's pictures) 

  • We slept as long as we could today, and then I did get up to start work on my list. I had a full list, but everything on it was fairly short items so I was able to knock out quite a bit pretty quickly.
  • The boys were really the first ones awake. Anderson and Graham had a tiny bit of school to do this morning, but finished that fairly quickly. 
  • Robby started working on putting together his birthday griddle outside, and Campbell, Keaton, Reagan and I left for our Labor day outing. We met Sophia and Rylee with plans to get their ears pierced, and Keaton has been wanting her second holes so we agreed that she could get hers if she paid for half.
  • Traci had checked and the lady was going to be there today, so we met on Cantrell...and the lady wasn't there. Ha! So we worked on plan B, C, D and all the rest. We called all of the other Merle Normans in the area and none of them had anyone. 
  • Then we started going through everywhere else we could think of. Eventually, we settled in Claires in the Promenade. First, we went to Three Fold for dumplings and noodles. Keaton and Reagan liked our noodle bowl and dumpling bowl. However, Campbell did not like either. She loves to cook but it was one of our most nonadventurous eaters.
  • After eating, we headed to the store. On the way, Reagan mentioned that she didn't know where it was in the mall. Then we couldn't find it on our maps. So after driving through there and seeing that Claires was indeed closed, we then headed towards the Claires by church.
  • By this time, it was pouring for sure. I didn't even know that it was supposed to rain, but it did make the day more eventful. This Claires was pretty full, but the lady was great that helped us.
  • At one point, I thought about making a joke that it was her first day, and we later found out that IT WAS her first day. However, she works for Claires and goes where she is needed so it was just her first day at that location. 
  • The other girls wanted Keaton to go first so she did without a problem. (Campbell has no desire to get her second holes. She doesn't even like the way that it looks. Reagan is ready to get her third holes; however, she has to wait for soccer season to be over since she has to take her earrings out to play.)
  • At one point, I wasn't too sure if the other girls were going to go through with getting theirs peirced, but everyone did. It was a fun day which the girls will remember for a while.
  • We hurried home so Reagan could leave for her D group tonight. Then she met some friends at Chilis before walking around Target for a little bit.
  • Our power went out during the storms this afternoon so it was a fairly dark evening. Campbelll, Keaton, Robby and I went to On the Border for supper. We couldn't convince the boys to come at all. 
  • September Subway Sandwich Count-5 We did though bring those boys back a sandwich for their supper. Whitman had some of our leftover tacos so everyone was well fed. 
  • Now you can only sit in the dark for so long, so we moved the party to the camper. We are using the mess out of that new generator. Not only did we turn on all of the lights, but we also turned on the ballgame to watch some this evening.
  • It is now 9, and Reagan just made it home. We have been eating popcorn while watching tv. Keaton and Campbell are getting ahead on their tomorrow's school. Reagan didn't see any power trucks on her way home so who knows when the power will come back on.

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