January 5, 2024

(click for today's pictures)

  • I do believe that I started my birthday celebrations today, and it was a pretty perfect day. Robby and I were still laying in bed this morning when it started to snow. After a while, I figured that it was going to melt soon so I better get up so I could enjoy it.
  • When I finished my chores, it was still snowing and Whitman came down the stairs. I asked him if he wanted me to go outside with him for a little bit. We bundled up-not really, he put on a sweatshirt and I put on a hat. We walked around for a little bit with Bentley-she absolutely loved the snow!
  • We came back in, and I woke up Graham and then Keaton. I forgot that Keaton could care less about the snow though, and she told me to wake up Campbell. Before too long, they were outside again with Whitman.
  • We were nearing 10 by now or possibly later, so I made chocolate chip pancakes for everyone. Whitman and Keaton showed up for the pancakes. Then a bit later Keaton went out with Whitman and Campbell again. 
  • By this time it started raining, so they were not out long. Later in the day Whitman and Reagan went out again-I believe that Whitman came in soaked. Robby ran to Sams to pick up his medicine so I went with him. 
  • We also ran by Crumbl cookie because I had a free birthday cookie. Then there was a pizza mystery shop followed by a good coupon at Panda Express that we used. So at 2:30 or 3 we rolled in with pizza, chinese food and a little bit of a cookie (plus library books but that only made me happy). 
  • I read a little bit, and then Keaton, Whitman, Anderson and I played a game of Catan. It is not my favorite game, but it is shorter than Monopoly so that is a win. Though Keaton was the big winner tonight and Anderson was the big loser which is a change from usual.
  • During our game, Robby and Graham made cookies. A bit later Robby went in the kitchen, and said it was like a cafeteria in there-everyone was getting exactly what they wanted for supper. I still haven't decided exactly what I want for supper though!

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