December 21, 2022-Happy 13th Birthday Campbell!

(click for today's pictures)

  • I was the first one awake this morning, and after laying in bed as long as I could and then doing my morning chores, no one was awake yet. I started thinking about the weather some, so I decided that I needed to get myself out and about to finish my Christmas shopping.
  • So I did some running around-the library, Walmart, Kroger and Target-so now I guess I am going to call my Christmas shopping done. I don't have a thing for Robby and can't find a few things that I always put in the kids stockings, but I think everyone will be pleased still.
  • As soon as I made it home, I did the last bit of school with Whitman, and then we turned around and left again. Well, Reagan was still at Kennedy's house and the big boys were busy playing games with their friends. 
  • We celebrated Campbell's birthday at her favorite restaurant: Taco Bell. Then we went on to Defy for them to jump for a little bit. While they were there, I did some reading in my book which is turning out to be really good.
  • Then back home this afternoon, all of the kids helped decorate sugar cookies. This is a Christmas tradition around here though some of my people enjoy this more than others. Graham said, "how many do we have to do?" Once he had done his 3, he was gone.
  • This evening the grandparents and Jason came over to celebrate Anderson's 16th birthday and Campbell's 13th birthday. We now have 4 teenagers in the house. We had pizza and then ice cream cookie cake for Campbell and peanut butter pie for Anderson.
  • They both had lots of presents to open-mostly funko pops for Anderson and Campbell's favorite will definitely be the curling iron. When everyone left, we straightened for a bit before I settled ino to watch the rest of my movie from last night.

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