September 29, 2011
Keaton Comes Home! |
Highlights from today: (Click here for pictures)
- Keaton spent the night in the nursery and by her chart it looked like she slept well and even ate once. With Campbell I do remember that one night in the nursery they didn't feed her at all (no worries, because Campbell has since caught up on her missed meals). Our nurse this morning said that she had seen Keaton in the line to be examined by the pediatrician.
- After they took my blood this morning, Phillips came in to discharge me and said that my blood count was up but he still wanted to see me back in 3 weeks. That is pretty early since usually it has been 4-6 weeks. Taking my blood-well, that was an ordeal. A poor little nursing student or somebody was trying her hardest to get my blood and tried and tried, eventually the other nurse had to help but she also had to work to get enough blood-thankfully it didn't hurt too bad but Robby was sure squirming on the other side of the room
- Soon Keaton was delivered back to our room and we waited to be discharged. It didn't take too long and we were rolling out the door. The aide did ask if I would like to walk out of the hospital or ride in the wheelchair. I did feel pretty good but definitely know that walking out would set a bad precedent for the rest of the day-I did just have a baby!
- Our first stop on the way home was a run in to Sams for Robby to drop of my prescriptions and then we went to Gamble to load up all of our fridge/freezer items since our fridge has finally been delivered. Then a quick stop to Sonic for a drink and then back to Sams for Robby to pick up the meds.
- We then brought Ms. Keaton home to our new house (we are working on a name for it) and she immediately felt at home here. Grannymom and Grandpa were here and Grannymom was anxious to hold her. We put away all of our hospital stuff and straightened around here some. Before long, the rest of the gang arrived and before the car seemed to stop rolling in the driveway, Reagan was inside taking off her shoes trying to find Keaton. And right behind her was Campbell.
- The boys were not too far behind and before long everyone was sitting around Keaton who was in her bouncy seat. I have quickly realized that Keaton can not be left alone for any amount of time-I have had to take her to Robby to hold so I can go to the bathroom. She is so loved. Graham enjoys bouncing her bouncy seat and Campbell loves rubbing her head. Reagan though is just as bad-she just wants to stare at her, hold her and follow her wherever we take her. I think I might just have to get a sling so she can be with me at all times.
- After all of the grands left, it was nap time for Campbell in her closet, Graham slept in Anderson's bed, Keaton slept in the floor with Reagan laying nearby and Anderson watched and movie on the couch. I had just woken up from my nap when I heard Robby burst through the door and holler....
- "Get the fire extinguisher! Hurry!" He probably didn't have to add the "hurrry" part since hearing "get the fire extinguisher was enough for me to shove Reagan down and practically rip the child locks off of the kitchen cabinet. I ran back to him with it to see flames coming from the tractor (glad we bought the service plan! ha!) He was fumbling with the extinguisher so I ran back in to fill up the bucket and started grabbing water bottles out of the fridge...oh, did I mention that tractor was pretty close to my new house. By the time I returned with a bottle of water (something is better than nothing) he had figured out the extinguisher and used it. He was actually parked by his water hose and turned around to see the flames but couldn't get the hose working quickly enough. All was working well and everything was fine within a few minutes....well, except for our blood pressure! Poor Reagan and Anderson had seen the excitement, shut the house door and just stood inside by the door-probably panicked. I had probably told them to "move" as I was running getting the extinguisher so they did that. They were relieved to see that all was well and Anderson kept asking if Daddy was okay. I kept answering yes, he is right there, he is talking to us, he is fine. The mower started fine again later and some excess oil had probably just gotten too hot but Robby's bagger on the mower was working very well and the front yard is really looking nice.
- Soon after, I tried to wake up Graham but it took me 10 minutes of talking to him while putting up clothes for him to finally wake up. Campbell was ready to get downstairs and see her new sister. They all took turns holding Keaton while we waited on Dana, Lilly and Cash to come over for a few minutes. Campbell cried and cried when it was someone else's turn to hold the baby. This was the first time that Graham wanted to hold her and Anderson even volunteered to hold her for a few minutes as well.
- The boys ended up spending the night was Cash and Lilly. Dana sent us pictures and Anderson and Cash were laying in the floor of Cash's room and Graham was in Lilly's bed and Lilly was reading to him. Reagan went out in the yard and talked to the neighbor through the fence-her grandpa wouldn't let her out of her yard and I wouldn't let Reagan out of ours. Campbell came out and ran around outside too. Soon the mosquitoes were bad and the girls came in for baths.
- That was our first time for them to take baths in this house and everything worked well. So we then put Campbell to bed and Reagan held Keaton and watched a movie. Before I put Reagan in bed she asked how the doctor knew that Keaton was a girl. I told her that he looked at her bottom and could tell, just like her bottom is different than the boys bottoms. She replied with "oh, like how they have that hangy down thing, eew" Exactly.
- Keaton hung out with Robby and me during the evening. She did snooze most of the evening away but it now getting a little hungry and has found her thumb-better take it out and give her some milk! But it sure is nice seeing her awake for a few minutes. Hopefully, I can keep her awake for awhile and she will sleep well tonight.
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