December 15, 2022

(click for today's pictures)

  • We didn't sleep as good last night as we do when we are in the camper. That dog was the problem. On trips, she sleeps in our bed, and I think that she may have gotten a little bit used to it. Usually we go through this the first night home from a trip so hopefully she will do fine tonight.
  • Robby did let her out after she barked some. Then I could hear her drinking her empty water so I had to refill it in the middle of the night. Plus occasionally she would stand up and bark at the window during the night. We all survived and Robby and I still woke up before our alarms went off this morning. 
  • Hopefully, we will wake up again at a decent time tomorrow-my list is even longer tomorrow than it was today (partly because I didn't finish today's list.) Even though it is almost 12 the kids aren't in bed, I have to have my shower and there is a cookbook that I plan on reading once I do get into the bed tonight so I am not too sure if I will wake up with the sun tomorrow.
  • This morning I tried to mark things off of my list-even called a few places and was unsuccessful at all of them. Get a dumpster from the city-not in the city limits, move an orthodontist appointment-probably not, but ask another day, get a bike tune up-not for a while because prices were super expensive. Thankfully, I didn't have any other phone calls to make.
  • Soon the kids were starting to wake up and start on their school work. This was a fairly light day of school for them so that made everyone happy-even me.
  • Around noon I left pretty much for the day. First, I went to Nonna and Pops' house to pick up some presents and drop some off, and then I stopped at the library. Next up was one more errands before Walmart, and then going to the pregnancy center for a little bit.
  • When I did come home, the kids were all gone-they had gone to Defy with Robby for a little bit. They jumped for a long while, but pretty much as soon as they came in, it was time for Robby and I to leave.
  • Tonight we helped usher at a Natalie Grant concert at Rock Creek. That woman can sing for sure. It was fun evening-we made it home late, but there were freshly baked cookies waiting for us made by Keaton.

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