Christmas Ornament Countdown 2023: Merry Christmas!

For Christmas day, I have saved my favorite new ornament of the year! We bought this ornament in 2022 when we were there in December because we knew that we would be back in 2023 and would need an ornament. I have been partial to Disney ornaments where we can put a picture inside of it so I was delighted to find this one.

We have really had some neat opportunities to travel as many places as we have been. And being able to go to Disney as many times as we have has been an awesome experience. Since 2019, we have made 10 trips to Disney World with one of those being an entire month. This year alone we made 5 of those trips. Whitman has been to Disney the least out of all of the crew, and this last trip put him at 12 different visits. 

We have spent a lot of money and a lot of time getting ready for these trips, but we have received a lot of memories on each and every one of the trips. Thank you for spending time looking at our silly collection of Christmas ornaments, and I hope that your next year is full of many wonderful memories.

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