July 2, 2018

(click here for today's pictures)

  • The boys were anxious to go on their walk with Robby this morning. They didn't leave at the crack of dawn or anywhere near it, but it still must have been pretty hot because Anderson and Graham both came back nasty and sweaty.
  • I think that everyone slept well downstairs, though Campbell did come to me complaining about her ear in the middle of the night. I told her that we would get drops in the morning, and then when I woke up I felt incredibly guilty about that. I am pretty sure that she still slept well. I think that she may have a touch of swimmers ear so hopefully it will get better soon.
  • The air conditioner repairman was here bright and early. It took him a bit to figure out what was wrong since it was working well when they turned it on this morning. He did eventually figure it out, and thankfully it was a low cost fix. Low cost is a relative term especially since this is supposed to be a no spend month! Oh, well, I guess that the air fix will be much less than Robby's root canal tomorrow. 
  • At some point this morning, Robby did take Whitman on a little walk. He didn't think that he could keep up with the others. Now, while Robby was gone with Anderson and Graham, I heard the chime from the door. I knew it wasn't the walkers back, so I jumped out of bed. I met Whitman walking back in the house. He told me that he was looking for Robby because he forgot what he said to do. I was afraid that he was going to go and try to find him somewhere on the street.
  • The kids had to read and do some math problems today, but I let them do chores right before we needed to leave to meet our buddies. I guess they were rushed because nothing was done with excellence. I was pretty frustrated on the way to the pool, and I am sure they will be a bit frustrated in the morning when chores will be done early in the day.
  • We met all of our buddies at the pool around 1 and stayed until 4. They all had fun playing despite the heat. I worked with Whitman on his swimming. He has no fear and would try to dart out of my arms. I didn't let him stay out of his life jacket for too long. 
  • Once we made it back home, the kids vegged for a bit. Around 5:30, Campbell, Keaton and I left for the library. They were having a bracelet making class. We all made a 4th of July bracelet. Campbell and Keaton were very meticulous on the beads that they used. Their bracelets turned out really cute.
  • On the way home, we stopped by Nonna and Pops' house to pick up a few things. Then on our way home, we almost hit ourselves a precious baby deer. I had to brake pretty good for the momma but then the baby came running across the road. I thought I had hit him at first since I couldn't see him since he was so close to the car and my basket full of books tumbled into the floor.
  • The kids were outside playing with the neighbors when we came home, and Robby was inspecting the Wilson's new ride. Everyone else had already eaten so the girls and I ate and then they headed back outside to play. 
  • Everyone stayed out until after 9. They came in hot and bug bitey. Everyone had their showers and then they were finally able to sleep in their own cool beds!

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