December 11, 2023

(click for today's pictures)

  • Only doing a little bit of school each day is just a bit strange for me. I don't really have to rush in the mornings, but I still do my chores plus some extras before anyone else wakes up. 
  • We still did our daily reading, and I even broke if to the three that we will probably have to do some next week as well because we will read until we finish all of the books I have (and really, if I start finishing too many, I will put a few extras in the pile.)
  • Reagan and Graham went to work this afternoon, and while they were gone Anderson and I went the dentist for him to have two fillings. Of course he did fine, but he wasn't too crazy about having to go-he did say that the second filling that was filled was not numb. He debated telling the dentist, but decided that if he said anything it would just take longer so he toughed it out.
  • We then dropped off Christmas presents at Grannymom's house on the way home. I am getting a bit closer to finishing all of the gifts-Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday-no gifts, but food and family. Anyway, I have 1 more gift for Grannymom, 3 more for Nonna, 2 for Jason, and then the kids need to finish their shopping for their siblings. 
  • It didn't seem like I was home too long before I was leaving again to take Graham to his Dgroup. I dropped him off and then ran to Kroger. I was able to find a few things, but there were quite a few things that I couldn't find! Anyhow, about 15 minutes before I was expecting to leave the store, Graham text and said that he was finished.
  • I hightailed it out of there and headed to pick him up. We forget that Graham is the only one of his group not driving-that is what happens when you are the baby of the class. He even has until the end of July before he can drive! Robby said that he was the same way and he turned out fine.
  • At home, everyone cleaned out the fridge for supper-one of my favorite meals and their least favorite. I am about to have myself some hot chocolate and then try to convince Robby to watch a Hallmark movie and turn off football.

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