Christmas Ornament Countdown 2016: 24 Days Until Christmas

I can not even believe that this is my 6th year to do a Christmas ornament countdown. It seems that we buy an average of 10 new ornaments a year and then the rest of the days I go back and highlight an ornament from another year. If my list is correct, I have 229 ornaments that we have collected on our travels-229, that is a lot. Needless to say, they are not all hanging on my tree! This year, we even have a tree in the kitchen that is containing only our foody ornaments-bags of flour, can of spam, bottle of syrup, bag of chips...

For my first ornament, this year I am going to begin our countdown with the ugliest ornament on the tree: Mt. Rushmore. I bought a set of travel ornaments from Target forever ago and wouldn't hang them on the tree until I had been to the place. Now, the only way your knew that this ornament was even Mt. Rushmore was because you saw the 4 faces side by side. It is hideous but it gives me a good laugh each time I see it.

The first time we went to Mt. Rushmore I was pregnant with Reagan so that was in 2005. I couldn't find a link to the blog then but we took the kids back in 2012 and here is the link to that day.

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