January 29,2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I didn't sleep great last night, but I still slept great-Saturday in the middle of the night my back start hurting a little bit like a kidney stone. I've only had one kidney stone, and I wanted to die, but this was not like that. It was just an ache, and if I moved around it went away.
  • It bothered me all day on Sunday off and on. Of course, I started chugging water, so I didn't sleep great last night because I kept having to get up and go to the bathroom. However, I slept great because I never was in any pain, and I guess what it was was just a fluke because I have felt fine today. 
  • I'm still guzzling water though just to be on a safe side, and I hesitated to even mention it on the blog because I don't want to jinx myself. Hopefully, though that was the end of whatever was ailing me. 
  • So I slept in a few minutes today only leaving myself about 15 minutes to pre wake up the kids, empty the dishwasher, take Bentley out, and then wake up the kids. I still got all of that done, and then we started on our school work. 
  • I did let Anderson and Graham sleep in a bit today, but then I have learned that the best way to wake them up is to just turn on the light so that is what I did to make sure that they did get up. School went well again today-Whitman's math was again easy for him so he was delighted and moved quickly through his stuff. 
  • Graham was glad to be able to go to work today. However, they weren't there the whole time, plus they finished all of the work right now so they may not go back on Wednesday either. Reagan is enjoying a little bit of time off, but Graham has things that he wants to buy.
  • I ran to Sams with Robby this afternoon to pick up his medicine. We also bought a few paper products that we needed. I had semi organized that attic this afternoon-not really well, but I did find a laundry basket of things to pass on to others.
  • We worked one puzzle from Grandpa today, and Keaton started on the other. Anderson, Campbell, Keaton, and I also played a game this afternoon. And then I brought a bookshelf from one attic and am reorganizing Whitman's area of the school room. He doesn't use his school desk so there is no reason to have one, but he needs something to put his stuff on/in so that is where the bookshelf comes into play. 
  • Graham had Bible study tonight but it got pushed back until Graham just decided that he wasn't going to go. While we were waiting, we moved up supper and had a delicious chicken on pita bread meal. It was a winner for sure. Then Robby made snickerdoodles.
  • Now I am snuggled under my blanket, drinking water, and Whitman and I are about to watch one of our tv shows.

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